Chapter 719 Another Fall to the Ground

Sun Yao was taken by Zhou Lulu, and she completely forgot that Liang Tingzhi was her fellow villager, so she followed behind and shouted slogans, so...

The atmosphere in the auditorium seemed to be distracted. The new slogan thought up by the logic genius Zhou Lulu was widely accepted by the girls of University A. Everyone saw that Liang Tingzhi bumped into Lin Zhao before.

The girls in University A, especially the fans of Lin Zhao, hated Liang Tingzhi more than they hated Shi Mu, his love rival.

The slogan of "University A must win, Lin Zhao cheers" was submerged in "No. 12 basketball is played well, the goddess still runs with others".

In Liang Tingzhi's current mood, he really wanted to throw the ball in his hand at the auditorium.

But there were too many people shouting this slogan in the auditorium, and he didn't know where to throw it or where to look.

The girls from A University shouted this, but the boys from the University of Technology were not happy.

They can ignore the pettiness of the girls, but the people in their own school are being ridiculed like this, which has already affected their playing performance.

"You girls, can you stop shouting such slogans!"

"It has already affected the performance of the people on the court!"

"It's okay to shout for cheers, but what's the point of shouting like this? Can you have some quality!"

The girls at University A were even more unhappy.

Zhou Lulu turned around and said, "Quality? You talk about quality with us? Then why don't you talk about quality with your No. 12 player? Hit our No. 7 on purpose, and treat us as blind!"

The girls next to him surged up, "That's right! He's so shameless, what's wrong with us satirizing him?"

"We're going to be sarcastic! Doesn't he know how to bump into people? Come over here and knock down all the people in our auditorium who are shouting slogans!"

"Funny! Playing in the gymnasium of our University A, and blatantly insulting people from our University A, who the hell is shameless?!"

The boys were choked. Before the No. 12 of the University of Technology bumped into the No. 7 of the A University, anyone with eyes could see that the No. 12 was on purpose.

They were right and had nothing to refute, but now they couldn't stand their players being ridiculed. The boys were not good at quarrelling. Most of the boys were speechless. A straight guy who was not afraid of death spoke up.

"The mouth grows on you, and you are the only ones who can talk, babbling every day."

The girls in the audience burst into flames immediately after being harassed like this!

A lot of girls stood up straight away, and the antagonism became more and more fierce. The noisy and noisy words made people's ears numb, and Shi Mu yelled twice.

"Everyone stop arguing! Stop arguing!"

Her voice was drowned out in the noisy noise, Zhou Lulu stomped her feet angrily, and cursed secretly, "Hot chicken! These men are hot chicken! Every one with eyes is just a decoration!"

Zhou Lulu was irritable, and Sun Yao pulled her, fearing that she would not be able to control herself and go up and beat someone up, "Otherwise, how could they not find a girlfriend? Don't be angry, hey, the security guards are here, please sit down and stop being angry. "

The order in the auditorium was chaotic, and the security guards rushed in to control the field. In terms of slander, the boys were no match for the girls, but these straight men could slap the girls with a single thoughtless remark.

The security guards maintained order and solemnly warned that anyone who violated the viewing order would have no choice but to be asked out of the gymnasium, and the noisy and intense auditorium gradually became quiet.

It was quiet here, and suddenly there was another whistle on the field!
Another member of University A fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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