Chapter 534 Don’t Let The Child Stay 2
Orlando could no longer afford to lose Yan Feifei for the second time, and it was impossible for Qin Yumeng to continue to exist. How could a woman accept her husband having an illegitimate child generously, let alone Orlando himself could not accept it.

The existence of this child will erupt one day. This kind of crisis should not exist, and he will not allow it to exist, so he will kill and resolve it as soon as possible to prevent the matter from expanding.

All the possibilities to make Yan Feifei leave him will be killed by him as soon as possible.

Orlando didn't want to delve into Yan Feifei's betrayal and deception in the past, he just wanted to keep this little woman by his side and not go through that unforgettable escape.

Although this heart-to-heart talk brought them a little closer, it didn't completely untie their knots, they still existed, each thinking about their own things.

After Orlando fell asleep, Yan Feifei sneaked out of the room and went to the room where Shui Xiyin was.

John didn't come back tonight, and she still wanted to know the truth about whether the child in Qin Yumeng's womb was made by Shui Xiyin.


"it's me."

Almost as soon as Yan Feifei finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps, and then Shui Xiyin looked at Yan Feifei excitedly, and held her hand.

"How did you come."

"I have something to ask you." Yan Feifei withdrew his hand, not wanting to get too close to Shui Xiyin.

Shui Xiyin didn't mind, and warmly invited Yan Feifei in.

Entering Shui Xiyin's room, Yan Feifei made sure that John was not there, so he asked directly.

"Did you kill the child in Qin Yumeng's belly?"

Shui Xiyin froze for a moment, then looked at Yan Feifei nervously, bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes flickered, she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Do you really think that what I said in the morning, you went to harm?"

"I... the abortion pill was prepared by me. After talking in the morning, I thought about it for a long time and decided to prove it. It's just..."

"Just what?" Yan Feifei asked nervously, but he didn't expect that this matter was really related to Shui Xiyin.

How could a person like her do such a thing as kill the child in Qin Yumeng's womb.

Sure enough, Shui Xiyin's next sentence got Yan Feifei's guess.

"I have been hesitant to do it. I hesitated for a long time, but I didn't want the medicine to disappear suddenly. I only found out afterwards that it was Bill who did it."

Bill felt very distressed when he saw his mother's tangled appearance, and he understood that Shui Xiyin cared about Yan Feifei very much, otherwise she wouldn't be so tangled up.I don't want to see my mother's class being in a dilemma, she is obviously not such a person, but she does something that destroys her conscience just to please Yan Feifei.

So Bill secretly stole the medicine and put it in Qin Yumeng's drinking water. In order to prevent his mother from going back on his word and stop him, he only told Shui Xiyin afterwards.

After Shui Xiyin found out, she naturally wouldn't blame her son, but she was ashamed of Qin Yumeng and of not completing the task, so she didn't know how to explain to Yan Feifei.

After listening to Shui Xiyin's words, Yan Feifei sighed helplessly, he didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns.

At the same time, it also made Yan Feifei look at Shui Xiyin with admiration, even though she didn't succeed and didn't do it, Yan Feifei received that kindness.

People can not escape from doing wrong.

At this moment, Yan Feifei suddenly felt relieved.

Who can't make mistakes?Shui Xiyin had no choice but to abandon her back then, not to mention that she was not discarded at will, but raised by a friend.Being able to give birth to her is already the greatest kindness, after all, she could choose not to give birth back then.

(End of this chapter)

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