Chapter 543

The night was silent.

The next day, Bai Yue was still the first to wake up.

Bai Yue lay in Xiong Yao's arms, the warmth made her reluctant to leave, but her stomach was swollen and painful, so she couldn't afford it.

Standing up lightly, Xiong Yao, who was next to Bai Yue, immediately opened his eyes.


"Woke you up?" Bai Yue lowered her voice and said, "I want to go to the toilet."

After saying this, Lang Ni, Hu Shuihan and even Hu Mitian woke up, and only the bone vine was still lying on the ground and fast asleep.

The ice in the earth cave had already melted, and the air temperature was slightly cool and slightly damp.

Xiong Yao waved away the obstacle at the entrance of the cave, and a gust of cold mist floated in, refreshing the air in the cave.

"Guoguo, come here." Xiong Yao walked towards Bai Yue.

Bai Yue stretched out her hand in the direction of the voice, let Xiong Yao pick it up, and sent it to the ground.

It was pitch black outside, and there was a faint white mist circulating, making the forest gloomy.

Bai Yue stepped on an unburned branch, and the sound was especially loud in the silent night.

"Hiss~" A snake lay on the ground outside, raised its eyes to look at Bai Yue, and spat out a letter as a greeting.

There is also a black eagle on the branch, whose outline cannot be seen clearly in the darkness, and only a pair of eyes reflect the light.

"I'm sorry, you guys should sleep, I'll keep my voice down," Bai Yue said softly.

Eagle Snake closed his eyes again.

With Xiong Yao's support, Bai Yue solved her physical problems. She only wore a single shirt, and woke up even after dozing off from the cold air.

Rubbing her belly, Bai Yue leaned against Xiong Yao and said, "I'm so tired."

"It's so early, you haven't slept well yet, go back to bed quickly, I'll make soup for you first." Xiong Yao picked up Bai Yue and said as he walked.

Bai Yue shook her head, and pressed her face against his hairy chest, "I'm not hungry, and I can't sleep anymore, I'm just tired."

Xiong Yao looked at Bai Yue, and felt that she had been suffocated a few days ago, and the activities should be fine, so she said, "I'm bored, let's make some complicated delicacies."

Bai Yue was indeed aroused, "What are you doing? Dumplings are messy? But the staple food I brought is not enough, so we can't eat it together. It's boring."

Xiong Yao said, "I'm going to find local ingredients."

"Okay, I'm going too, I must go to find it with you, don't even think about leaving me." Bai Yue emphasized.

Xiong Yao wanted Bai Yue to do some activities, so of course he would not refuse. He walked to the entrance of the cave and said softly, "Lang Ni, let's go find ingredients, are you coming?"

"Come on." Lang Nit said without thinking, and jumped onto the ground with one kick.

Hu Shuihan and Hu Mitian also got up one after another.

She Ling opened her eyes, and Ying Xuan flapped her wings and flew down.

But Hu Mitian said: "You two guard the female, she will be in danger by herself."



The two beasts, the snake and the eagle, looked at each other and regretted not falling. They would have known that they would not have brought this female here, and they would have caused trouble for them.

"Ah Chi~"

In his sleep, Peg sneezed, rubbed his nose, turned over and fell asleep again.

The legendary lying gun is probably the case.


Xiong Yao turned into a beast shape, and hugged Bai Yue with a larger body to relieve the bumpy walking.

Bai Yue concentrated on looking at the surrounding plants. After a few minutes, her eyelashes became heavy and covered with a layer of water droplets.

Xiong Yao straightened Bai Yue's hat, and pushed her face to his chest: "We'll just look for it, don't show your face, it's too damp."

Bai Yue covered her mouth and nose with one hand, and hummed: "It's okay, I'll see if there are any plants I know."

(End of this chapter)

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