Chapter 797 Two Child Policy
Zhou Lulu was the first to spray rice.

Kai Hu, what he said is so thought-provoking, is this what a cold and serious school grass said?
She said quietly, "It seems that there is a strange smell in the air..."

Shi Mu nodded, pushed aside Huang Chengcheng's egg, picked up the noodles, and said before he started eating, "I'm not satisfied with my desires."

The words came out of her mouth, but never out of her mind. She completely forgot that the person she said was dissatisfied with desire was her own boyfriend.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird, no one spoke, and everyone ate very quietly. Lin Zhao swallowed the first mouthful of green vegetable noodles, nodded, and didn't know why he nodded.

"Good sense."

Shi Mu: ...

She has to carry the blame?

She said solemnly, "When you are young, don't pretend to be 404 in your head, pretend to be ambitious about your family, country and world, ahem."

"It's pretending to be a country and considering the policy. Did you know that the two-child policy has been released? It is good for girls to have children before the age of 30. If we have a second child at the age of 29, we will have the first child at the age of 26. It means that you will be pregnant at the age of 25, and you will be married for 2 years before you get pregnant, and you will be married for 1 year, then you will get married at the age of 22, and you will be married at 22 when you graduate. It's more time for two people."

Lin Zhao ate the noodles slowly, while Shi Mu watched in a daze as he ate the noodles while discussing family and country affairs in a tone that could not be more serious. After a series of analysis, she was stunned.

"The idea setting is perfect, but it's fate whether you get pregnant or not."

"It's man-made."

"Why is the family, country and world in your head full of colors of 404?"

Lin Zhaoqing frowned, as if his lofty aspirations had been insulted, "404? Implementing the two-child policy and alleviating the serious trend of population aging in the future will benefit the country and the people. It is a major event."

Shi Mu felt that Lin Zhao's tone at the moment was very similar to the aunt of the neighborhood committee who persuaded to have a second child.

Zhou Lulu and the others consciously went to the empty table next to them with their food trays. Shi Mu and Lin Zhao were chatting. It was a fight between gods and gods.

Who can talk about the "two-child policy" from a "open meat"?
Two wonderful flowers.

Shi Mu finished eating the noodles with a blank expression, and her thoughts jumped. What she was thinking now was whether she should bring Lin Zhao with her when she had dinner with Shi Yu at night.

Bring it, it seems that she is actively asking for peace, after all, the matter of Lin Zhao's fiancée has not been dealt with, and she is not happy thinking about it now.

Don't take it with you, he will serve her tea and water as usual all day long, and it's the first official meeting with the future brother-in-law, and he can't participate in person, it's pitiful.

Tangled, in a dilemma, at a loss.

For all things that Shi Mu can't decide, and there are only two options of AB, she will throw this matter to...coins.

toss a coin.

As soon as Shi Muba finished eating the noodles, he took out a coin from his pocket. The coin was facing up, and the pattern was a sparkling... chrysanthemum.

When Shi Mu picked it up, the coin rolled several times in the sky, and finally landed on the table and was still wandering around. Shi Mu patted it down with his palm!

Shen Rui looked over and smiled, "Shi Mu, you can't just swatt a fly with your hands!"

Shi Mu: ...

She let go, and the glittering chrysanthemum pattern was still in front of her eyes.

So, facing Lin Zhao, Shi Mu said seriously, "I want to have dinner with my brother tonight, you can eat by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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