Chapter 308 The Cold-Blooded Father and Son
I didn't expect it to be useful, and the sinking speed slowed down.

After trying a few more times, it actually began to slowly float up.

Lele was overjoyed, and accidentally leaked air from his mouth, and spit out a small string of bubbles.

Seeing the rapid rise of the bubble, Lele felt envious, and only wanted to float like a bubble.

He swung his limbs more vigorously, and in the huge deep lake, his small body rose slowly.

After finally getting to the surface of the water, Lele rushed up hard, but bumped his head on the ice, and sank again with a "boom".

Bone Teng looked at Lele's struggle, and the corner of his mouth curled into a cold arc. He was holding a chicken with its head smashed in his hand. Even the chicken didn't fall down, but Lele couldn't be saved.

Lele stepped on the water quickly, floated under the ice again, and reached out to touch it.

He wanted to smash it, but he didn't have a strong point. As long as he tried hard, he would be shaken away first.

Through a layer of ice, Lele saw his father standing upright by the side, waving his arms and hopping over.

"Gululu~" Lele spat out a string of bubbles at him. The bubbles were frozen and looked like a few pearls in the water. After rolling a few times, they merged into one big bubble.

Bone Vine was indifferent, just looked at him coldly.

Lele immediately understood that it was impossible for her father to save herself, so she stopped counting on him and continued to knock on the ice.

After knocking for a while to no avail, Lele gave up the fruit that had finally come to the surface and sank to the bottom of the water.

He found a sharp stone at the bottom of the water, swam up with more difficulty, and struck the ice with the stone.

Scandium scandium scandium... scandium scandium scandium...

This force was much lighter than his punch on the shore, leaving only a faint white mark on the ice, without a single crack.I'm afraid the speed of this knocking is not as fast as the speed of water freezing.

Seeing Lele's tenacious desire to survive, Bone Vine just sneered.

Thinking of how he broke the ice just now and caused Yueyue to fall into the water, he couldn't help him.

This damn guy has no feelings at all, and stays at home just for food.If need be, he can devour his mother alive.

This can be seen from the bite he took on Bai Yue when he returned to them.

Now that the guy is finally trapped, it's nice to have an easy life in the future.

The white bone vine was worried about Bai Yue at home, so she turned and left, leaving Lele alone under the ice layer to beat "scandium, scandium, scandium".


The scene of Xiong Yao running home with Bai Yue in his arms was seen by several orcs. How much attention Bai Yue received, this incident spread throughout the city at an explosive speed.

When Bai Guteng came home, Lang Ni was also rushing back from outside the city.

"Guoguo is in the bedroom?" Lang Ni asked casually as he walked quickly to the bedroom.

Bone Vine just sat at the door of the bedroom, looked up at the wolf, and kindly reminded: "I suggest you don't go in."

How could Lang Ni not feel relieved if he didn't see Bai Yue, he turned the door open before the bone vine's voice fell.

"If..." As soon as Lang Ni opened his mouth, his voice got stuck in his throat.


It was Bai Yue's high-pitched groans that greeted the wolf boy. The wolf girl froze in place, and responded to him with a few more groans.

He was too anxious just now, so he didn't notice the slight sound coming from the door.

Hearing that Guoguo's energy was strong and he thought there was nothing serious, Lang Ni left the house.

"Xiong Yao did the right thing. There is no better way to keep out the cold." Lang Ni analyzed calmly. Even so, his heart still felt tight, as if he was being held tightly by an invisible hand.

(End of this chapter)

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