Chapter 289.My answer, will not change (4)

There is no doubt about the result of the competition, the Mo Yuan team won, and the next match will be between Xue Yue and Mo Yuan. They may not win, but they must not lose!
"Qianruo, are you in good health?" Xueyue turned to look at Qianruo. It was not just a physical problem. After all, the opponent had the man who made her lose control yesterday. She was afraid that the situation at that time would happen again!

Hearing this, Qian Ruo was startled, then glanced at Luo Xiying from the corner of her eye, and found that he didn't even look at her, and there was nowhere to vent the frustration in her heart, so she said angrily: "It's okay! I can't die yet! "

"You damn girl, what are you talking nonsense about? You can't die!" Hearing her words, Luo Xiying said angrily. She told him everything yesterday, and he was very entangled. Hun, his younger sister is his concern, and Qianruo is the one who has been by his side for more than a year and cannot be shaken off no matter what.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?Although Qianruo is usually careless and loves to bully him, but he also sees her kindness to him, and has already put a touch of red in his heart, making her an important existence, but right now, sister , Qianruo, he really didn't know what to do.

When he thought of Qianruo disappearing, he panicked, but when he thought that his sister was still alive, maybe there was a chance to be resurrected, he couldn't control the joy in his heart. These two extreme thoughts made him not know how to deal with it. To Qianruo, when he heard her say death, he immediately became angry. How could she die?How can you die?
Although Qianruo was frightened by his sudden yelling, she saw the coldness in his eyes and laughed at herself: "What does it matter to you whether I die or not? This is my freedom!"

"Luo Qianqian! Don't forget whose body you are occupying now, I tell you, you are not even qualified to die!" Luo Xiying grabbed her shoulder angrily and roared wildly.

The sharp words and the cold eyes made Qianruo feel pain as if being stabbed in the heart by a sharp arrow. His sister's body?So you are not eligible to die?Sister, younger sister, Luo Xiying, you only have that younger sister in your heart, have you ever seen me by your side?
As soon as the words came out, Luo Xiying regretted it. How could he say that?He obviously wanted to say that he didn't want her to die, that he couldn't let her go, but when he said it, he became like this. Seeing Qianruo's suddenly pale and cold eyes, Luo Xiying wanted to touch her in a panic, thinking to explain.

However, before he could make a move, Qianruo shook off Luo Xiying's hand on her shoulder, and smiled ironically: "Okay, I will remember who gave me everything I have today." , I will always remember my identity, because I don't even have the right to say I'm dead! Because, I want to live by your side for Luo Qianqian! Brother, brother, "

Seeing her expression and desperate words, Luo Xiying felt flustered like never before: "No, listen to me, I... I didn't mean that, I..."

"Enough!" Qian Ruo suddenly shouted coldly, then turned to look at Xue Yue and Yue Huaishang: "Let's go, our game is about to start, don't delay everyone because of our trivial matter."

Xueyue sighed, nodded, and took a deep look at Luo Xiying. They turned and walked towards the arena. The dead are dead, so why should the living be so persistent for her?Isn't what's around you the most important thing?

Luo Xiying stood there blankly, until the little girl Ziqing dragged him onto the arena, he didn't know it, and he was deeply trapped in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself.

 Just read the text and don't leave a message, are you playing hooligans? π_π
(End of this chapter)

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