Chapter 484
"Agreed, Lord Tuesday said that Brother Ye is really kind to him. It's really good to buy things during the New Year and give back the money. Lord Tuesday said that he is not greedy. He treats Brother Ye a little bit. Brother Ye has already overpaid for the adoption, so he agreed that Brother Ye will live with us in the future and not occupy your young couple. If you marry, he will have to renovate the ancestral house, and he doesn't have the money."

Nanfeng was a little moved: "Brother Ye and I will be filial to him in the future."

"Of course you will. You are not the kind of ungrateful people, you are all good boys."

Nanfeng felt that it was very sad to say these things on New Year's Eve, so he said to Lin Qiaoyun: "Aunt Yun, your embroidery skills are really good, I want to embroider another handkerchief for Brother Ye, he only has two now, and the handkerchiefs are too old. It’s something that’s easy to lose, you need four or five of them.”

Lin Qiaoyun then said: "Okay, go to the third drawer and get a blank handkerchief and see what you want to embroider. I have needles and threads here. If you don't understand, just ask me."

Nanfeng still didn't want to embroider too complicated things, but he had embroidered lilies and roses, and when he saw the peanuts on the table, he asked Lin Qiaoyun in a low voice, "Can I embroider a peanut?"

"Of course, embroider it with longan, red dates, and flower seeds. That's it."


"Born your son early."


Keeping up with the new year requires a lot of energy. If it wasn't for Nan Feng's embroidered handkerchiefs, she might have fallen asleep long ago. Brother Fu fell asleep even after knocking on melon seeds. wake.

Like last year, the sound of firecrackers in the village started to ring out one after another, and there were some fireworks. The ancient fireworks were actually far less beautiful than modern ones, and the sound was loud, but Nanfeng felt that the fireworks released now were the most beautiful. of.


On the first and second day of junior high school, Lin Qiaoyun from Nanquan was going to the next village to watch a play, but Nanfeng was not interested anymore. She was no longer the little girl who was curious about everything when she first came here.

Now, she misses Brother Ye very much.

Brother Ye said that he would come back to pick her up on the fifth day, but she felt that she would not be able to wait until the fifth day.So, after Nanquan and the others came back from watching a play in Dalian Village, Nanfeng used the excuse that there was work to be done in the store and wanted to go back earlier.

Because he was a little guilty when he said it, Nan Quan could tell it at a glance.

They are all coming here.

Nan Quanyou didn't say anything, knowing that the female university would not be accepted, so after Nan Feng said, he immediately went to the vegetable field to pick vegetables and prepare rice for her, but Nan Feng didn't have a carriage, so he couldn't bring the vegetables and rice.

Nan Quanyou said he was going to find a way.

Nanfeng thought that Nanquan had gone to the village to borrow a mule cart, but in the morning of the third day of junior high school, Liu Chang appeared.

Did Nan Quanyou know that Liu Chang liked Nanfeng before, he just went to Liu Liehu's house to borrow a mule cart, Nan Quanyou had learned how to drive a mule cart before, he knew a little bit, and now that his feet were healed, he sent Nanfeng to the town There is no problem with the Internet, but Liu Chang was very enthusiastic to help when he heard about it, so he followed.

Liu Chang has also grown a lot taller this year, but because his son inherited his father's career, he is now strong and dark, no different from ordinary mountain men.

Nanfeng didn't want Liu Chang to help her, and she thought that she couldn't give a chance to someone who liked her once but she didn't.

Can't give at all.

"Liu Chang, thank you for lending our mule cart," Nanfeng said first.

(End of this chapter)

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