Chapter 375 Xiayang Hou drowned

Someone died in the capital again, this time the death was a sensation, because it was not ordinary people who died, but Gu Linyi, the once famous Marquis of Zhenyuanhou Mansion.

Master Gu's body was discovered on the morning of September [-]st, and he died in the hot spring room of Zhenyuan Hou's mansion or garden.

Upon receiving the news, the Criminal Prosecution Division immediately rushed to the scene of the death.

Naturally, they also took advantage of the opportunity to investigate the hot spring room.

The doors and windows of the room were tightly closed, and there were no traces of fighting. The body had been carried to the bed by the servants of the Marquis of Zhenyuan, and the face was covered with a white cloth.

Tang Nineteen didn't let the rest of the foremen come in, and he and Mr. Fu did the autopsy.

Unlike the previous positive, she almost just watched Master Fu busy.

"Princess, Xia Yanghou's fingernails are bruised, and there is white foam around his mouth and nose. He died of typical suffocation."

Tang Shijiu replied lightly: "Yes."

He felt a little beating in his heart, and finally couldn't help but asked: "Princess, was Xia Yanghou's death an accident?"

He was probing, and Tang Nineteen's words yesterday came true, which made him a little uneasy.

Tang Nineteen did not answer directly, but said: "Master Fu, take a look at his left chest, the answer you want is there."

On Gu Linyi's left chest, there was another dark mark the size of a fist. Master Fu was stunned: "This is... a blood stasis, he..."

"Yes, he didn't slip into the water and drowned, but was pressed to death in the water."

The blood stasis in Fuda's population is also called subcutaneous hemorrhage in modern medicine. The traditional understanding can also be called bruises, which can be formed by bumps, and the color will change over time.

Initially purple-red, it will gradually turn blue-purple, blue-yellow, and really yellow-brown.

The subcutaneous blood spot on Xia Yanghou's left shoulder was still not very noticeable and light red, it should have formed not long before his death.

"Princess, there is no trace of struggle at all."

"Been knocked out, and then pressed into the water, how can there be traces of struggle."

Mr. Fu was shocked, looking at Tang Nineteen who had always been indifferent, there was something stuck in his throat, and he wanted to ask, but he couldn't.

"Master Fu, what do you want to ask, just ask."

On the contrary, Tang Shijiu was sympathetic, fearing that the old man would be overwhelmed.

"Princess, you said yesterday that Xia Yanghou would die, I want to ask..."

Seeing Mr. Fu's difficult appearance, Tang Nineteen finished the second half of the sentence for him: "You want to ask if I did it, right?"

Master Fu was silent.

Tang Nineteen looked at the corpse coldly: "Then, Mr. Fu, do you want to investigate to the end?"

Master Fu was even more silent.

He has been upright for half his life, and he has always felt that the law is not merciful, that human life has nothing to do with high or low, that justice is good and evil, if it is human life, then it is his and the punishment department's responsibility to get to the bottom of it.

But now, he was confused.

Tang Nineteen didn't make it difficult for him: "If you want to check, just check."

There was a long silence in the room. After a long time, Master Fu silently pulled Gu Linyi's shroud on his body, and wrote a thick ink on the closing statement: "The cause of Xia Yanghou's death was that he lost his footing and drowned."

The corner of Tang Nineteen's mouth curled into a slight smile.

Old man, know the general situation.

Master Fu actually understood very well why Tang Nineteen did this, a gold medal for avoiding death, and in the end it was confirmed that Xia Yanghou was the murderer, and he could still get away with it.

It's just that Mr. Fu couldn't understand that although the princess was jealous, she was most concerned about evidence. Before she had the real evidence of Xia Yanghou's murder, why would she kill Xia Yanghou so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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