Chapter 513 Bai Yue Waits Alone
As soon as the males left, the boat was terribly empty for an instant.

Bai Yue stood alone at the bow of the boat. The salty sea breeze lifted her long hair, and her flowing and loose white skirt. The bulge of her abdomen was perfectly outlined by the wind, and a small navel was faintly visible.

She stared blankly at the green coastline in the distance. Without the company of the male, she seemed to have returned to the cramped and depressed mental ward again, with her heart hanging high and her sense of insecurity.

Suddenly, a small ball bulged out of the belly that was tightly pressed by the clothes, and it could be seen faintly that it was a plum blossom seal.

"Oh~" Bai Yue let out a cry of pain, looked down at her stomach, and laughed, "Bad baby, kicking mom so hard again."

There were two dark "dong dong" sounds in the stomach, and there were raised marks in the other two places of the stomach.

Bai Yue couldn't take it anymore, so she sat down with her stomach in her arms, "It's too bad. You bullied your mother as soon as they left. You're so naughty. When you are born, one will be called Nao Nao and the other Pi Pi, okay?"

"Dong dong~"

The baby's vigorous fetal movements express their displeasure.

Bai Yue was bearing a sweet burden, but the loneliness in her heart dissipated instantly under the child's tossing.


The location of the mecha base is very ordinary, just between two trees that are at least a hundred years old. There is a human smell on the grass, and it was only discovered by the wolf that it was abnormal.

At this moment, those smells have disappeared.

Several people in the wolf hole hid in the bushes, looked at the bone vine, and the wolf hole asked: "Is there anyone down there?"

Bone Vine's eyes stretched from the ground in front of him to the distance, and said, "There is a big hole in the ground, like the road you built."

"There is still a tunnel." Bone Vine praised: "This place is under surveillance, let's go down the tunnel."

"Okay." Hu Mitian responded, turned into a beast shape, and ran forward lightly.

Lang Ni and Xiong Yao also turned into animal shapes, and Lang Ni walked quietly. Xiong Yao was a big man, and he always liked to bump into plants when he tiptoed, causing the plants to tremble.Fortunately, they were not discovered by the robot, and the group moved smoothly above the soil in the middle of the tunnel.

"Xiong Yao!" Wolf said.

Xiong Yao understood, and immediately started digging the soil without his command.

He was much better at digging the soil than other orcs. As he dug his paws, the soil also separated automatically, and a deep pit appeared in a short while.

Xiong Yao jumped in and dug for a while, then stopped at a depth of more than ten meters.

"There is cement below." Xiong Yao said, and the voice echoed several times through the hole more than ten meters long.

Lang Ni and Hu Mitian also jumped down, and the three tall men immediately blocked the bottom of the small well.

Xiong Yao widened the area around the bottom of the well so that they could turn around smoothly.

Hu Mitian squatted down, tapped the cement lightly, and said: "There are steel pipes inside, give it to me."

As he spoke, his fingers turned into metal, he inserted them into the cement, and pulled out a steel bar.

Pull the rebar up and the cement starts to crumble.

The steel bars were in the shape of a net, and a single hair moved the whole body. After a while, Hu Mitian pulled out a large piece of the steel bars underneath, and the cement was smashed to pieces.

The cement layer was also more than one meter thick. Hu Mitian tore apart several layers of steel bars, and finally got the cement layer to the bottom. The authentic light penetrated into their well from the hole.

Hu Mitian raised his head and looked at the Bone Vine questioningly, and the Bone Vine replied: "There is no one below."

(End of this chapter)

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