Chapter 746
Jiang Mingzhong and Jiang Xin were a little cautious when they sat on the sofa, but they felt that the home was full of life, and they relaxed slowly.

Before again, it was hard for Jiang Mingzhong to imagine that Da Neng Bei Sitian's home would be such a peaceful and peaceful scene. Perhaps in many people's minds, Bei Sitian and the Qingyu genre were covered with a veil, as if they could see clearly. But I can't see clearly at all.

Or maybe some people imagined that the Qingyu school was so solemn, and Bei Sitian, a young and powerful young man, was frivolous and arrogant, and no one would pay attention to him.

This idea is what Jiang Mingzhong used to think. Anyone who has such ability at such a young age would be proud. Even at his age, he would be proud of such achievements.

this is not the truth……

Bei Sitian is peaceful like a pool of shallow water. You think you can see the bottom at a glance, but it turns out that it is just an appearance. This is why at the beginning, Jiang Mingzhong didn't notice that Bei Sitian was different.

Looking at this home now, Jiang Mingzhong is in a complicated mood.

Tian Zhi smiled and said: "This is the master's home, because Qingyu doesn't have his own family, we will use this as a base for the time being, but basically we don't live here, we all have our own place, Mr. Jiang lives Brother Xun has already arranged the place, and it is also in this alley."

Jiang Mingzhong nodded hurriedly. Many big families also regard the house as their own family, but this small courtyard is so warm, I really can't bear to disturb it.

Wei Zhongxun poured tea for a few people, and said, "Master, we Qingyu people are getting more and more, we can't squeeze here every day, we should find a base."

Needless to say, Wei Zhongxun, Bei Sitian is also thinking about this issue, Qingyu is bound to grow stronger and stronger, the small courtyard is such a big place, if they all gather here, she doesn't care, Luo Anguo Qin and the three little guys always will be disturbed.

And there are so many people, she is also worried about strawberries and mangoes.

Seeing what he said, Bessie asked, "Do you have an idea?"

Wei Zhongxun hurriedly came over and said, "Why don't we take over this alley and treat it as our family from now on, anyway, Master, you are rich!"

Bessie: "..."

Tian Zhi rolled his eyes, "Brother Xun, please stop making trouble."

Wei Zhongxun's face darkened, his eyes narrowed, "What do you mean by making trouble, your skin is itchy, aren't you?"

Tian Zhi spread his hands helplessly, "Even if we really have the money to buy it, if he lives here well, will he move out?"

Wei Zhongxun chuckled, "You still don't admit that you are young. Have you counted how many people have moved out in the past few years? Have you ever counted them? Just five households in our alley have sold their houses and moved away. If we We bought the house in time, and it's almost conjoined now, but of course, we didn't have the means then."

Tian Zhi raised his eyebrows, he really didn't notice this, even Bei Sitian started to look at him.

Wei Zhongxun got more excited, "Before I left, I heard that the two families who were leaning against us were going to sell their houses, saying that they were going to develop abroad, or that they were moving away because of their husband's transfer. If I really have an idea, I'll go and ask .”

Bei Sitian thought that this might be a real solution. In this way, she and Qin's yard could keep its original appearance without being disturbed. She could know what happened immediately and take care of each other.

"Go and find out. If it's true, I'll think about it again." Bessian said.

Wei Zhongxun straightened up, "Take orders!"

Facing Wei Zhongxun's tricks, Jiang Mingzhong and his son were almost used to it. They were talking and laughing when a small figure rushed in from outside.


A crisp sound sounded, it turned out to be Xiaoyuzhu.

Xiao Yuzhu hugged Bei Sitian with a happy face, she wanted to follow Brother Xun when he left, but she still had to go to school and was too young to be of much help, so Xiao Yuzhu was always depressed

After Xiao Yuzhu ran in, a young man stood upright at the door. Luo Xuping, who was already 13 years old, stood at the door with a schoolbag in his hand, and said with a smile, "Sister."

Bei Sitian glanced at his rolled-up trouser legs, and said in surprise, "Where did you go safely?"

At the beginning, Luo Xuping hired extracurricular teachers a few times because he couldn't keep up with the progress of his studies. Later, after he finally caught up with the progress here, it was like a godsend.

In the past few years, he even skipped a level, and now no one will laugh at him for being black, for being from the countryside and not seeing the world.

Xiao Yuzhu blushed, and said embarrassingly: "When I came back, my head fell into the ditch, and Brother Pingan picked it up for me."

Bei Sitian looked at Luo Xuping, Luo Xuping shrugged, and soon behind him appeared a boy with his arms pillowed, Cheng Tianji.

"Sister, it took a long time to go this time!" Cheng Tianji stood at the door, with one arm on Luo Xuping's shoulder, and said with a smile.

They were used to Beth sweet going out often.

Cheng Tianji is 16 years old this year. He is a sophomore in high school this year. He also skipped the first grade. He is excellent in character and learning. Luo Xuping and Xiao Yuzhu are in the same school. Always come back together.

The relationship between the three of them is very good. Xiao Yuzhu's academic performance was average at first, but there were two top students who took her to study and catch up with her. She was often in the top ten in the class and the top twenty in the grade, but she was even better. Most of her thoughts are on Chinese herbal medicine, so this ranking is already quite good for her.

The three students came back and saw that there was a stranger there, and didn't say much, Bei Sitian left Xiao Yuzhu behind, and the two older boys went to Qin's and their yard to do their homework.

Jiang Mingzhong was a little excited when he saw Xiao Yuzhu. This is the little girl in the legend who drank the first rune of water, and she has grown so big!
In the beginning, the outside world paid a lot of attention to Little Rain Bamboo. As the green feather disappeared, Little Rain Bamboo gradually disappeared from people's sight, but when talking about the first mysterious talisman, this little girl would still come to mind.

Xiao Yuzhu tilted her head to look at Jiang Mingzhong, and heard Bei Sitian say: "This is our new member of Qingyu, Jiang Lao and Jiang Xin."

"Is Xiaoyuzhu right? I've admired her name for a long time!" Jiang Mingzhong stretched out his hand to Xiaoyuzhu, looking at her expectantly.

Xiao Yuzhu pursed her lips, took a step back, dodged and hid behind Bethtian, and then looked at him with a small head, looking at him as if she was strange to her grandpa.

Seeing this, Wei Zhongxun burst out laughing, "Mr. Jiang, you scared our little Yuzhu."

Jiang Mingzhong glanced at the outstretched hand, feeling a little embarrassed. Seeing Xiao Yuzhu's vigilant and curious eyes, he realized that the other party was actually just a little girl in junior high school.

(End of this chapter)

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