Chapter 746 In front of the scumbag, all efforts are in vain
Seeing that everyone had gone in, the woman in the black mink fur coat hesitated for a moment before following in.

Lin Suxuan hadn't been to the yoga studio for several days, so Shangguan Chuixue presided over all the big and small affairs of the yoga studio.

After a period of busy work, the yoga studio has recruited a new wave of students. These students are very different from the previous students. They are all over 50 years old, they are all original partners, and they are all forced by their husbands. learning yoga.

However, there was one exception, a woman who was wearing a black mink fur coat and had good facial features, but unfortunately her face was too haggard. Not anymore, because she was divorced.

On the first day of registration, every new student had to introduce himself, everyone was in the same situation, only this woman impressed Shangguan Chuuxue very deeply.

In fact, this woman is considered a celebrity in Qingcheng, but Shangguan Chuuxue is a busy person, so he doesn't know her well.

When Shangguan Chuuxue really noticed her, it was when she introduced herself.

"Today is the day when I was divorced. I have no place to go. It's very lively here, so I came in to join in the fun." Although the woman's face is very tired, she is not inferior, even she is so divorced. She can laugh at herself about embarrassing things, which shows that she is a person who can afford to let go.

Unlike many women who were divorced, this woman in black did not look at herself. On the contrary, she was also very willing to make friends, with strong communication skills and eloquence, and quickly became friends with everyone.

From the mouths of the students, Shangguan Chuuxue learned that this woman is also a legend. She has a very keen business mind. The elite of the business world.

Her youthful beauty, her passion and wisdom were all given to her husband.Not only bear children for him, but also take care of business affairs for him.The endless worry and busyness caused her skin, which was as tender as lychee meat, to dry up year after year, from fresh and tender lychee flesh to shriveled lychee shell.

Like most men in the world, her husband decisively changed his mind. For a man, changing his mind is a trivial matter, and women have long been used to it. However, she never expected that he would actually Divorce her!
From her point of view, even though she is old and loses her former beauty, she is a comrade-in-arms who shares weal and woe with him. He divorced her without hesitation.

Speaking of that little fresh meat, he is also a superb product. He is obviously a money-grubbing mistress, yet he is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, and even holds high the banner of love.

In the eyes of the mistresses, love is the greatest existence in history. As long as it has it, ants can become elephants, and carrion can become delicacies. Many of the original partners who gave everything are lost in the hands of this magical love. .

Is it useful to pay?Of course it is useless!No matter how much you pay, can it compare with love?When the mistresses held high the banner of love, all the efforts of the original spouses were turned into rubbish in an instant.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the sacrifice of the woman in black turned into rotten meat at the moment when the teenage fresh meat held high the banner of love.

The woman in black was named Zheng Ling. When she was divorced, that teenage fresh meat was straightened up immediately and became the main wife.

In this world, there are some amazing women who don't need to pay anything or work hard, just lie down on the bed and have everything, that little fresh meat is the best.

The moment Zheng Ling was suspended, she brought a large group of thugs to search Zheng Ling's room from top to bottom, and even searched Zheng Ling's whole body, especially the storage ring.

It can be said that when Zheng Ling was swept out of the house, he really left the house clean, just like being robbed.

Shangguan Chuuxue was very curious about this, and hurriedly asked her where did the tuition come from?

Zheng Ling smiled, it was a smile from the heart, that smile was very real, although it was full of haggardness, it was pleasing to the eye.

It turned out that Zheng Ling had a childhood sweetheart Zhang Han who grew up together. Originally, his family was not bad, but later, because his father was seriously ill, his entire family was emptied, and Zhang Han was delayed for more than ten years. When his father passed away, Zhang Han was already in his 30s. He was poor and poor. Not only could he not afford a wife, but even his survival was a problem. It was Zheng Ling who had been helping him.

After the death of Zhang Han's father, Zhang Han's burden was gone. He did not rush to find a wife like other men in their 30s, but spent all his time and money on business.

At first, Zhang Han had no money, so Zheng Ling took the initiative to find him and lent the money to Zhang Han. Later, as Zhang Han's business grew, he did not return the money to Zheng Ling, but directly transferred the money to Zhang Han. converted into shares.

Therefore, every year, Zheng Ling can receive a huge sum of money. She knows that Zhang Han did this to repay his kindness.She suggested to Zhang Han many times that there was no need to do this, but Zhang Han insisted on it all the time, so she had a huge sum of money in her hands.

In Zheng Ling's whole life, being married to such a husband almost ruined her life. Fortunately, she is kind and righteous, and she doesn't have the snobbish eye to hate the poor and love the rich. So, in the end, even though she was purged and left the house , although all the contract deeds in the storage ring were confiscated, but those can all be reissued.

Over the years, she used the money to buy many houses and shops, and rented them out. After being kicked out, she chose a small and exquisite house to move in. The living standard has not declined at all, but is more elegant than before. Being divorced has become a fact, and instead of worrying about whether the man will change his mind or not, she eats, sleeps, and plays well every day, and her life is getting more moist every day, and the skin on her face is slowly turning from the lychee shell to the lychee again meat transformation.

After Zheng Ling's story spread in the yoga studio, all the original partners in the yoga studio broke into a cold sweat. From Zheng Ling's body, they seemed to see their own shadow.

Over the years, they have devoted themselves to their husbands and their children. They thought that after giving birth to so many sons for their husbands, the so-called mother is more expensive than their children, and it is absolutely impossible for a husband to divorce her. But looking at the women who were divorced, which one is not How many sons did you have?If it is true that a mother is more expensive than a child, then why do you need to fight at home?
(End of this chapter)

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