Chapter 499 Cinderella Transformation

"Lin Zhao, you make me look like my father."

Lin Zhao's face froze.

Shi Mu's eyes drifted away, "My dad made me breakfast at that time and sent me to school, and the last sentence was always: study hard, don't waste time on other things, dad will do it for you."

Lin Zhao: ...

He couldn't help but began to wonder if he had stepped into some misunderstanding again.

But my cousin said that to really like a girl is to let her experience the love of a father.

Although Lin Zhao has doubts about this, fatherly love and love are different, right?

He didn't quite understand his cousin's words at the time, but he still followed his teaching. For example, whether Shi Mu wanted to or not, unless she was really angry and lost her temper, he had to keep bringing her breakfast, rain or shine, Sincere and sincere.

It is very important to cultivate her habits.

When she gets used to going downstairs and going out every day, she sees you waiting for her downstairs waiting for her. After a long time, if you suddenly don't show up one day, she must be thinking about you all day, thinking wildly.

On this point, my cousin and Shi Mu's brother said the same thing, since you don't know how to flirt with sweet words, why don't you use practical actions to show that you like her.

Now that Shi Mu is so disgusted, Lin Zhao is at a loss.

This world is really not friendly to a straightforward boy like him who can't flirt with girls.

Lin Zhao also pursed his lips, his eyes were puzzled, "If you like a girl, don't you just want to treat her like a daughter and take care of her like a jewel in your palm?"

Pearl in the palm of your hand.

Ouch hello.

Shi Mu's heartbeat accelerated again.

The gaudy sweet talk can't move her at all now, she has to admit that there is a trace of determination and honesty in this confusion, which immediately hits the softness in her heart.

It’s over.

The more and more times she lost control, it became more and more obvious that she seemed to Lin Zhao...

"Now you come to practice, everyone stand apart, look at your own steps in the mirror in front of you, there are only two people holding hands and dancing, why do you step on me and I step on you?"

The female teacher's suddenly raised voice interrupted Shi Mu's inner activities inappropriately. She didn't have the nerve to raise her eyes to look at Lin Zhao, but slowly stretched out her hand.

Lin Zhao took her hand, Shi Mu's hand was still as soft as ever.

With a gentlemanly face, he whispered, "Your palms are sweating."

Shi Mu: "The classroom is a bit boring."

Not only were her palms sweating from the boredom, but her cheeks were even redder.

He almost believed it.

Lin Zhao looked at him and Shi Mu in the mirror, although both of them missed two classes, but at this time their dance steps were perfectly coordinated.

He asked Shen Rui to learn the content of the last two lessons, and Shi Mu should also ask her roommates to make up the lessons.

The two of them in the mirror matched each other so well that he felt a strange feeling in his heart, feeling that she belonged to him now.

"Shi Mu, do you know that when I was young, I didn't like to listen to fairy tales, I thought they were silly stories that little girls listened to."

"The only fairy tale I've ever heard is Cinderella. She put on a new gorgeous dress and crystal shoes, and suddenly changed from a dirty commoner to a noble and elegant princess. She danced with the prince and amazed everyone. .”

"Look, we look like princes and princesses in the mirror."

Shi Mu frowned, thinking that what he said sounded strange.

"You said I was messy and dirty before my transformation?"

(End of this chapter)

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