Chapter 633

"Princess—" Ying Niang hurriedly staggered over and supported her.

The princess has been proud all her life. Even in the most embarrassing moment of the Qin Palace, she has never lost her composure. She will always look noble and elegant, even when she had to make false claims in front of the late emperor in order to avenge the Ninth Prince. , she just hooked the corners of her lips, and the late emperor wanted to hold Jiangshan in front of her.

But now, blood was dripping on her chin and her clothes. She sat on the ground in a state of embarrassment, her eyes glazed over and her body trembling. Although she was still stunningly beautiful, she was so helpless.

Ying Niang took a handkerchief to wipe the blood on her lips, but Han Litong waved her hand.

She stared fixedly at Han Jing, trying to find traces of Qin Feng's imagination on her face, but there was none, Qin Feng was violent, and she could recognize him even when he turned into ashes.

Han Jing's appearance is exquisite, and the outline is [-]% similar to her. It's no wonder that anyone can feel that there must be a relationship between them just by taking a look.

Only those eyes, the lacquered pupils, looked very much like Fengxi.

Fengxi is gentle and handsome, with a pair of dark eyes that are always bright and sincere, like a ray of sunshine that can always shine into people's hearts.

But he has been with her for too long. When she was very young, once she went hunting with her father, she lost her way in the mountains because of playfulness, she cried for a long time, hungry and afraid, and at that time , I met a teenager who was only in his teens at that time. He stretched out his hand to her in the twilight of the setting sun in the lonely and barren woods, and his bright eyes made her instantly wrapped in tenderness.

He sent her back, only then did she know that he was the youngest son of the famous General Feng of the Xiqi Kingdom. He was sent out to practice martial arts since he was a child. A niece is also the favorite concubine of the father, so when the father saw Brother Fengxi, he appreciated him very much.

Since then, Brother Fengxi has often been in and out of the court, growing up with her.

If there hadn't been that catastrophe later, if she hadn't been stubborn enough to get married, maybe she would have been betrothed to Brother Fengxi by her father.

It's just a pity that everything can't be repeated.

During the absurd time, they abruptly missed it.

If you make a mistake, you will miss life and death.

Han Litong's eyes hurt a little, it's been so many years, at this moment, she really wants to cry, but her eyes are too empty to shed a single tear.

Her heart, which had been dead for too long, was tightly squeezed into a ball, and it hurt so much that it hurt to breathe.

Han Jing walked over a few steps, bent down and looked at her, his voice was cold and heartless: "A person who has never understood what love is, will never be worthy of love, and will never have love."

Then she stopped looking at Han Litong, turned around and looked at Han Qingjue: "Please lead the way."

Han Qingjue was still in a trance, but when she heard Han Jing's words, she stood up: "I'll take you there."

Han Jing glanced at her, nodded, turned around and said to Lian Xichen: "Brother, you can go with me, it's fine for the others to stay here and wait."

Han Jing still doesn't trust Han Qingjue. Although Han Qingjue doesn't need to play any tricks at this time, it's better to be careful in everything.

Han Qingjue was still in shock until now, and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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