Chapter 666: Torture and Kill a Prostitute

Back at Prince Qin's mansion, Tang Nineteen was really exhausted this time.

I fell asleep, and when I woke up, the legendary dawn came.

However, the "know at dawn" thing has not yet come.

Qu Tiange went to court.

Tang Nineteen rested his chin and waited.

Dozing off while waiting is boring, and the one who comes before the "know at dawn" is the person who mentions the criminal justice.

There is a murder case.

Coincidentally, this murder happened in Xiaoyao Building.

Tang Nineteen vaguely felt that what Qu Tiange said about knowing at dawn might have something to do with it.

Mrs. Fu will specially come to invite her, in two cases.

The case is complicated, Mr. Fu can't handle it alone.

Also, Lord Fu thinks that she might be interested in participating in this case.

Tang Nineteen took the carriage and went straight to Xiaoyao Building.

The criminals had already surrounded the Xiaoyao Tower, and a government servant was waiting for Tang Nineteen at the door. When he saw Tang Nineteen, he rushed forward to greet him: "Princess, you are here."

"Well, what's going on?"

"You come with me, and I will talk to you while walking."

Tang Nineteen had thought of going to Xiaoyao Building yesterday to see the legendary man's ecstasy cave and women's ecstasy, but unexpectedly, he came today.

The yamen servant led the way, telling her about the case before and after.

"Princess, last night, King Qian was having a good time in Xiaoyao Tower. I don't know how your second sister knew about it. She came to Xingshi angrily to inquire about her crimes, and even beat up the girls who served King Qian. One of the girls was found dead in the morning. In the flowers, there are bloodstains on the cheeks, both breasts and nose are cut off, so far, this suspicion points to your second sister."

No wonder the commissioner called her here.

Sure enough, it was something she was interested in.

It is really possible that Tang Qixi committed the crime.

Tang Qixi has always been suffering from not being able to find any evidence of the king's infidelity, and finally encountered such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so why not work hard and make the whole city stir up trouble?
However, Tang Qixi could really be so stupid that if he killed someone, the incident would become a big mess, and the king's reputation would be stink, and the marriage with her would indeed be impossible. Didn't she think about the consequences?
To kill someone is to pay with one's life.

Even if there is Tang Mansion as a guarantor, how can he avoid death and imprisonment?

The emperor can even kill his own son, Tang Qixi, can the emperor still protect him?
Let's go to the scene of the crime first.

The scene of the crime was surrounded by a sea of ​​peonies.

March competes for spring, peony is one of the spring flowers, which blooms earlier, with a luxuriant canopy and huge flowers. It is not a peony, but it is comparable to peonies for enchanting.

In this enchanting sea of ​​peony flowers, lay a bloody, half-naked woman's body, which is really a bit unpleasant.

Mr. Fu and Gao Feng are conducting inspection beside the female corpse.

Tang Nineteen stepped forward on the soft soil, and the smell of blood came to his nostrils.

A patch of peonies around the corpse was already in a mess.

Large pieces of building-shaped blood were sprayed on the surrounding peonies, and the green leaves were stained with a little red, which was strangely scarlet.

Master Fu half raised his head to look at her: "Princess, you are here."

"Master Fu, do you see anything?"

"The main cause of the deceased's death was the fractured skull. From the direction where the corpse was lying and the direction where the blood was sprayed, this is the first crime scene. The deceased was abused during his lifetime, including slapping his face, pulling his ears, breaking his Broken fingers."

(End of this chapter)

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