Chapter 589 Rent
"We still have a few bottles of water, so don't rush to change them." Lang Ni said, his hoarse voice also exposed his lack of water.

Bai Yue licked her lips moistened with wolf nitrate, nodded, and then pressed her lips together to prevent the moisture from evaporating.

However, it took them half an hour to get out of the road that was several hundred meters long. The people on the street were finally sparse and they were able to walk freely.

Pegg took them to a botanical park. The park was open. Under the scorching sun, the greenery in the garden gave people great visual enjoyment.

They sat down on a long bench, which was covered by a large shade of trees and was very cool when the wind blew by.

Bai Yue leaned back on the chair weakly, staring at the trees above in a daze.

Every branch of the tree was bound by steel bars, and all the branches on the shorter trunks were sawed off, which looked quite safe.

But this tree should be very depressed, standing like this is like going to jail.

Bai Yue glanced at Bone Vine, and sure enough, he saw that his expression was not very good.

He opened his mouth, and was about to say something, but unexpectedly, a stream of clear water entered his mouth.

Bai Yue swallowed subconsciously, smashed her mouth, "Ah! It's comfortable!"

Seeing Bai Yue's satisfied face, Hu Shuihan felt satisfied too.

The little bear looked at his mother's wet mouth, and couldn't help but smack it. The noses on their mouths were dry and wrinkled, which made people feel distressed.

Bai Yue lowered his head and kissed the little bears' noses, moistening their noses, then turned his head and said to Hu Shuihan, "Give the little bears some water, they'll be dry."

"Okay." Hu Shuihan said, two grape-sized drops of water quickly condensed in the air, and flew towards the mouths of the two little bears respectively.

The little bear couldn't wait to pounce on it, bit the water drop, jumped from his mother's knee to the ground, fell down and groaned, but was reluctant to open his mouth, swallowed the water in his mouth, and then opened his mouth to cough.

Bai Yue squatted down and carried their backs for them.

Lang Ni also stood up, looked around, and said, "Guoguo, you guys rest here first, I'll find a place to live."

Bai Yue raised her head and said, "Well, be careful, I'll wait for you here."

Pegg also stood up, ran his fingers through his hair, and casually combed a high ponytail, "I do have a place to live, but now I have a home and I can't go back, hey!"

Bai Yue stuck out her tongue embarrassingly: "You might as well go back to Asia with us. Look at how hard it is here. We live in the forest, so we are comfortable."

Peg smiled and didn't reply.

After she combed her hair, Lang Ni left with her.

They went there all afternoon. It wasn't that it was difficult to find a house without ID, but the price of renting a house was too expensive, especially the house had to be suitable for opening a restaurant. Houses in good locations were really expensive.

In the end, Wolf Nitre settled for the next best thing, and rented a floor at the entrance of this park.

The location of the park is not as good as the gate of the city, but because of the cool climate, the price is not too cheap.They couldn't afford to rent the first floor, so they rented the cheapest top floor.

The few bottles of water that he was going to drink by himself were handed over to the landlord as a deposit.Probably because Lang Ni didn't look like an ordinary person, the landlord actually agreed to let them move here temporarily, and just let them pay the rent within three days.

After Lang Ni cleaned up the hygiene, he brought Bai Yue in.

Bai Yue came to the rental room full of expectations. She still felt good on the third floor, but when she went up to the fourth floor, she felt obviously hot. The whole floor of the house was like a steamer.

(End of this chapter)

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