Chapter 452 He Only Charged 'Interest'

"Qinghao..." She also opened her lips, whispering his name.

His tall and stalwart male body is like a mountain to her, safe and reliable.

Hearing her soft voice, his heart beats endlessly.

A touch of pity hit his cold eyes, even though she looked really horrible now.

distressed to distressed.

He will not regret what he did last night.

With a gentle voice, she gently explained about his previous misunderstanding last night, "Bai Qinghao, I didn't resist you. I don't regret last night, or even regret that I lost my innocence to you before."

She raised her hand to caress his resolute and stern face, "I just wanted to wash off the medicinal mud on my face last night, and we did that... At that time, I was thinking that it would take me a minute or two to wash my face. Moreover, I am also afraid that you will not be interested in facing the medicinal paste on my face..."

Hearing this, his heart, which was as hard as ten thousand years of cold water, was deeply moved. It turned out that he had misunderstood her.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized again in his cold male voice, with deep guilt for her in his heart, he pressed a kiss on her smooth forehead pitifully, and said dotingly, "Fool, how could I treat you so badly?" Interest? Women in the world, I only love you."

"Don't apologize." She raised her hand and touched his thin lips with her index finger."

He held her down like a mountain.

His eagle-like eyes locked on her fair and beautiful face, she was so beautiful!
The daytime sun in the room was bright enough, and the close distance between the two of them made her skin so delicate that almost no pores could be seen.

She is really too delicately beautiful, with sparkling watery eyes, beautiful eyelashes trembling like cicada's wings, and cherry tender red lips that are not spotty but moist.Even her figure is too good to describe in words.

She is really the most perfect masterpiece of heaven!
He, who has always never pretended to women, can hardly move his eyes away.

Fang Xinxin felt as if he was being targeted by a hunting beast, and a sense of danger spread.

His body was tall and strong, while she was too petite. Compared with him, the visual impact seemed to scare her to death.

She really felt that she was like a weak and weak Cusihua, unable to withstand the storm until her body recovered.

"Fang Xinxin..." He raised his hand to caress her face, the movements of his fingertips were very gentle, as if he was caressing the most cherished treasure.

His deep eyes seemed to be locking on his prey.

Her heart rose to her throat.

He flashed a struggle with deep and fiery eyes.

The traces of struggle in those eyes seemed to be playing a fierce game with himself.

(End of this chapter)

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