Chapter 80 Love and Hate
She stared at him wide-eyed without blinking, trying to see what kind of emotion he said to kill her, but she failed, his expression was like a calm sea, and she could not see a single thing. Little waves.

How many days and nights are there in a thousand years?What supported him to spend so long in the Nether Death Pool?
Zhuge Xiaoxian thought, Feng Luo's betrayal of his love must be supporting him, recalling over and over again how she stabbed his chest with the magic wheel sword in her hand.

Did the heart-piercing pain, the thousands of years of loneliness and heartache finally wipe out his love for her?
Zhuge Xiaoxian closed her eyes, a crystal clear teardrop fell on the ice bed, just like the teardrop shed by Fengluo thousands of years ago, is it guilt or sympathy?
"Is this tear also sympathizing with the deity?"

Seeing the little splashes of tears splashing on his wedding dress, Di Moxuan's mouth curled into a sneer.

Zhuge Xiaoxian was a little agitated by his indifferent expression, she was like a kitten with all her hair on end, she retorted without thinking:

"No! No! Why do you want to kill me? Why do you hate me? You clearly know that Feng Luo's approach to you is deliberate and purposeful, but you still let the whole thing go on. You are a high god, you can do it Isn't it the one who stopped all of this? You are now putting all the blame on Feng Luo, so you are not at fault? Don't you think that everything you have done is just to blame for yourself?!"

After she finished speaking, she regretted it, Di Moxuan already wanted to kill her, why did she still say these words to provoke him, so stupidly, she slammed into his knife.

Di Moxuan's handsome and unparalleled face finally had a wave, a wave of pain, and even his voice was covered with desolation:

"This deity does not want to love you with a defensive attitude. Love is to give the other party enough respect. This deity thought that even a stone should melt with such dedication, but I didn't expect that your heart is more indestructible than a stone. Hearing what you said, it's really wishful thinking of this deity, and it's his own fault."

Uh, Zhuge Xiaoxian was taken aback, he didn't expect that after hearing what he said, not only did he not become angry from embarrassment, he seemed to agree with it.

Then would he still want to kill her?

The final step of sealing was her painstaking effort. Once this step is completed, there will be no such person as Gong Liancheng in this world, and only a demon head will come to this world—Di Moxuan.

Yes, they were originally one.

Zhuge Xiaoxian took out the dagger he had prepared earlier, and cut open the cloth on his chest...

"What do you do?" he asked her.

"save you."

"I will kill you." Di Moxuan frowned, he said he would kill her, yet he dared to save him.

Did she know that with her current mortal body, donating her heart's blood would be life-threatening. Thousands of years ago, she would have abandoned him in order to save her own life.

Now this woman not only has "sympathy", but also a conscience.

It's ridiculous how she didn't develop these advantages thousands of years ago.

Di Moxuan's eyes were like the sky in the dark night, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Whether to kill or not is your business, and whether to save it or not is my business." Zhuge Xiaoxian figured it out, this is what she owed him, and she must pay it back.

As for him saying that he wants to kill her, just kill her. Anyway, she can be reborn after death, and it's not a real death. If it can relieve her hatred, then kill her.


Crazy is here to wish all readers' mothers a happy Women's Day (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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