Chapter 722 Why?
As soon as he reached the gate, his subordinates came to report.

"Boss, after we hacked into the city's network, we found the information about my wife going out three days ago." The subordinate was wearing a black suit with a serious expression.

It seems that the subordinates of every big boss are like this, dressed in black suits, serious and unsmiling.

"What did you find?" Jimo Ran was slightly looking forward to it, and now even his voice was trembling because he would not express his emotions.

"We found out that Madam's car had driven to the top of the mountain, and it seemed to avoid the surveillance on purpose. If it wasn't reflected on the reflector of the sign, we would not have discovered it.

Also, the system has been hacked.I suspect that there is something wrong with the driver, Xiao Wu, or that it was not Xiao Wu who drove that day at all.

Because of this, I investigated Xiao Wu.It was discovered that a large sum of money had entered his account recently.Moreover, he owed a lot of money because of gambling before. "The subordinate reported the information he had learned to Jimoran one by one.

"Xiao Wu?" Jimo Ran's face darkened, it seemed that his method was indeed not cruel enough, to make these subordinates offend him again and again.

"Yes. I also learned that he was being pursued for debts before. Moreover, the other party once kidnapped his son." At this point, the subordinate in the black suit didn't say any more.

"Very good, very good..." Jimeran's voice suddenly turned cold, because he was too kind.

"Did he disappear with Yi Yi?" Jimeran asked.

"This subordinate doesn't know yet. It's just that after my wife's car passed the top of the mountain, there was no sign of it coming down. Moreover, I smelled some gasoline on the top of the mountain."

"It is true that he disappeared with his wife, but they were not together. Check out Xiao Wu's news." Jim Moran ordered.

If he still understands all these, then he has lived in vain for so many years.

But did he just use Xiao Wu to capture Yiyi?It seems that the other party has put a lot of thought into it!We all know that Yiyi's special driver is Xiao Wu, but what is the reason for the other party?

For three days, he has not received a blackmail call.And Jimoran gave Xiao Wu a large sum of money, so the other party didn't come for the money.

That is?

Jimoran crossed his arms, and the fingers of his right hand kept tapping his left hand.He has always had the habit of tapping his fingers when thinking, no matter what the situation is, whether it is a table, a wall, a bed, or his own arm.

Jimo Ran tried hard to think, and always felt that there was something he had overlooked.

What it was, Jimo Ran couldn't remember for a while.

"It's not for money, it's not for money, why? Why?" Jimeran's fingers tapped one after another, like dancing on the keyboard.

"Could it be for revenge?" Jimo Ran knew that he had always offended people in the mall.

I don't know if it's those people, but, even if they offend someone, it's not enough to kidnap Yiyi.

These people will not be ignorant of his power, and it is impossible for them to have the courage to do it.

Those who dare to kidnap Yiyi are definitely not ordinary people.

As for those women before, they were just some brainless ones.

However, Jimo Ran was certain that this time, the opponent's power would not be inferior to him.

Otherwise, without the courage, a woman who dared to touch him must have a lot of background.

(End of this chapter)

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