Chapter 326 He's Back
It was her former aunt Zhao and cousin Wang Shuzhen who came.Even though it was a difficult time, An Yi was very happy to have the opportunity to do something for them, so she smiled and said, "Which one is uncomfortable?"

Wang Shuzhen raised her head abruptly, her thin and thin eyes were shining brightly, she stared at Anyi unscrupulously, but said nothing.Mrs. Zhao got up to block her sight without showing any signs of expression, and said with a bit of distress: "It's because the little girl is not feeling well."

Wang Shuzhen didn't want to let it go, she poked her head from behind Mrs. Zhao relentlessly, stared at Anyi with piercing eyes, and looked at her carefully from head to toe, with contempt and doubt in her eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong with Miss?" An Yi knew that there was something wrong, and still asked Wang Shuzhen to sit down with a pleasant face, ready to take her pulse and see a doctor.

Wang Shuzhen said: "I don't feel well anywhere. Especially after coming here." There was a bit of provocation in her tone.

How do you say this?An Yi looked at Zhao Shi in surprise, and sure enough, Zhao Shi's face turned pale with anger. She suppressed her anger and pressed Wang Shuzhen's shoulder hard, saying each word: "Forgive me, Doctor Xiao An, this child has been spoiled and ignorant. There are no rules."

Wang Shuzhen struggled dissatisfied: "I..."

Mrs. Zhao's knuckles turned white, and she interrupted her words with trembling lips: "She can't sleep at night, and she has no appetite. It's been a bit long. Please ask Dr. Xiao An to prescribe tranquilizing medicine for her. You might as well take a dose of it." Make it heavier, lest she can't sleep and mess around, and our whole family will suffer."

Hearing this, An Yi couldn't understand. A girl from a rich family is ignorant. If something happens, the family members are afraid that she will be dragged down, so they will give her tranquilizing medicine and declare that she is sick, "sick and sick" People will be destroyed.But the Wang family is a generous family. Uncles and aunts do not lack sons, but they lack daughters. The cousin is the only daughter who grew up in the palm of his hand.Wang Shuzhen was able to come to her to see a doctor when she was "ill", which meant that she was really spoiled at home.Mrs. Zhao's words were just to threaten her cousin.

An Yi laughed and said: "Ma'am, you can't take too much medicine even if you are joking, let alone this kind of medicine? Let me show Lingmei, if it can be supplemented with food, it is the best. If you can not take medicine, try not to take it." medicine."

Wang Shuzhen looked at her stubbornly, and her tone was not kind: "Everyone said that the magistrate of An County surrendered to the enemy and betrayed the country, corrupted the law and led to the fall of Changli, and the people were in distress. Why is Dr. An still in the mood to sit here and joke about treating patients? Even if you are not for the border The people who were displaced because of your father are sad, and they should also worry about their biological father. Your conduct makes me doubt whether you, a good doctor full of compassion and kindness, are worthy of your name."

"You're crazy!" Mrs. Zhao was furious, and slapped Wang Shuzhen's face with her palm, and then both mother and daughter were stunned. It wasn't until the servant came forward to persuade Wang Shuzhen that she realized that she covered her face and cried loudly: "You Hit me, how dare you hit me! Woohoo..." He ignored his illness and ran outside covering his face.

"This villain! Hurry up and chase after him!" Mrs. Zhao was angry and impatient, and ordered her maid to catch up first, and turned her head to give An Yi a hasty salute: "I'm sorry, Doctor Xiao'an, my daughter is not sensible, and I caused you trouble. And Allow me to come to the door another day to make amends, I have offended you!" After saying this, he chased after him.

Anyi glanced at Aunt Lan.

Sister Lan quietly followed after her, and when she came back, her face was very strange, and she hesitated to speak.

An Yi said: "Let's talk. Since they tried to get rid of other patients, they deliberately stayed here and waited for me. Of course, it's not just for seeing a doctor."

Mrs. Lan said embarrassingly: "I heard that young lady and that lady yelling, if it was a lady from other famous families, she would have admitted it. She was not convinced that she was born to be a girl like that. Before finishing the rest, the lady covered her mouth Shut her mouth and let someone drag her into the carriage."

Another silly lawsuit.An Yi thought about it, as if she had never had any trouble with the Wang family.Not to mention that Wang's family is quiet and modest in nature, and they don't cause trouble. What's more, she still remembers the kindness that her grandfather's family helped her, and she has been looking for opportunities to repay her, so this can only be a muddled lawsuit.But my little cousin is really spoiled by my uncle and aunt.In the capital city, no girl from any family dared to speak so unscrupulously and without restraint.

"You don't know the reason?" Mo Tian'an walked in from the outside with light clothes and an unrestrained manner, smiling very maliciously: "If you ask me, I will tell you the reason."

An Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said bluntly: "I still remember who told me a few days ago that the Wanmin book and people are in his hands, so don't worry about it, he will take care of everything by himself. The result? The medicine is sold, and the money is enough, but I am here in fear, such a liar, I don’t ask him, and I don’t ask him.”

Zhen Gui, who was following at the side, immediately put away his smiling face, and said seriously: "Doctor Xiao An, you don't know..."

"When did our family's servants dare to interrupt?" Mo Tianan glanced at Zhen Gui with a light smile, and after successfully forcing Zhen Gui to shut up, he turned to look at Anyi and said with a smile: "Before, Zheng Gui The concubine used to look around for marriage partners for Tang Guogong, and after looking at many homes, she fell in love with the young lady of Wang Siye's family. Originally, she loved the old Wang's family, who was upright and honest, and the Wang family was simple and strict. , pure in mind, well-informed, and for some reason, suddenly stopped mentioning it.”

Such blood?An Yi couldn't help but laugh, this kind of thing happened to her.Xie Yaoren's appearance can still coax a group of innocent girls away. He is of noble birth, handsome appearance, and outstanding ability. good marriage.That's why Wang Shuzhen ran to see her desperately and taunted her?

Mo Tian'an continued to gossip: "Even though it's been a few years since the old scholar Wang passed away, and the Wang family has not been as good as it used to be these few years, Miss Wang was also raised in the palm of her parents and elder brothers since she was a child, so of course she can't bear such anger. It's just sad alone, and after hearing that Duke Tang has been unable to show up for a long time because he was worried about the safety of Doctor Xiao'an's father, and went to Changli because Doctor Xiao'an deceived the emperor to resist the decree, Miss Wang couldn't sit still anymore. So I came here specially to see if this Dr. An has one more eye than her."

Suddenly someone outside said mockingly: "I didn't expect the dignified Fifth Young Master Mo to be a gossip." It was Xie Mantang's voice.

An Yi didn't have time to think about it, she stood up quickly with a happy face and poked her head to look out. Mo Tianan covered half of his face with the folding fan in his hand, coughing hoarsely.

(robbing, robbing your recommended tickets and subscriptions, and monthly tickets, what's the matter?)

(End of this chapter)

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