Chapter 330 Reunion Dinner (27 more)
Seeing that Lele's hair was still growing, Bai Yue said, "But it's been growing all the time, so it will fall to the ground again after a while."

The white bone vine looked at Lele contemptuously, and said, "I've said it all, only low-level plants can't control the growth of branches and leaves. Wait until he learns to control it slowly."

After finishing speaking, Bone Vine turned and walked out.

Bai Yue looked down at Lele and shrugged helplessly: "This mother can't help you anymore."

Lele was so excited by his father's words that he clenched his hands tightly and swore: "I will definitely control it!"

"Yes. Come on, Lele!" Bai Yue made a cheering gesture.

Lele was greatly encouraged, but when she scratched her head with her fingers, another section of hair came out.

Bai Yue carried Lele to the sink, picked up his special small toothbrush, squeezed out toothpaste and brushed his teeth.

The wolf cubs stand behind their mother in a row, waiting to brush their teeth.

Hearing the movement, Lang Ni walked in to look at Bai Yue. Seeing that the wolf cubs were poking at the door of the bathroom, his face was serious, and he said seriously, "What are you standing here for? You don't want to wash up yet!"


Shocked by their father's majesty, the wolf cubs ran away in a hurry.

Bai Yue gave Lang Ni a reproachful look: "What are you doing driving them away? Anyway, I have nothing to do, so what if I help them wash up."

Lang Ni is used to Guoguo's doting on children, so he has given up treatment, and changed the subject: "The ingredients are ready, don't you want the whole family to cook together?"

Bai Yue's eyes lit up, she put down Lele, and hurriedly squeezed her own toothpaste: "I'll be fine soon."

Having achieved his goal, the wolf snickered inwardly, with a serious face, turned around and left.

When Bai Yue came out after washing up, the baby wolves had also tidied up. They were wearing loose and cute little black shorts with ruffles on their lower body and a bright red vest on their upper body. They looked like three lucky boys, full of joy.

Lele was also put on a red vest and suit shorts by Bai Yue, standing upright like a little gentleman.It's just hip-length green hair, which contrasts sharply with the red dress on her body.

As the saying goes, red and green are ugly enough to cry.

Lele is too ugly, but the color matching is also quite joyful.

"They're all here?" Xiong Yao peeked out of the kitchen, and then came out with a pot of kneaded dough: "Let's all make dumplings, there's nothing else I need to help with."

Wolf Nitrate broke a pot of meat and came out. The seasoned meat was already fragrant and tempting, and Bai Yue's appetite was aroused. The wolf cubs immediately salivated and sucked in again.

There are two steps to making dumplings, one is rolling the dough and the other is wrapping the dumplings.

Xiong Yao and Lang Ni were in charge of the boring job of rolling dumpling wrappers, while Bai Yue and the children were in charge of making dumplings. The whole family was busy around the dining table. In addition, Bai Guteng was in charge of the difficult wonton wrappers.

After all, Bai Yue is the "promoter" of dumplings, and his skills are still good.The wolf cubs were wrapped in a horrible way, the dumpling skin was torn in a mess, and the meat was all exposed.

Lele was ingenious, and the first one was successful, but his appearance was not as good as Bai Yue's.

Xiong Yao and Lang Ni rolled the dumpling wrappers, while Bai Yue and the children wrapped them.

Dumplings were born one by one, and on the other side, a pile of noodle-meat mixture was also being made rapidly—they were the fruits of labor of the wolf cubs.

Bai Yue taught them for a while but couldn't teach them, so he had to let them make dough instead.

"You can just knead white noodles, and you can knead them into any shape. We'll steam them and eat them later," Bai Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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