Chapter 367 413. Abnormal aroma [1]

"It's you!" Murong Nishang recognized Ling Xi, and smiled slightly on her pretty face, looking full of immortality and seductive.

"Yes, I was asked by my family to learn." Ling Xi said with a smile, with her androgynous pretty face, she looked like an obedient little boy.

Of course, this is her who has never seen her perform a mission, and she is wearing a military uniform. She is a frightening female major who is a criminal's nightmare.

Her words are true, the family really asked her to learn.

It's just because her parents are really worried about her affairs, saying that she doesn't look like a girl, and because of her orientation, her hair is graying.

He obviously faces a group of male soldiers every day, so why doesn't he like men?

Ling's father and Ling's mother couldn't figure it out at all. Why did the daughter like girls?

"Then let's partner." Murong Nishang had a good impression of Ling Xi, and smiled and agreed to be Ling Xi's dance partner.

However, she didn't put her hand in Ling Xi's, nor was she fascinated by her handsome and charming appearance.

Ling Xi raised her eyebrows secretly, the real fairy is different, she doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, and she is actually immune to her appearance.

In the past few years, because of her handsome appearance and her upright profession as a soldier, she has also attracted many girls, and she has also dated one or two girlfriends.

It can be said that whether it is a straight girl or a curvy girl, she thinks it is quite easy to get her hands on.

This Murong Nishang is the most beautiful, special, and charming she has ever seen, and she is so reserved and calm, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

"It's an honor!" Ling Xi smiled, her attitude was more gentlemanly, her eyes were open, and she wouldn't give people any disgusting or uncomfortable feeling.

She herself is still of good quality, after all, she is a daughter of a family, her father is the top leader of the military region, and she is also a major.

Otherwise, with Murong Nishang's sensitivity, he would have ignored her long ago.

The teacher officially started the class, and the first thing he taught was the most basic, that is, how to put his hands on his partner, which should be standard without being suspected of profiteering.

The others stared at the teacher, learning jerkyly, and the poses they put on were a bit funny.

Temporary partners Yingfan and Guan Yue also pose because of their martial arts practice, but their poses look correct, but they are stiff, more like they are about to launch an attack.

Among the seven or eight pairs of partners, Murong Nishang and Ling Xi are the best-looking, most emotional, and very natural.

After all, they all come from good backgrounds and have a relatively good foundation.

"Look, these two students are doing very well, let's observe and learn." When the teacher was instructing the students, he found that they were doing very well, no worse than their teachers.

The students looked at them, they were really standard, and the two of them were also very good-looking, very pleasing to the eye.

Everyone looked at them like this, and Ling Xi felt happy. Do you think they are right?

Murong Nishang didn't have any ideas, she just studied hard and wanted to learn well.

Her husband doesn't think highly of her cooking, and she doesn't want him to give a bad review even for dancing.

Ling Xi was thinking about her, she was thinking about Gu Xijue...

After two classes, the teacher taught the poses and some starting moves. Others learned it hard to explain, and there were a lot of funny situations.

Yingfan and Guan Yue have practiced martial arts for many years, and they have good physical coordination, so they learned it quickly, but they lack a little flexibility and beauty in doing it.

"You two have a foundation, right? You danced well. Come on!" The teacher has already seen that Murong Nishang and Ling Xi won at the starting line.

Murong Nishang nodded, she will study for a few more days, go home and practice with her husband, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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