Chapter 282
At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun slanted down, coating the green world with a layer of warm orange light.

The windows of the villa are filled with lights, and the scent of food is wafting.

Three males and one female sit around a food table and eat a hearty meal.

By the wall beside the table stood three half-sized silver wolves.

They all stood upright, with their hind legs straight, their forelimbs placed on their sides, their heads straight, and their standing was very standard.

The only irregularities are their noses twitching from time to time, and their stomachs gurgling one after another.

The bone vine looked guiltily at the wolf cubs who were punished, and secretly hid food for them.

Lang Ni finished his dinner quickly, took a look at the wolf cub, and kicked the third child next to him.

"Don't stick your tail on the ground!" Lang Ni said sternly.

The third child was kicked and fell to the ground. With a muffled grunt, he immediately got up, not daring to use his tail to be lazy anymore.

Seeing Lang Ni's posture, Bai Yue didn't dare to intercede immediately, but said, "Yu, you should go take a bath after you finish eating, and wash Lele by the way."

After being reminded by his wife, Lang Ni carried Lele, who was sitting next to Bai Yue's chair, into the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, Bai Yue immediately waved to the wolf cubs: "Stop standing still, come and have dinner, are you hungry?"


The wolf cubs were obedient and did not make any noise. They chirped a few times excitedly, moved on all fours, and jumped onto the chairs a few times.

Bai Yue was busy distributing food for them. The wolf cubs had been forced to stand for two hours, and their honest appearance made Bai Yue feel distressed.

The babies were so hungry that they began to whine and eat as soon as they were served.

There was a faint sound of the dryer in the bathroom, the noise stopped, and the door opened, and Lang Ni came out refreshingly with Lele in his arms.

Glancing at the wolf cubs sitting at the table, Lang Ni showed helplessness, and immediately understood that Guoguo had sent him away on purpose just now.

The wolf cubs suddenly became nervous, and they began to eat politely.

Bai Yue smiled mischievously, wiped her mouth and jumped off the table: "Well... I've gone to take a shower too."

After speaking, run away.

Lang Ni did not continue to punish the children, but said: "Go back to your room to take a shower and sleep after eating."


The three wolf cubs responded in unison.

Seeing that Dad was about to bring Lele into their room, the boss turned into a human form and said, "We all sleep in our own room, and Lele should also sleep in his own room."

Well, he admitted that he just wanted to sleep with his mother, but he knew that his father would not agree, so he started on Lele.

The wolf said: "You have been three months."

The boss was silent. Judging from his father's tone, three months seemed to be a long time.

"It's been three months since we're going to school." Lang Ni said, frowning, "It's time for a school to be established in Ancheng City."

Xiong Yao was clearing the table when he heard the words: "There are no teachers in our city. The ratio of females is also seriously unbalanced, and there are no pure human males. It will be difficult to continue in the future."

In the past, the city of exiles was full of desperadoes. If one died, another would come again. Everyone lived and earned, and basically there was no such thing as reproduction.

Now that peace is returning, the matter of multiplying sounds is bound to be put on the agenda.

Lang Ni said without hesitation: "I've thought about it. There is still a lot of vacancy in the coverage of the bone vine. Let the residents of the capital move in. Merge with them, and all problems will be solved."

As he said that, Lang Ni looked at the bone vine: "It depends on whether you agree or not."

(End of this chapter)

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