Chapter 161 Unarmed, deserves to be slaughtered

"It's actually you! Yinchenjue!" Old General Sima was taken aback, he would never have imagined that it would be Yinchenjue who captured Prison Phoenix City.

For these years, the Canglan Kingdom and the Qingli Kingdom have always kept their waters in check. They never imagined that the Qingli Kingdom would take advantage of the civil strife in Canglan and send troops to capture Prisonhuang City.

"Long time no see, Old General Sima!" Yinchenjue's bewitching eyes were full of smiles, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

"Yinchenjue, don't think that you can destroy my Canglan Country if you capture a small Prison Phoenix City. Don't dream! You go deep alone. Although Prison Phoenix City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, we can Surround the entire city, and surround you for a year or so, when the time comes, you will not be able to provide food and grass, and everyone will starve to death!" Sima Yun analyzed confidently.

Sima Yun's analysis made sense, but Yinchenjue was not afraid, and instead laughed wildly.

"Canglan Country? This marshal is not rare!" Yinchenjue snorted coldly, "Even if you hand over Canglan Country to this commander, this commander is not interested."

"Yinchenjue, don't bully people too much! Since you're not interested, why did you take down Prison Phoenix City?" Sima Yun shouted sharply, "Don't be a bitch and want to build a chastity archway!"

As soon as these words came out, Yinchenjue's face darkened instantly.

"Sima Yun, who are you calling a whore?" Yinchenjue clenched his fists slowly, and his ecstatic eyes were able to spurt out fire.

"You are the one who scolded! You are a big whore!" Before the battle between the two armies, Sima Yun cursed loudly, feeling a bit like a shrew cursing the street.

"Sima Yun, you deserve to die!" Yin Chenjue suddenly made an attack, and countless balls of light burst out from his palms, attacking Sima Yun crazily. The sound and dust were so stimulated that they completely lost their minds.

Afraid that Yinchen would attack further, Yeluchen hastily ordered the team to retreat a few feet.

When the team stood firm, the soldiers looked up at the city wall again, and found that there was a group of ordinary people on the city wall.

"This commander came from a long distance, and his purpose is very simple, just to play a game of chess with your emperor." Yin Chenjue was wearing a silver armor, which shone dazzlingly under the refraction of the sun, making him look like a The gods descended from the earth.

Fortunately, there are no female generals here, otherwise, it is estimated that all of them will turn against each other, and all of them can't wait to fall into Yinchenjue's arms.

"I'm not free! Marshal Yin should go back to Qingli Country to find a beautiful woman to play chess with you." Yeluchen flatly refused.

At a time like this, who would believe Yin Chenjue's nonsense?

play chess?It's playing chess with Lord Yan!
"No time?" Yinchen smiled coldly, grabbed a commoner casually, and plunged the dagger into his heart.

Scarlet blood splashed out, staining Yin Chenjue's silver armor, and shocked the whole city.

The soldiers were soaked in blood for years and months. Facing this scene, although they were a little shocked, they soon came to their senses.

However, the people on the city walls were completely frightened, screaming one after another, resounding through the sky.

"Marshal Su Wenyin kills people without blinking an eye, and he really lives up to his reputation!" Yeluchen said with a livid face, "Marshal Yin is really more and more capable of killing some unarmed old and weak people."

"In this world, the weak prey on the strong. Since you are unarmed, you deserve to be slaughtered." Yin Chenjue carelessly wiped the dagger in his hand, his voice was as cold as death from hell.

"Yinchenjue, you are too inhuman!" Sima Yun shouted loudly.

"I'm inhumane?" Yin Chenjue turned around slowly, pointed his dagger at Sima Yun, and sneered, "It's just killing one person, why did Old General Sima get so angry? Could it be that Old General Sima never killed anyone?" Extraordinary?"

"Yinchenjue, what exactly do you want?" Yeluchen asked loudly.

No amount of reasoning with a person like Yinchenjue is useless.To him, killing people was like killing a chicken.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to play a game of chess with you." Yinchen's eyes were like autumn water, and seemed to be full of expectation.

"Thinking to trick our emperor into the city, the sound of the dust, you die! You think we are three-year-olds so easy to deceive?" Before Ye Luchen had time to express his opinion, Sima Yun had already refused without hesitation.

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows this kind of scene. Once you enter, you will never come out again.

"Old General Sima, you misunderstood again!" Yinchenjue sneered, pointed the dagger at an old man beside him, and explained, "I am not deceiving, but intimidating."

As soon as Yin Chenjue finished speaking, a dry head fell off with a grunt, and the old man's blood spattered on the spot.

Two people in a row died at the hands of Yinchenjue, and the remaining group of people were extremely emotional, and all kinds of cries were deafening.

"Yinchenjue, are you going to massacre the city?" Sima Yun's eyes widened angrily, wishing to cut Yinchenjue to pieces.

"It depends on what your emperor wants." Yinchen looked at the two fallen heads sympathetically, shook his head regretfully and said, "Use your emperor's game of chess in exchange for the lives of half of the people in Prisonhuang City. Such a deal is definitely a bargain.”

"Why only half of the people?" Yeluchen bargained, "If you let the whole city go, I will enter the city to play chess with you."

"All the people in the city have been let go. Who will dance for the Marshal? No matter how delicious the restaurant is, it will have to close down, which is not conducive to economic development." .

Fearing that Yin Chenjue would slaughter the people again, Yeluchen raised his eyes and demanded: "You release half of the people first, and I will go in and play chess with you right away."

"Refreshing!" With a wave of Yinchenjue's long arm, a large group of people rushed out of the city. After the people had poured out of the city gate, Yinchenjue ordered the city gate to be closed, and then asked Yeluchen to enter the city alone Play chess with him.

Sun Bu whispered into Yeluchen's ear, "Your Majesty, anyway, half of the people have been released, and he can't catch them back even if he wants to. The Emperor can just pretend not to enter the city..."

"Sun Bu, you're really going back as you live. Are you an idiot for being a voice?" Yeluchen shook his head in disapproval, "He is a big devil who kills people without blinking an eye. If I don't go to the city, The rest of the people in the city will all die before us one by one."

"Your Majesty, Yinchen is definitely a murderous maniac. Even if the Emperor enters the city, he will not be able to save the people in the city, and will take his life for nothing." Sun Bu hastily reminded.

"I can't take care of that much anymore!" Yeluchen confessed softly, "Don't tell the queen about this matter."

"Paper can't cover fire. How could the queen not know about such a big matter?" Sun Bu was about to cry, "This subordinate will send a message to the queen, please come here immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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