Chapter 127 Ask a Question
Shi Mu has only one feeling every time he plays a new hero.

She is the only dish B in the Canyon of Kings.

Other people's Diao Chan is a peerless dancer, her Diao Chan is a dance chicken, other people's Lu Ban is a bomber, her Lu Ban is a shivering cash machine, and other people's Donghuang Taiyi is a crispy life who can't take care of herself. Her Eastern Emperor Taiyi hangs up within a second of entering the arena.

Her Eastern Emperor Taiyi is not fleshy at all!
Everyone else is a dragon, but she is a real loach!

Another team fight, Shi Mu was on the verge of sucking crispy skin, testing wildly...

Then, with quick eyes and hands, he rushed up and sucked it...

Zhang Fei.

The picture is a bit beautiful.

The teammates on both sides didn't care about Donghuang and Zhang Fei's life and death, and they were about to rush up and roll up their sleeves to give him a violent beating. Li Bai used a big move on Zhang Fei, and the mage and archer on the opposite side saw Li Bai's leveling A, and hesitated to do it. Now, the time for Donghuang's ultimate move is over.

The blood lost by Donghuang and Zhang Fei is negligible.

[Mu Mu Mu Mu (Donghuang Taiyi)]: I... am not suitable for playing Donghuang...

Lin Zhao pursed his lips, and Xiao Bronze's self-evaluation was very fair.

She is not suitable for playing as an auxiliary tank. She is very afraid of death and dare not resist damage in the front. Often after a wave of team battles, everyone is left with blood or dead, but her blood has never been lower than half.

[LZ (Li Bai)]: You should play mage or shooter.

[Mu Mu Mu Mu (Eastern Emperor Taiyi)]: I'm paddling again in this round...

[LZ (Li Bai)]: Loach is in the water, paddling is the way to go.

Shi Mu: ...

This cold joke is not funny at all.

[LZ (Li Bai)]: You flashed from the side to suck Lu Ban.


Wait, flash? !She uses it to attract people, what should I do to escape?
[LZ (Li Bai)]: Click Settings, click Operation Settings, change to the last one, long press the big move to lock the target hero.

[LZ (Li Bai)]: The last wave of team battles is over, there is no chance if you don't suck.

Shi Mu: ... I suck, I suck!
Shi Mu changed the settings in the grass, and then Donghuang Taiyi took three small black balls and wandered beside his team in fear.

This Lu Ban is too wretched, hiding behind Zhang Fei and never coming out.

She glanced at Li Bai, "Attack!"

After confirming the eyes, it is the one who wants to flash.

Shi Mu flashed over, his hands trembling with excitement, he pressed and held his ultimate move and dragged it to Luban No. [-]'s head portrait.

ah! ! ! (groundhog calls)
at last!

I sucked a crispy skin in my lifetime!
She rushed up to catch Lu Ban, and her teammates immediately rushed up and killed Lu Ban in seconds. Although Shi Mu was also beaten to death by the opposite crowd, but...

It's worth dying for!Her dream has come true!She is not a salted fish, oh no, a salty loach!

In the end, Shi Mu ended the game with a perfect score of 0-6-4 and a score of 3.1.

As expected, the Donghuang Taiyi who sucked steadily and hard as if the vacuum cleaner had become a good one was someone else's Donghuang Taiyi.

[LZ]: Are you still playing?
[Mu Mu Mu Mu ah]: Don't play, I'll go and see what kind of gossip my roommate is talking about...

Speaking of gossip, Lin Zhao suddenly thought of a question.

Usually there is no opposite sex to ask, but now through the screen of the mobile phone, on the Internet, he has a question that he has always wanted to ask a girl.

[LZ]: Can I ask you a question?

[Mu Mu Mu Mu]: Which excavator is better?


[Mu Mu Mu Mu]: Just ask.

[LZ]: Why do you girls think they are a gay couple when you see two boys together alone?

 Hahahahahaha I didn't expect to ask my future wife

(End of this chapter)

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