Chapter 105 Earned
The two reached a consensus and the business continued.

The next step is to count the eggs and pay. Two people go out to pick them up, and the other counts them. There are [-] eggs in one basket, and three of them are broken. Shen Yunfang didn't count the money and gave it directly to President Sun.Let Chang Sun lament once again that the little girl is honest and trustworthy.

A total of 290 seven eggs, one fifteen cents, a total of 44 cents, Shen Yunfang wiped off the odds, and directly received 44 cents.

Then before Shen Yunfang left, she casually said that there were hundreds of eggs and some mushrooms and leeks at home.Then he was detained by President Sun and asked her to deliver it to her the next day.

Shen Yunfang thought for a while and nodded in agreement. The two made an appointment, and she would deliver the eggs when the bank opened the next morning.When Shen Yunfang left, President Sun kept telling her to bring everything she had at home when she came tomorrow, and it must be wrapped up for her.

After Shen Yunfang walked out of this street, she paid special attention to the back to see if anyone was following her. After she found no one, she felt relieved.

Fill the back basket again, and walk towards the original residential area.

On this day, she walked around the streets and alleys. When it was dark in the afternoon, she went to the guest house. When she returned to her room, she quickly got some hot water and soaked her feet. Her feet really suffered today.

After washing his feet, he was so tired that he didn't want to move, so he lay on the bed and took out a bun to eat, and checked the stock of the space while eating.

Don't look tired, the harvest is quite big, basically today she can sell some things and earn some money by knocking on the door of any house.

She mainly sells eggs, mushrooms and leeks.

When she came, there were nine baskets of eggs in the space, each containing [-] eggs, and the last basket was a bit full.More than three baskets were sold today, and more than four baskets including President Sun's one.

There are more than 670 catties of mushrooms, and more than 140 catties were sold today.

Leeks are sold in bundles of one catty, and more than 260 bundles were sold today.

After Shen Yunfang finished eating the buns, she poured all the money she earned today onto the bed, and then began to smooth them out one by one, and finally counted them, and she earned a total of 380 yuan and [-] cents, with some cloth tickets and cotton tickets beside her. And a special ticket for liquor.

When she was selling things, she specifically asked if there were any unused tickets at home, she could exchange them for them.

People in the city can’t live in the city without tickets, especially non-staple food tickets, which are so in short supply. I don’t have enough for my own household, even if I save some, I still need to save some for urgent needs, so people who have leftover food tickets are really There are not many, and even fewer people are willing to exchange food stamps for things.There are a lot of daily necessities such as clothes, shoes and socks in the city, so there are many people who have surplus of cloth tickets and cotton tickets, so Shen Yunfang got a lot of them today.

Shen Yunfang collected all these tickets, and before she was ready to leave, she would go to a department store in the city to buy things that she lacked. Although there was a department store in her home, it was not as complete as the provincial capital. Now that she's here, let's take a look around.

After sleeping comfortably all night, early the next morning, after breakfast, Shen Yunfang went directly to President Sun with a basket on her back.

It's still the same office as yesterday, but today it's not only President Sun alone, but also three strangers.

President Sun was afraid that Shen Yunfang would be worried, so he quickly introduced to her. Those three people are all leaders of the bank, and they are all trustworthy people. They also came here to buy some non-staple foods such as eggs.

Shen Yunfang looked at several people suspiciously, and then put the basket in her hand on the desk under President Sun's assurance.

This time she brought a basket of eggs, a total of [-], and another basket with [-] bundles of leeks and more than six catties of mushrooms on top.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the things in the basket, "Where did you get these mushrooms? We don't have them."

Shen Yunfang closed her mouth and remained silent.

President Sun poked the man and criticized, "If you see it, buy it. Why do you care so much?"

"Hey, am I curious?"

Seeing that everyone started to swipe in front of him, he didn't have time to chatter, so he quickly started to provoke.

It looks like a lot of things, but it's really not too much for four people to share together.

Shen Yunfang looked at President Sun's hopeful eyes, and said with a silly smile, she brought all the stocks at home in the morning, and originally thought that after finishing the work here, she would go to the black market to sell them, and if they were not enough, then she would go and sell the rest They all moved here too.

Several people nodded in agreement after hearing this, so Shen Yunfang walked out of the bank, turned into a small alley, and came out directly pushing a small cart with several baskets on it.

She didn't take out the eggs, but there were two baskets of mushrooms, one basket of leeks, two baskets of eggplants, beans, persimmons, and peppers.

President Sun and the others were very surprised to see the fresh vegetables, but everyone didn't ask where they came from, and they were only responsible for paying for things.

In the end, these things were divided among these few people.

Shen Yunfang left the bank with more than 200 yuan in her pocket.

After that, she continued to walk around the streets, just like a guerrilla war, shooting a gun to change places. Although she was a little tired, she was better at being safe.

She stayed in the provincial capital for four days, and finally sold all the things that could be sold in the space.

She concluded that leeks and eggs are the fastest-selling of all things, mushrooms are not recognized by many people, so they sell a bit slower, and some fresh vegetables in her storage space are very popular, but Few people can afford it.

Shen Yunfang set leeks and mushrooms at [-] cents per catty, while fresh vegetables such as eggplants and beans are a little more expensive, at [-] cents per catty, and persimmons and peppers are sold at [-] yuan per catty.

She mainly considers that these fresh vegetables have to be eaten by herself, even if they can’t be sold, it doesn’t matter, so she has the mentality of whether she can sell them or not. In addition, rare things are more expensive. At this time, everyone is radish and cabbage. Sometimes, there is such a fresh and juicy persimmon there, if it is not expensive, I feel sorry for it.

Although Shen Yunfang's price is very expensive, this is a provincial capital after all, and most of them are employees with fixed salaries, and she also specially selected families with good conditions to sell them. Just in time for the Chinese New Year, so fresh vegetables are also sold. Not a lot.

That is, the cabbages and radishes in her space are bought by people.Shen Yunfang didn't know if people were interested in whether her cabbage was juicy or something. In short, she didn't have any left, so she sold the cabbage and radishes.

There were only pork and dried sausages in the space, and she insisted on not selling them.One is that she needs to replenish her body, so there is not much pork. She eats it every day and every month. It is not yet known that it is the year of the monkey when a big animal like a wild boar is hit, so she should keep it for herself.The second is that she brought dried sausages to Li Hongjun. She felt a little sorry for selling half of that Uncle Zhou, so she should keep the rest for Li Hongjun to eat. Why did he sign a 500 yuan IOU for herself? Well, she's so interesting, she can't be an errand, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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