Chapter 718 Seeing Lu Yi's Cutie After Divorce 2
Back here again, Yan Feifei looked at the familiar plants and trees, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

She had actually been quite happy in the past week, and she rarely thought of Orlando, but every time she thought of it, she felt uncomfortable.

But overall, she is still very happy, surrounded by many people who care about her, busy with her future residence and lifestyle.

She just changed the city and changed her mood.

When she entered the main house, it was not Orlando or Bai Ze who greeted her, but the loyal butler Qi.

"Madam, welcome back." Butler Qi bent down and bowed, and the servants behind him also bowed.

Their grand actions caught Yan Feifei by surprise.

"Don't call me wife, my husband and I have divorced, call me Miss Yan."

Butler Qi and the familiar servants all lowered their heads sadly, and did not change their words, which made Yan Feifei also become hypocritical.

"I'm going to pack my things."

Yan Feifei ran away a little bit, lived here for a year, got along with them for a year, and already had a deep relationship with them.

She knew that if she left here today, she would face a brand new life, and she would never come back here.They work in Orlando, and there will be no intersection in the future, and this difference may last a lifetime.

The things in the musical instrument room have long been tidied up by housekeeper Qi, and all the musical instruments in it belong to her.

When she came to the master bedroom, the familiar decoration style and familiar smell made Yan Feifei, who already thought she would not cry, shed tears again.

Not wanting to be seen as cowardly, she closed the door and touched the room one by one with her nostalgic hands, especially the photo of them on the bedside, which hurt Yan Feifei's eyes even more.

Mingming let go, why is she still in so much pain, they have no feelings anymore, they are divorced.

But the familiar picture, what flashed through their minds were the bits and pieces of them in the room, and what Orlando used to be good in recollection.

Obviously, I shouldn't have thought about it well, but playing the sweet past of the two of them over and over again caused a severe pain in my heart.

She couldn't control herself, squatting on the ground, panting heavily.

Don't think about it, idiot woman, don't think about it, think about Orlando.

However, after thinking about it, it was all his good, not the truth unfolding in front of her eyes. She still can't believe that Orlando really doesn't love her anymore, and really doesn't want her anymore.

Holding the box, Yan Feifei looked around every corner of the house, put away her things, saw Orlando's things, and hurriedly skipped them.

One thing, one memory.

When I came to the bathroom and saw her skin care products, his toothbrush, and his razor, I would think of countless memories of her shaving him in the morning.

"Don't think about it, it's self-torture!"

Yan Feifei took a few things in a hurry and walked out the door. When she walked out of the bathroom, Orlando walked towards her. She was so frightened that she hurriedly turned her head away and wiped away the tears on her face.

How did he come back?

A familiar voice sounded from behind her, but Yan Feifei immediately turned his head and looked at Orlando's cold face, whose expression was obviously different from that of Orlando.

"Little chair."

"It's me." Lu Yi raised an arc slightly, his face that was always smiling was full of sorrow at this moment, and those blue eyes were also looking at her sadly.

Yan Feifei didn't know what to say for a while, Lu Yi in front of him was Orlando's second personality, which was different from Orlando who hurt her.

(End of this chapter)

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