Chapter 678 Five Children Came to Knock on the Door 3
He obviously said it very gently last night.It would be great if it could be kept like this.

The children's reluctance, coupled with Gu Yiyi's beck and call, forced Jimo Ran to put on his clothes. By the way, he put on clothes for Gu Yiyi and went to open the door.

Originally, he was going to wait for Gu Yiyi to wake up before making out.Now it seems that good things will be postponed again.

He is not in a very good mood now, and he thinks it is really annoying to have too many children.

Especially these few of him, can the IQ not be so high, it can be slightly lower.

He could be found here, he just found such a remote place to get rid of these annoying children.

But he was found anyway, and Jimo Ran finally resigned to his fate.

When I opened the door, I saw three children standing in a row at the door.As for the other two, they are in the arms of Dongdong and Nannan.

Seeing Jimoran, Xixi grinned and gave her a big smile. "Good morning, Daddy! See if we are smart enough to find you and Beibei from such a long distance."

The irony of these words seems to be quite strong, and I don't know whether Xixi is intentional or unintentional.

Such a young child should not be able to satirize his parents, but it became intentional in Jimoran's ears.

Dongdong and Nannan just greeted Jimoran briefly, and after saying good morning, they went in to find Gu Yiyi with their siblings in their arms.

"Beibei, why did you come here to sleep?" Nannan handed Jiujiu to Gu Yiyi, feeling like she had completed the task.

"Me! I want to try what it's like to have another bed, and come here to increase my popularity." Gu Yiyi said a white lie.

"Is that so?" Nan Nan was a little skeptical and didn't quite believe it.

"Beibei, Qiqi is here for you. Jiujiu and her must have missed you, and they were crying just now!" As a big brother, Dongdong still has a strong sense of responsibility.

"Qiqi and Jiujiu are crying, it's Mommy's fault, next time I won't be away for so long, okay? Come on, let's paw one by one..." Gu Yiyi supported a child with one hand, and kissed each of them on the forehead one time.

"Beibei, you're so dirty! You kiss Qiqi and Jiujiu without brushing your teeth, you better go brush your teeth!" Xixi's disgusted expression "deeply hurt" Gu Yiyi.

She'd better go to the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, and calm down!

"Beibei, are you allergic again? Or have you been bitten by bugs? Why are those red spots appearing again?" Xixi saw the three hickey marks on Gu Yiyi's neck with sharp eyes.

Because Gu Yiyi has always lied to her that it was an allergy, so when Xixi saw Gu Yiyi's hickey, she would think that she was allergic.

Jimoran looked at Gu Yiyi with interest, and it turned out that she had told Xixi so.

"Is Beibei allergic? Is the room here not cleaned? Beibei should go back to his own room to sleep!" Dongdong is indeed a good boy of the nation!

Look at that concerned tone, that worried look in his eyes, and that outstanding appearance, it's almost enough to melt the hearts of a lot of women!
"Go back to your own room and sleep!" Nan Nan's concern was always tactful, but Gu Yiyi could still hear it.

No matter how smart the three children from east, south and west are, they naturally don't understand the relationship between men and women.

It is only after they grow up that they realize that the allergies they knew at the beginning are not really the "allergies" they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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