Chapter 117
It is said that on the face of a child in June, the sun is shining brightly one moment and it will rain the next moment.

One day in the sixth month of the lunar calendar and the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar, Shen Yunfang was mowing grass on the mountain when the sudden heavy rain chilled her heart.

As soon as he collected the things quickly, he drove the sheep down the mountain.

Sheep will also get sick when exposed to rain. This is public property, and she can't take risks.

Walking to the door of her house, watching the flock of sheep continue to go to the production team, she opened the yard door directly, first moved the earthworms in front of her house into the house, and moved them into the house, wiped the rain on her face, and locked the yard. door, and went after the flock.

The sheep are familiar with this route, and when Shen Yunfang walked to the production team, she saw the sheep gathered at the door of the sheep pen and bleating.She hurriedly opened the sheepfold door, drove them in, and after making arrangements, she hung the courtyard door and ran to her house.

When I passed Uncle Shen’s house, I seemed to hear crying from inside. I wanted to go and have a look, but when I looked down, I was wet all over my body, and there was no place to dry. It was still watering outside, so I rushed to my house with a cat waist.

When she got home, she went straight to the backyard and removed the baffle between the chicken coop and the fence. One by one, the chicks hid in the covered chicken coop and huddled together to keep warm.After putting the chickens in place, I went to look at the pigs. The pigs were much smarter than the chickens, so I went inside to hide from the rain.

There are also sheep. In April, two ewes in the family gave birth to cubs. Now the number of sheep in the family has grown to four. She usually spreads them between the backyard and the mountain, together with the chickens.It was raining at this time, and the big sheep took the lamb back to the sheepfold to hide from the rain.

After finishing all these tasks, Shen Yunfang had time to go into the house to change clothes. She took off her wet clothes, soaked them in the basin, and then filled the kettle sitting on the stove with water.

The hair has been watered by the rain and must be washed, otherwise it is easy to get lice. I don't know if it is true, but Shen Yunfang pays attention to personal hygiene, and must wash herself clean every time it rains.

There was a lot of water in the kettle. After Shen Yunfang washed her hair, she wiped her body in the room by the way. Then she felt refreshed all over. After pouring out the dirty water, she moved a small stool to the door, and washed and changed her body just now. Down clothes.

Before I finished washing, I saw a person walking over in the rain wearing a piece of plastic cloth in the distance.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here at this time? What's the matter?" Shen Yunfang quickly threw down her clothes and greeted her.

There must be something wrong with the rainy man not staying at home and running to his own house.

Dashuan's daughter-in-law hurriedly shook her head, "It's okay, it's okay, hey, no, it's not okay, oh, come, come, let's go into the house, I'll tell you."

Then Dashuan's daughter-in-law took Shen Yunfang into the room and began to talk in detail.

"Er Zhu's daughter-in-law came to me just now and told me something, what do you think it is?" Da Shuan's daughter-in-law looked at Yun Fang with sparkling eyes, and the fire of gossip ignited.

Shen Yunfang was anxious at first, but seeing Dashuan's daughter-in-law's expression, she knew it was definitely not a big deal, and hearing her mention Erzhu's daughter-in-law, she knew that nothing was wrong, she was here to gossip about herself.

"I can't guess it, tell me quickly." Shen Yunfang was also curious.Originally, she was not really a gossip person, but she really put herself in the shoes of an old farmer, and suddenly understood that, during the unchanging work breaks every day, talking about other people's gossip is also a way to relax and relieve stress.

"The daughter-in-law of Erzhu just came to tell me that her natal family caught two dogs, male and female, who were drilling cornfields this morning..." Dashuan's daughter-in-law stretched out her words deliberately.

Erzhu is a younger brother of Wang Dashuan's family, so Dashuan's daughter-in-law and her family are sisters-in-law. The two have the same interests and hobbies, so they often communicate with each other.

"Guess who it is?"

"Let me guess?" Shen Yunfang's mind turned.At home, she belongs to the kind of person who doesn't like to socialize with people, and she doesn't have much contact with people in the village, let alone outsiders, so when Dashuan's daughter-in-law asked, that person must be someone she knew.

"It must be I know it. I know it? Can you do such a thing?" Shen Yunfang thought and thought, and suddenly shouted: "It can't be Shen Yunxiu." In fact, she still has another candidate in her heart, which is Shen Yunfeng, but Considering the long distance, even if Shen Yunfeng has something, she should be in the county, and she can't go to the countryside to find a concubine.

"Smart, you guessed right, it's her." Dashuan's wife patted her thigh.

"Is it really her? Who is she with? It can't be that educated youth." Shen Yunfang thought of what she said at the uncle's house last time, and felt that it was a bit mysterious.

"Let you guess right again." Dashuan's daughter-in-law patted her thigh again, excited.

Now Shen Yunfang started to frown. It's a pleasure to gossip about others, but now this person is obviously connected with her, which is not so beautiful.

"Are you in a hurry? Why worry, this kind of shameless woman will never end well." Dashuan's daughter-in-law said sharply.Everyone despises this kind of woman with broken shoes, especially the old women of various families. They are afraid that such broken shoes will seduce their men, so they all feel the same hatred when they hear such things.

"I'm not worried for her, but for my uncle and aunt, what do you think about a girl like this?"

"What's the matter? It's been bad luck for eight lifetimes. Let me see. I can't have such a girl. Drive her out and let her fend for herself, and leave her alone." Dashuan's daughter-in-law said.

Shen Yunfang shook her head, what she said was all angry words, whoever loves the child, like Shen Yunxiu, the aunt also regards her as a treasure, now that this happened, the old couple are worried.

Think about it, just passing by the uncle's house, could it be because of this that the crying came out from inside?Oh my god, thanks to my past life without incident, otherwise it would be embarrassing.This kind of thing must be covered up by the aunt. If she knew about it, she would definitely hate herself.

"Sister-in-law, you don't know. I just came back from the production team. When I passed by my uncle's house, I heard crying inside. At that time, I thought, should I go in and have a look, for fear of something. Going back together, I didn’t pay attention to that side, and came back quickly. Oh, I’m really lucky now, if I really go, my aunt will eat me.” Shen Yunfang patted her chest happily.

"Oh, I'm crying at home. Doesn't that mean that Shen Yunxiu has come back? Why did she come out? I heard from Er Zhu that when he caught it in the cornfield, he sent it directly to the commune." curious.

"I guess they let me out because of the face of my uncle's family." The protection of officials and officials is applicable everywhere, "Hey, sister-in-law, you said how tall the corn is, and they just drill into the corn field. Isn't that right? Have people seen it, don’t you know how to use your brain when you do bad things?”

"Haha, it must be lack of experience, I will know next time."

(End of this chapter)

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