Chapter 498

It is not easy to identify a person who has disappeared for 18 years based on the photos, not to mention being rushed over and hugged after just a quick glance. Apart from talking nonsense and being so skinny that it hurts, there is nothing he can do. Second confirmation.

"You go with me first." The girl dressed as a bodyguard clasped the opponent's struggling wrist, and tried to persuade him with a gentle tone.

It's a pity that the woman has lost her mind. Not only did she turn off the flashlight during the process, but she also hugged the girl's waist and refused to let go, "I can't go, don't's dangerous, the front is very dangerous. Ah!"

An unexpected scream at the end of the voice startled the girl. Seeing that she couldn't speak, she simply swung a knife in her hand and knocked the man unconscious, planning to leave behind her back before speaking.

Just as he was about to move, the sound of footsteps outside the door quickly approached, and in the blink of an eye, a tall and straight figure rushed in. Seeing the person in the girl's hand, he took a breath, and attacked with fierce moves .

The skill of the comer was much better than that of the one who passed out at the door, and the fight between the two was indistinguishable for a while, and they reached a stalemate.

And the more they fought, the more the girl felt that the other party was delaying time.

When he realized something was wrong, the light outside the corridor suddenly turned on with a snap, and the light source faintly passed through the room and hit half of the faces of the two, blurring the outlines.

At that moment, the oncoming fist stopped two centimeters away from the sunglasses, and the girl who was attacked didn't take the opportunity to fight back.

The picture seemed to be paused, and even the cold wind in the air seemed to be still.

Qin Qing stared blankly at the tall young man in front of her. His dark eyebrows and eyes, his tall and thin figure were all so familiar, so familiar that she couldn't believe that he would appear in such a scene.

"You..." Zhan Chen's clenched fist was still slightly hot, but his brain had stopped functioning.He looked at the girl in a black suit and a headset in front of him, as if he was experiencing a bizarre dream.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he heard voices from downstairs.

The people who just went to the power supply room to deploy along the way have arrived.

Qin Qing took a step back, then approached the hospital bed, intending to take away the unconscious woman.

When she was about to touch the target, a hand stretched out from behind clasped her shoulder, and a figure stopped in front of her even faster.

'You can't take her. Zhan Chen's defenses all over his body sounded this signal.

"Get out of the way." Qin Qing shouted coldly, while listening to the approaching footsteps in her ears, she raised her head and stared at the young man in front of her.

"You can't take her away now." Zhan Chen stated the facts in a calm tone that he had never had before.

They had already fought in the boxing ring. Even if Qin Qing won, it would not be so easy. What's more, there were chasing soldiers behind her.

This is an obvious reality.

Qin Qing pursed her lips tightly, and finally made a decision in the midst of a sudden turn of her thoughts. She turned and flew towards the windows on one side, crashed one of them with a crash, and jumped straight down from the second floor.

"People are here!" The patrolling people behind the wall shouted, and surrounded the girl the moment she landed.

Now that the commotion has become louder, Qin Qing no longer hides, presses the headset and quickly says two words, "Action!"


As soon as the words fell, a dozen or so figures jumped in from outside the wall several meters high, all in black clothes, with fierce and decisive skills, and turned the tide of the battle without any suspense.

"Boss, has anyone been found?" Yue Chengzhi escorted the girl out of the battle circle in the dark night, turning around to ask about the situation while retreating.

"Hmm." Qin Qing replied in a low voice with unknown meaning, and looked up at the window on the second floor.

Yue Chengzhi followed his gaze to see the smashed window, and vaguely caught a glimpse of a figure standing there, and frowned, "Boss, do you want to kill?"


They have been holding back since they took action until now, because they are afraid of killing innocent people indiscriminately.But now that there are people on the top, it will definitely attract the attention of the gambling king. It may not be so easy to find the whereabouts of the woman next time.

How could Qin Qing not understand these things, but the person above is Zhan Chen, and the reinforcements below are likely to be members of the skeleton.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, they raced cars and drank wine together. These are indelible memories, not to mention that Huang Jianren passed a note to himself on the night of his death.


Qin Qing's heart suddenly became cold, and when the situation gradually expanded, she pursed her lips and said, "Withdraw."

The indifferent and clear voice pierced the night sky of the scuffle, and the well-trained Yiyetian members all gathered their hands and ran towards the exit.

This is the first time Qin Qing escaped in such a panic, and it completely destroyed the hidden plan.

A group of unknown men in black broke into the Shengde Hospital at night. Although they came and went like the wind and did not cause any harm to the personnel, they still alarmed the hospital, and the news spread quickly.

Qin Qing had already arranged cargo ships at the pier, ready to evacuate at any time, but did not receive a signal from Zhao Yin's side until dawn.

Calm and calm.

What happened that night neither alarmed the police nor attracted any attention from the outside world, as if a pair of big hands smoothed all the traces.

After that, neither Zhan Chen nor Qin Qing communicated tacitly, and the news on the chat interface skipped Christmas as time went by. notify.

"The re-qualification match was held in advance, and it was mentioned years ago..." After Tao Hong was the first to receive the news, he notified Qin Qing and the magician. The teacher held the thin registration form and smiled playfully, "What kind of wind is blowing on this road?"

In previous years, in order to expand the betting market and attract more wealthy businessmen to invest, the interval between the first round and the second round should be as long as possible, especially during the Chinese New Year when foreign tourists gather, which is the golden period for opening bets.

Now that the contest organizers have given up a good opportunity to make money, no matter how you look at it, it's tricky.

"Who knows." Qin Qing, who was sitting opposite to accept the scrutiny, put out a perfunctory sentence in a calm tone, and stretched out his hand calmly, "Anyway, it's the casino that saw the truth, didn't it?"

So no matter how many conspiracies and tricks, if the skills are not as good as people, it will be useless.

A distorted smile appeared on the pale face of the magician, and he blew lightly into the palm of his hand, letting the paper float into the girl's hand. He raised his eyes and stared at her and said, "You seem to be in a bad mood recently. ,hehe……"

After saying this, seeing the girl's expression paused, he hunched over on the sofa and laughed extraordinarily happily.

(End of this chapter)

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