Chapter 465 Her illegitimate child also exposed (21)
"Miss Shi, it's an established fact that your foot is injured, and it's useless to lose your temper." The doctor replied sternly: "If you want to become crippled, no matter what you want, I will not stop you."

Rumors about Shi Shi on the Internet are flying all over the sky. Now that I see Shi Shi himself, I know that the rumors about Shi Shi on the Internet are not exaggerated at all.

This woman is arrogant and domineering, duplicity!

"Quack doctor, you wish I could become crippled—"

Before Shi Shi finished yelling, the doctor interrupted her impatiently: "Miss Shi should find another doctor for treatment, I can't cure Miss Shi."

After finishing speaking, the doctor left, and the nurse gave Shi Shi a contemptuous look, and followed her.

Lin Zhao stood aside and watched the excitement without interrupting, looking like he was watching a good show.

Shi Shi is getting worse and worse, obviously he hasn't figured out the situation yet.She thought that if she entered the entertainment industry, she would be able to clean herself up.If she continues, even the gods will not be able to save her.

Shi Shi also saw the sarcasm on Lin Zhao's face, she said in frustration, "Change me to another doctor, this time I will cooperate with the treatment and stop losing my temper."

She is a smart person, knowing that the matter has come to this point, it is useless to lose her temper, only by cooperating with the doctor's treatment can she recover quickly.

But today, she remembered the child's revenge.

What she couldn't understand the most was how could there be an extra child beside Shi Zuizui?And that kid still calls Shi Zui Zui his mother?
Or, she could make a fuss about it.If she went to break the news, saying that the child was Shi Zuizui's illegitimate child, then Shi Zuizui would have to ruin his reputation like her, and this would be considered revenge for his previous death.

Lin Zhao changed Shi Shi's doctor to another doctor. He didn't say until the injury on Shi Shi's foot was taken care of, "I'll greet the crew. You don't need to worry, just take care of your injury."

"Lin Zhao, thank you." Shi Shi held Lin Zhao's hand: "It's still better for you to treat me."

Lin Zhao withdrew his hand, and he added: "Little Catfish is a good boy, don't make up his mind, or don't blame me for turning my back on him."

"Little catfish?" Shi Shi didn't realize who the little catfish was for a while.

"I mean, don't touch the kid next to Zuizui." Lin Zhao walked to the door of the ward: "I'm not joking!"

Shi Shi watched Lin Zhao walk away, his eyebrows slightly frowned.Strange, Lin Zhao doesn't seem like a sympathetic person, why would he care so much about that child?
Could it be that he cared about Shi Zuizui more than her?After thinking about it, she thought it was impossible.Lin Zhao has no love for Shi Zuizui, at most he appreciates Shi Zuizui.

Maybe it's because she has been getting along with the child all the time and feels that the child should not be dragged into the grievances between adults, so she is not allowed to hit the child?

She didn't expect that the next day, another news about her losing her temper in the hospital spread on the Internet.Even the news of her postponement of entering the film crew was spread on the Internet, and everyone was saying that she was playing big names before she officially entered the showbiz.

Scandals about her were flying everywhere, but Lin Zhao was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing the rumors on the Internet, Shi Ran was so angry that he closed the webpage.

"Sister, don't pay attention to those keyboard warriors. Those people just have unsatisfactory lives. Seeing that you look good and have good luck, and now you are entering the showbiz again, they are just jealous of you." Shi Ran comforted in a soft voice.

"If Shi Zuizui hadn't instigated that wild child to kill me, I wouldn't be lying in the hospital, unable to get out of bed."

(End of this chapter)

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