Chapter 471 RC. Yu Shiyu

Shi Mu entered the hotel with a notebook, and the revolving glass door reflected her tall figure, her expression was calm and calm, completely different from the fans who tried to sneak into the hotel before.

A clear stream.

Even the people in the hall didn't pay much attention to this girl, her temperament is suitable for going in and out of this kind of place.

Shi Mu skipped the front desk without changing his face and heartbeat, and walked to the elevator behind.

In a high-end hotel like Hua Ruida, it is impossible to casually disclose the personal and private information of the guests to her. It is useless to ask the people at the front desk, and they will be kicked out as fans.

She had to go up and look for it by herself.

Although, it is not necessarily possible to find...

Generally speaking, for this kind of competition or meeting, the accommodation list will be posted on each floor of the accommodation, so that everyone will not encounter any difficulties during the communication process.

In short, for example, I can't sleep at night and I want to talk to someone all night long, but I don't know where he lives, and I don't have his contact information, which is terrible.

Thus, the list of accommodation listings for each floor comes in handy.

If it is really what she thinks, Shi Yu is a professional KPL player...

She will go up to find the list of each floor, if she can find Shi Yu's name.


very nice.

In the lobby of the hotel there was a promotional poster for the KPL spring game, with the names of many teams, including Zhou Lulu's favorite RC team.

This is also the only team Shi Mu knows.

The men standing in front of the elevator were chatting, as if they were talking about this KPL.

"Isn't your top laner the strongest dark horse? Has he won 9 games in a row? Make persistent efforts to break the winning streak record!"

"No, no, in fact, those who can stand in the KPL are all strong, with similar strengths, but our side is a little more lucky."

"What if you just praise your players for being so good? Why are you so talkative? You are too harsh on them."

"Boys of this age are in the rebellious period now. It's really hard to manage, alas..."

The elevator door opened, and after everyone inside came out, Shi Mu also went up after the crowd queuing in the front row.

She didn't click which floor, because she didn't know which floor to go to.

"I'm going to see how Shi Yu is doing. I'm afraid he's under too much pressure. The more highly praised a person is, the easier it is to fall!"

When? !
Shi Muxin in the corner was lifted up to her throat, and she could feel her heart beating wildly in her throat!

If you heard me right, it's really my brother's name!

The man said he was going to see Shi Yu? !

Shi Mu looked calm on the surface, but his heart was as excited as a dog.

The man got off the elevator on the 21st floor, and Shi Mu followed him down the 21st floor without changing his expression or heartbeat.

There are two posters in front of the elevator entrance on the 21st floor, the RC team and the JKpro team.

She stepped on the soft carpet, her footsteps were slight and silent, she leaned against the entrance and listened to the man's knock on the door. Judging from the sound, it should be the second or third room on the left.

"Shiyu, it's me."

The door opened and then closed again.

Shi Mu entered the entrance with a heart in his heart, the RC team was on the left, and the JKpro team was on the right.

The RC teams are arranged according to the room number, RC.Tat, RC.SS, RC.Yu, RC.Fei, RC.Yan, RC coach...

Shi Mu didn't have the time to look at the name behind it, she just stared at the name RC. Yu, her heart beat one after another, beating crazily, like a drum hammer hitting her heart heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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