Chapter 459 The murderer is Zhou Yunfei
Qin Fengjiao is just an ordinary woman, cowardly, timid and ordinary. Although she lived in a big family in the first half of her life, she didn't know much about the world.

Such a woman who hesitated to talk about the killing incident but dared not mention it was hysterically shouting to kill, the reason behind it made Qin Qing's heart sink.

"You want me to kill Zhou Yunfei, is it because of my mother's death?"

In the small living room that echoed with cries, the girl's calm voice was like an abrupt sword directly strangling Qin Fengjiao's throat.

"No..." She wanted to deny it subconsciously, and the strength of her fingertips also relaxed instantly, but her tone became weak at the end, "No."

Qin Qing looked down at the woman in front of her, sighed softly, then took out the handkerchief in her pocket to wipe away the tears on her face, "You are not good at lying, because the expression on your face has already betrayed you .”

The girl's gentle and powerful words can always easily step on people's defenses.

Qin Fengjiao stared blankly at the pure white handkerchief under her eyelids, with Qin characters embroidered on the stitches, and a swaying lily beside her. The people and things in her memory suddenly crossed time and space and overlapped together, and she finally Couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and wept bitterly.

"Ah...Master, woo, master, why don't you take me away, why don't you take me along..."

The woman's mourning voice is like the sad Sanskrit chanting in the Bible. She is paying homage to the dead soul. The sadness and pain that remain in the memory are all vented and released in one cry after another, making a temple turn white The middle-aged woman cried like a child, lonely and helpless.

It turned out that the reason why the hospital was transferred to Sacred Heart was that the comatose mother could no longer support the burden of the child.The continuous failure of body organs made her lose her beauty, and she was about to be deprived of her life.

"Even if the child is taken out, can't she live?" Qin Qing put forward the idea coldly and cruelly. Perhaps it was because of the weak relationship since childhood that made it difficult for her to experience the feeling of close relatives.

"Master has been injured a long time ago, so I know the condition of my body." Qin Fengjiao gave her a suspicious look with red and swollen eyes, and then continued: "Before I fell into a coma, my master said that I must keep you no matter what, no matter what the cost."

Even, including her own life.

This sentence touched Qin Qing a little. She had experienced the feeling of being desperate for one person before, but now it was a novel and touching experience for another person to do it for herself, "So you didn't continue to look for her when she disappeared. Because you already knew that she would die after giving birth."

"...Yes." This time, although he hesitated, Qin Fengjiao finally gave an affirmative answer.

"..." Qin Qing was silent for a rare moment, and unconsciously reached out to touch her stomach, imagining what kind of strength and courage it must be to make a woman willing to die for a child she has never met.

Maybe this is love.

She thought sweetly and sadly, happy that the shadow of being abandoned for many years was wiped away, and lamented that she had no chance to see her blood relatives again.

"Zhou Yunfei, little master, if you really saw Zhou Yunfei in the hospital, then I'm sure she was the one who snatched you back then." Qin Fengjiao has always been concerned about this name, holding it in a determined tone. The resentful eyes said fiercely: "Since Zhou Yunfei married into the Feng family, she has been an enemy. There is no good person in their Feng family. Little master, you must remember that both Zhou Yunfei and the Feng family are the murderers who killed your mother. If we see each other again in the future, even if I risk my life, I will drag them to be buried with them."

The last two people hit the ground loudly, echoing for a long time and shaking countless fine dust in the air.

Qin Qing felt that all this had become an absurd joke. If she hadn't met and understood Qin Fengjiao during this period of time, she would have suspected that the other party was an undercover agent sent by the king of gambling. Let her shoot the woman with one shot.

But it's funny, it's funny, Qin Fengjiao's loyalty is real, and so is the hatred in his eyes.

The absurd thing is that the bad woman she mentioned is likely to become her future mother-in-law, and she is dating the next head of the Feng family.

"Calm down first, tell me, what is the evidence to identify the murderer?" It's not that Qin Qing doesn't believe her, it's just that she can't just rely on one-sided words to take revenge.

"Evidence? What evidence do you need?" Qin Fengjiao, who was in a state of extreme agitation, obviously couldn't bear the girl's calm and cold face towards the death of her biological mother, grabbed her by the hand and said bitterly: "I saw that with my own eyes. The woman wounded the owner with a gun, almost caused the owner to have a miscarriage, and finally the organ failed. Isn’t that enough? Why are you still hesitating? If you don’t dare, I will go by myself. I want that woman too find out."

When her emotions reached a critical point, she pushed the girl away without hesitation, and rushed out the door with her hair loose.

When Qin Qing chased her downstairs, she was being stopped by several convoys, her face full of tears and hysterical.

Knowing that she shouldn't provoke her any more at this time, Qin Qing still took a few steps forward, stood behind the woman and asked the crucial question, "My mother, who is she?"

My mother, who is she?

Whether it's in the long memory recall or full of resentment, the woman is trying to avoid a question from the beginning to the end.

That is, the identity of the master.

The crying and howling stopped abruptly, and even the struggle was frozen in an instant. The excited Qin Fengjiao froze, and suddenly pulled back her senses. Her gray hair cast a shadow on her face, and she couldn't see your expressions clearly when she shook her head. , "Before she fell into a coma, she told me not to tell you, but to let you grow up happily and healthily, and stay away from right and wrong."

Stay away from all the ugliness and haze, like a child in an ordinary family, have a normal life.

This is probably every mother's expectation for their children, but it is a pity that Qin Qing's life in the first 17 years was not as good as a pig or a dog.

With a wry smile in her heart, she stepped forward and knocked the opponent unconscious with a palm, and said softly, "You are tired, leave the rest to me."

Then he carried the man back, ignoring the shocked and inexplicable faces of everyone in the skeleton team.

Xu received the news that Zhan Chen came back from outside in the evening, brought a nanny to take care of him, and invited the girl to watch tonight's street racing.

This Qin Qing had just sent Zhou Yunfei's information to Zhao Yin for re-investigation, there was no point in being anxious for the time being, so he simply took power to relax.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the cold wind howled on the viaduct road in Macau, but it was immediately dispelled by waves of cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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