Chapter 731 791. Then you accept me
At first, Qiao Jianye was quite frustrated.

She kissed Zhang Yi for so long, but she didn't respond.

Until she finally responded, he was very happy again.

Kissing is to put both parties into it, so that you can feel it when you kiss, and you can feel happy physically and mentally.

What pleased him most was that Zhang Yi didn't seem to be crying anymore.

When both of them were about to suffocate, Qiao Jianye reluctantly ended the kiss.

Zhang Yi's face was slightly red, her small mouth was slightly opened, and she was breathing rapidly, her eyes were like the sunshine after the rain, shining with a clear brilliance.

She looked straight at Qiao Jianye, her gaze was undisguised and a little greedy.

The person you like is never enough.

"Finally I stopped crying." Qiao Jianye raised his lips, a smile spread across his handsome face, and he even touched Zhang Yi's face with his hand.

"I don't like to cry." Zhang Yi pouted, a little depressed.

But when it comes to emotional matters, people will become different. The woman she loves to laugh seems to be a different person.

"It's all my fault." Qiao Jianye consciously blamed himself for the mistake.

I heard that no matter whether a woman is wrong or not, a man must take the initiative to admit his mistakes.

If a man does this, women will love him more.

"No, you are fine everywhere." Zhang Yi shook her head, not wanting him to say that she was not good.

"Since you think I'm good, then you accept me." Qiao Jianye said with a smile, and finally could have a good talk.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now?" Zhang Yi wanted to remind him again.

Qiao Jianye smiled helplessly and interrupted her. "I heard it clearly. You have been divorced and you have had a miscarriage. I have known this for a long time. The first time I met downstairs in G Group, I met your ex-husband, so I didn't know about your divorce until now. Since I knew about it a long time ago, but I didn't stay away from you, it means I don't mind these things."

"I'm a lost flower, you don't mind, I even mind, if someone says you pick up broken shoes..."

"Zhang Yi!" Suddenly, Qiao Jianye frowned, his handsome face was cold and tense, his eyes were very serious, and he glanced at her.

He was suddenly so fierce that Zhang Yi's body trembled.

Usually, Qiao Jianye is as gentle as jade, with a comfortable expression, speech, and manner.

Suddenly getting strong, Zhang Yi was bluffed by him.

"What's the matter?" She looked like a frightened child, with her eyes raised and her expression timid.

With her like this, Qiao Jianye didn't know whether he should continue to look at her with a ferocious expression.

Thinking that she had always belittled herself, he insisted on keeping a sullen face. "You are not allowed to speak ill of yourself, let alone say that you are a broken flower, remember?"

"But I'm just..."

"Listen to me, or to you?" Qiao Jianye narrowed his eyes and asked her coldly.

"Listen to you!" Zhang Yi blinked her watery eyes, subconsciously said to listen to him.

Because she loves Qiao Jianye so much, she regards this man as her God in her heart, and she remembers and listens to everything he says.

She cared a lot about him.

"I know everything about your past, but I still want to develop with you. I don't think you have had those experiences, it's just unbearable. You are still you, especially when you smile, you are confident I was really beautiful when I was there. Probably, I was attracted by your appearance. From now on, you will always be like that, with a confident smile. You are not bad at all, and I am not blind. If you are not good, I will like it ?"

Qiao Jianye looked at her seriously, told her his true thoughts, and asked her to get rid of those messy thoughts.

 It's too cold these days, 3-7 degrees, the little sun doesn't work, and my hands hurt from the cold o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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