Chapter 526 The Reason Why Mechas Don’t Attack Plants
After getting used to it, Bai Yue started to inquire again.

"Your mechas are so powerful, why don't you use them to hit plants?" Bai Yue turned the flower bud in her hand, perhaps due to the influence of the lights in the mecha warehouse, this wild chrysanthemum bloomed quietly, revealing its orange-yellow slender petals .

I have to sigh, the strong vitality of the plants now.

Bin just glanced at Bai Yue, and suddenly shot out.

There was a flash of white light on the screen, and there was no sound in the mecha cabin. Bai Yue was still taken aback. She glanced at Bin and said, "What are you doing?"

The shells blasted a piece of land, and the roots and soil flew together. The dry grass withered quickly in the high temperature. When the fire faded, the plants had turned to ashes.

The mecha walked to the bombardment site and grabbed a handful of soil with grass roots remaining.

"What?" Bai Yue asked curiously.

"Look carefully."

The tablet translated Bin's words.

Bai Yue just stared at the soil, there was nothing special at first, but after about 5 minutes, the rhizomes suddenly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Yue looked around reflexively, thinking that Qiuqiu was coming.

The broken rhizomes quickly grew into a complete body, and then began to grow green shoots. After a while, it grew into a lush grass. It opened its teeth and claws in the hands of the mech. Although it was small in size, it was extremely aggressive, like a mech that was provoked. angry lion.

"Is it because of being attacked by shells that you are so fierce?" Bai Yue vaguely guessed the answer.

Bin laughed at himself, and said: 【Natural fire can burn plants, but thermal weapons can't. Instead, they will intensify them and make them mutate into more ferocious plants.We have studied it for 2000 years and still haven’t figured out what caused it. It’s probably because the earth is trying to punish humans, or it’s a way to check and balance humans. After all, humans used to have too much power and broke the balance of nature long ago. 】

Bai Yue has always believed that everything has a scientific explanation. It is the mutated plants created by humans, and the orcs created by humans. Hearing what Bin said today, he suddenly felt that the world was a fantasy.

I don't know if bouncing the ball will make him stronger, Bai Yue thought nonchalantly.But it's just thinking about it, and I know that it will be super painful, no matter how severe it is, I won't change it.

The mechas traveled day and night, eating compressed biscuits when they were hungry, and lying in the mecha cabin to rest when they were sleepy.

After driving for three days in a row, the plants began to become less dense and tall, and occasionally went out of the warehouse to solve physiological problems, and Bai Yue obviously noticed the climate change.

It was as hot as an oven outside, and Bin told her that it was alright here. In the desert city, the temperature was [-] to [-] degrees, and the temperature on the ground could reach as high as [-] degrees, which could burn people.

Bai Yue thought of Pegg's sallow skin, and suddenly understood.

Living in this environment for generations, if they didn't evolve into blacks, it must be that the racial genes are strong enough.



A high-pitched eagle cry came from above, which sounded like Yingxuan.

There were a lot of animal howls along the way, so Bai Yue didn't think much about it.

But Bin suddenly asked: [By the way, we also met a snake beast and a eagle beast before, do you know them? 】

Bai Yue's heart skipped a beat, and she thought quickly, but she only paused for a tenth of a second, and replied softly, "I don't know, did you kill them?"

Bin said: [No. 】

Bai Yue quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Bin immediately said again: 【However, they were captured alive by us. They are very powerful in combat. It is a pity to kill them. We are domesticating them alone. 】

【Updated today】

(End of this chapter)

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