Chapter 327 World Map (24 more)
Lang Ni was suddenly amused, but when he thought about what he wanted to say, the smile that had just formed on the corner of his mouth quickly disappeared.

"Guoguo, don't make trouble, I have something to ask you."

Lang Ni stared at Bai Yue's eyes. His silver eyes were full of unbearable and sad. He didn't want to leave Guoguo, but he had conflicted hopes to hear an affirmative answer from her.

Bai Yue was a little disturbed by the wolf, and asked, "What is it?"

"Do you know, is there anyone on the other side of the sea?" Lang Yan asked in a suppressed voice.

Bai Yue knew that his answer might not be good from the look of Lang Ni. After hesitating for a moment, he still answered honestly: "Of course, don't you know?"

Hearing the answer he wanted, Lang Ni couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad for a while.

"We focus on fighting against plants. Until now, we have had a hard time surviving. We don't have time to do other things." Wolf said.

"That's right." Bai Yue nodded, and said while thinking: "I have been locked up in a mental hospital for a long time, and I yearn for freedom, so I am very interested in geography courses. I remember that the earth has seven continents, and here we are only Asia, which is the largest. Among the seven continents, except Antarctica, there are many human beings on other continents, but I don’t know if they are still there now.”

Lang Ni nodded, "Can you draw the picture?"

"Yes." Bai Yue immediately said, "Bring a pen and paper."

Before Lang Ni could leave, Xiong Yao, who had heard all the conversation, jumped out of the cave first, and found what Bai Yue wanted.

The structure of the world map is not complicated, and Bai Yue can draw the main points with just a few strokes.

"North America was the most technologically advanced at that time, here." Bai Yue pointed to the corresponding continent on the board.

Lang Nitrate was pleasantly surprised that Bai Yue knew this, which was of great help to him.

But when she saw the location of the territory she pointed at and the territory they were in, she frowned: "The sea area separated is too big."

Larger than the continent they live on, unless they are aquatic animals, they are really close to death.

"It's really far away. It's half the world away." Bai Yue pointed to Europe diagonally above Asia and said, "This is Europe, and it's very developed."

Wolf Nit looked at it and said: "I've been there. This Europe and our soil are connected. Someone has already checked it. The plants are more ferocious than here, and there are fewer humans than here."

As he said that, Lang Ni pointed to Africa, which is separated from Asia by a strait: "How is it here?"

Bai Yue shook her head again and again: "Not good?"

Lang Nitre was not discouraged, and asked: "What's it like, tell me."

"The climate and environment there is bad, there are many deserts, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, and people are all sunburned." Bai Yue complained.

"Desert?" Lang Ni watched his daughter-in-law talking freely, and realized that he was becoming more and more ignorant.

"It's just that the soil has turned into sand and gravel, and no grass can grow inside. It's easy for people to enter..." Bai Yue gasped, and opened her eyes wide.

"No grass grows?"

Bai Yue and Lang Ni spoke in unison.

Lang Ni was ecstatic in his heart, "It's great that there is such a place!"

Bai Yue shrugged: "Well...the environment there is really bad, I don't want to immigrate!"

"I didn't say I wanted to immigrate," said the wolf.

Bai Yue rested her chin on her hands, looked at the wolf and said, "Then what do you ask me for? Are you going on a trip?"

The smile on Lang Ni's face faded, and suddenly he stretched out his long arms, pulling Bai Yue into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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