Chapter 853

Fang Xinxin lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead, watching the helicopter that Bai Qinghao was riding in flew away and turned into a small dot until he couldn't see it anymore.

The sun is warm and the autumn is crisp.

I don't know how long it will take to pretend to be a dead body here before Bai Qinghao comes to the rescue?

According to his power, soon.

ten hours?five hours?
Maybe two or three hours.

Anyway, she didn't think it would be long.

Just like basking in the sun.

The direction in which she fell sideways was down the hillside.

She saw a small ditch beside the road at the bottom of the slope. From her angle, she could only see the surface of the ditch, but not the 'corpse' of Aaron in the ditch.

If she guessed right, Aaron wasn't dead either.

Because even though the bald man shot wildly earlier, she saw that the bald man only hit Aaron's arm. How could he die?
But Aaron's boy looked like he had been shot many times in his torn and blood-stained clothes.

Although this ghostly place is being monitored, the cameras have blind spots. Moreover, it is very likely that some of the cameras have been destroyed by the players.

She bet that if Aaron was shot in the arm and then fell into the ditch and played dead, he must be in the semi-blind spot of the camera.

Those watching the surveillance thought he had been shot and died.

She and Aaron successfully deceived the bookmakers and gamblers who bet behind the scenes.

Otherwise, it would not be announced that Bai Qinghao won the 'game' clearance.

However, Aaron's idiot is really miserable. It's not good to choose where to fall, choose the ditch.

Isn't it cold to soak in the stream water?
She wanted to move, but she didn't dare to stretch her body, for fear of being discovered by surveillance.

Thinking about it from another angle, I felt that Aaron was smart and fell into a small ditch beside the road.

There are always no cameras in the gutter.

Then, he can move freely in the ditch.

well.Fang Xinxin sighed in her heart, Aaron was more comfortable than her soaking in the stream.

An ant crawled up her body and bit her, leaving a red blister on her skin.

She resisted the urge to slap the ant to death.

Another mosquito landed on her body, sucking her blood.

I really want to jump up and kill mosquitoes!
At least a few hours to lie dead.

She wanted to cry without tears, thinking that she would probably be bitten badly by mosquitoes on the mountain.I feel a little regretful, why don't I go to the house and 'die' again.

However, the house here is in the wild, and there are many mosquitoes, so it is not much better.

It hasn't been 10 minutes since she was sad.

Suddenly, a mechanized female computer voice sounded on the radio, "Now let's spread oil!"

Dozens of helicopters flew by in the dark, roaring loudly.

Countless barrels of oil were spilled from the helicopter.

Fang Xinxin suddenly felt a bad premonition!

Sprinkling oil on the vast game battlefield is obviously to destroy the scene!
There are so many corpses of gamers here, what could be faster than a fire?

With so much oil poured down, when the time came to ignite it, it would burn into a large piece. Even if she was alive, she would have to be burned to death.

She wanted to run away.

But I was also afraid that the people on the helicopter would find that she was not dead, and she would still die if they fired randomly, so I had to endure it for the time being.

Half an hour later, the oil-sprinkling helicopter retreated without a trace.

"Start poisoning now." A mechanized female voice sounded on the radio.

Fang Xinxin clearly saw white poisonous smoke from the underground pipes next to several houses not far away.

That kind of thick poisonous smoke, one breath will kill you.

The poisonous smoke slowly spread around, getting closer and closer to her.

 PS: There will be no updates tonight, and the manuscript will be finished with tens of thousands of words at most, and it will be finished in a few days after a burst of updates tomorrow.Thanks to everyone who subscribed and rewarded.Special thanks to Tangtang 2, the only rudder in this book, for his support.I love everyone, I can't bear to part with you, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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