Chapter 630 Ling Hanchen Save Me

There was something in Xu Ziyu's words, he wanted to understand Ji Yufei, he didn't rely on illegal means, he had to rely on himself.

Ji Yufei closed her eyes, and took the initiative to kiss Xu Ziyu's lips. Sometimes... just a word is really needed, and Ji Yufei rushed forward regardless.

Ling Hanchen teased Mu Guoguo sentence after sentence, Mu Guoguo was too shy to look at Ling Hanchen, pushed Ling Hanchen, and asked Ling Hanchen to buy food.

Mu Guoguo sat in the most conspicuous place, waiting for Ling Hanchen to come back. Mu Guoguo put her hands on the table, held her cheeks, and stared at where Ling Hanchen was.

Wherever Ling Hanchen went, there were luminous bodies. There were quite a few girls queuing up behind Ling Hanchen, looking at Ling Hanchen admiringly, and whispering, did they want to strike up a conversation with Ling Hanchen?
Mu Guoguo sneered, those who dare to touch Mu Guoguo, they are getting impatient.

Just as Mu Guoguo was about to stand up, two middle-aged men sat down opposite Mu Guoguo, and looked at Mu Guoguo carefully with malicious eyes...

Mu Guoguo glanced at it with an impatient expression, "There are people here."

"Is there anyone?" One of the middle-aged men asked with a confused expression, "Where is anyone? I only see you, little sister. Are you interested in playing with uncle and us?"

Play with the uncles?Thanks to what they said, Mu Guoguo was about to vomit: "You want to get lost, want to die?"

Mu Guoguo leaned back, folded her hands on her chest, looked at the two middle-aged men with contempt, and spoke arrogantly.

The middle-aged men looked at each other when they heard the words, and laughed: "Little sister, you are so cute, you know how to make jokes so well? Let's go... The uncles will take you to eat delicious food."

You can't win Mu Guoguo with your mouth, so you want to fight directly?

Mu Guoguo aimed at one of the feet, and kicked fiercely: "I'll fuck you!"

"You don't know how to restrain yourself at such a young age, dare to provoke an underage girl?" Mu Guoguo was annoyed, she stood up and grabbed a chair, intending to hit the middle-aged man on the head.

Mu Guoguo's movement attracted the attention of many people. Seeing such a scene, there were many whispering voices, but no one wanted to step forward to see Mu Guoguo's situation, and asked if Mu Guoguo needed help.

"Grandma, how dare you kick your uncle and me? You don't know what's good!"

Mu Guoguo pissed off two middle-aged men. No one came to help Mu Guoguo. Mu Guoguo was alone. She regretted her impulsiveness just now. Mu Guoguo grabbed the chair and stepped back: "Help, they want to abduct and traffic underage girls, help!"

Mu Guoguo yelled loudly, and when Mu Guoguo yelled, the middle-aged men panicked, looked at each other, and wanted to take Mu Guoguo away by force.

The two of them held Mu Guoguo's arm and forcibly snatched away the chair that Mu Guoguo was holding. Mu Guoguo kicked him: "Let go of me, disgusting uncle, help!"

Mu Guoguo bit one person's arm with his head sideways, and that person yelled in pain, and let go of the hand holding Mu Guoguo. Ling Hanchen was so far away, could he hear Mu Guoguo's voice?
Mu Guoguo was nervous and scared at the same time: "Ling Hanchen, Ling Hanchen, why are you so slow, if you don't come again, I'm going to die!"

Just as Mu Guoguo finished speaking, bang—a heavy fist hit the face of the middle-aged man who was holding Mu Guoguo's arm fiercely.

Mu Guoguo was taken aback, unable to react.

(End of this chapter)

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