Chapter 602
Once you have run the road up the mountain, you have experience.

Climbing up the stairs, with Lu Bai's lightness skill, even if she ran an hour earlier, she would definitely be caught.

But the stone forest in the middle is a turning point.

In a quarter of an hour, she must run to that stone forest.

The more you don't care about life and death, the less precipitous the terrain will be.

When going up the mountain, she regretted her life very much, and climbed up with iron claws step by step to fix her body.

Now, what iron crawling claws, she is as light as a swallow, flying whizzing.

He ran to the stone forest faster than expected.

Turning his head, the mountain wind was chasing, Lu Bai kept his promise and did not chase after him.

Looking left and right, there are many rocks, typical karst sword-shaped karst landform, complex terrain, strange stones, and ice pines in the gaps of the stone forest.

Tang Nineteen swiftly climbed onto one of the stones, and raised his eyes to look far away, the stone forest stretched to the southeast without seeing the end.

That's it.

She made a decisive decision, stepped on the bump on the stone, and climbed out.

Climbing is very slow, the terrain here is too complicated, even if you are skilled, it is difficult for you to fly over the walls here.

What's more, she chose to walk through narrow stone crevices.

Qu Tiange and Lu Bai are tall, so it is extremely difficult to pass through these gaps.

However, she didn't go so smoothly.

I was pitted by an animal before.

Now, she was cheated by her own figure.

Sometimes lordosis and kyphosis are simply a burden.

Why didn't she think about it, and wrapped her chest.

When she got stuck in her chest again, she wanted to scold her.

After taking a few deep breaths, this gap still does not allow her round "lordosis" to pass.

After four or five attempts, she chose to give up.

However, here comes the problem.

Either she can only go back, or she has to go to the left.

There is a big gap between the stones on the left, but that's a cliff.

She poked her head out to take a look, it was very deep, but at this very moment, she was stunned.

It's not that I'm afraid of heights, but that there is a thick welcoming pine under the cliff, covered with ice flowers, and the scenery is very beautiful. However, a corpse hanging on it does not look so beautiful.

Dead body.

How could there be dead bodies in this place.

The upper body of the corpse was hung on the branch, and the two feet were suspended in the air.

If it is suicide, even if you jump off and get caught by a tree, you will still struggle and kick yourself off the cliff.

If she stumbles and falls, she can pull herself back up the tree in this posture. The tree is also very strong and can withstand tossing. After climbing back to the tree, it is not difficult to climb up. The tree is too far away from the cliff. near.

Tang Nineteen who was nearby pulled a branch and stepped on a few stones and walked down for a long time before he could guess the trunk.

she came down.

Almost instinctively.

Although she knew that if she made a mistake, her life would be lost, but this corpse provoked her professionalism.

Her first feeling was that this person died too strangely.

Step by step, she walked carefully, the tree was frozen and turned into rime, it was very difficult to walk.

Moreover, she also had to prevent shaking the corpse down.

She crouched down, lowered her center, and almost crawled towards the corpse.

Even though the movement was small, it caused a tremor, shaking off layers of snow, and fell to the depths of the cliff with a rustle, which was extremely thrilling.

Carefully, carefully, she approached the corpse a little bit.

The moment he was about to touch his body, he shouted sharply from behind: "Tang Nineteen, come back to me."

In the still air, she was concentrating on something.

The immediate consequence of this roar was that Tang Nineteen was so frightened that his knees slipped, and he fell off the tree and slipped out.

(End of this chapter)

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