Chapter 392

Yingxuan was forced to learn that he was able to fly flat, but there was a mudslide in his lower abdomen, and there were falling trees above his head, and he had to dodge the branches and leaves of trees from time to time, the situation was very critical.

As for Xiong Yao and Lang Ni who rushed into the mountain, I don't know what kind of situation it is, anyway, it will definitely be worse than Yingxuan and others.

Seeing that the tree trunk was about to fall down, but fortunately the valley had limited space, the canopy of the broken log was placed on another mountain, forming a bridge.

It just locked Yingxuan and others under the bridge.

The mud flow poured in slowly and continuously, the water level grew wildly, and the flying space of Yingxuan was decreasing every second.

He glides at the bottom of the tree trunk at the fastest speed, passes through the branches and leaves, and flies outward.

The claws had already been contaminated by the mudslide, and they submerged into Yingxuan's thighs in the next moment, and the terrifying momentum almost pulled him into the mudslide in an instant.

At this critical moment, the trunk finally came to an end.

"Chirp!" Ying Xuan let out a long cry, soaring into the sky.

Bai Yue had already stood on the top of the mountain and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Ying Xuan flying up.

"Chirp~" Ying Xuanxie fell down, Hu Mitian and She Ling immediately jumped down, all of them had the expressions of the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

"Compared to nature, any creature on the ground is nothing worth mentioning." Hu Mitian said with emotion.

On this day, Bai Yue deeply understood that in the 21st century, human beings are more horribly affected by nature than they are now, and it is precisely because of this that they want to improve the environment, resulting in the creation of terrifying mutated plants.

At this time, Bai Yue was not in the mood to agree with Hu Mitian's words, and looked down anxiously: "Where are Lang Ni and Xiong Yao? What's going on next?"

The tiger, snake, and eagle were all silent.

Bai Yue was driven mad by their reactions. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes to search for their figures. It never occurred to her that this was far beyond her sensing range.

But in times of crisis, people will always erupt with abilities higher than usual. Bai Yue hardly felt the slightest bit of bluntness, and he showed the situation of the whole mountain in his mind at will.

A wolf and a bear were running up the mountain. Before Bai Yue could rejoice, the next moment, they were obviously engulfed by the flood and moved downstream in an instant.

"Nitrate!" Bai Yue opened her eyes suddenly, and took a step forward.

The Bone Vine grabbed Bai Yue's arm, disapproving and said, "Don't run around."

Bai Yue turned her head and saw the bone vine, and immediately begged, "Qiaoqiu, hurry up and save them, they've been washed away!"

Bone Vine was silent.

For animals and plants, he has always been arrogant and conceited, but in front of nature, he is in awe.

No creature can resist the power of nature.

Looking at the mudslide down the mountain, Bone Teng felt lucky.

Fortunately, he didn't grow up in a mountainous area, otherwise this kind of mudslide would be a fatal threat to him.

Therefore, when Bai Yue begged him for help, he did not give Bai Yue the usual obedience.

The anxiety on Bai Yue's face gradually sank under the silence of the bone vine, and turned into despair and panic: "Qiaoqiu?"

Bone Vine said calmly: "I can find them, but I can't bring them out. It doesn't matter if I go or not."

Bai Yue's legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

"Mom." Lele shook her mother's arm worriedly, puffed up her chest and said, "Lele went to find Papa Wolf and Papa Bear."

Bai Yue smiled bleakly, and hugged Lele into her arms: "Silly Lele, you are doing Mom the greatest favor by being by your mother's side."

[There are still two chapters, ah, they can only be updated later. 】

(End of this chapter)

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