Chapter 335 378. Investigation Results [2]

"I will try my best to do it well." Murong Nishang nodded gently with sparkling eyes.

Husband earns money to support the family, she looks beautiful at home like a flower, quite nice, huh huh...

"I don't think it's a small matter for you, so I made this decision." Gu Xijue's thin lips fluttered, feeling that their husband and wife relationship had taken another step forward.

Afterwards, he also told her about some important things at home, such as the password of the safe, important documents, and the status of some property at home.

After lunch, he wanted to stay at home with Murong Nishang, but she said no.

Murong Nishang felt that with her physical condition, she was sleeping at home, so why waste his time.

In the end, she said that it would be good to let him come back and have dinner with her.

Back in the office, he piled up a whole morning's work, and there were two meetings that had to be postponed, so he couldn't spare time today.

One afternoon, apart from drinking water and going to the bathroom, Gu Xi Jue was immersed in his work.

In the evening, Su Cheng came in to remind him that he should go home so that he could catch his breath.

However, before going back, Su Cheng also told him about the investigation of Murong Nishang's attack that day.

"Master, my wife was shot in the urban area a few days ago. It was done by a small organization."

"Small organization?" Gu Xijue frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, this result was a bit unexpected.

With his status and power, ordinary small organizations would not dare to do things in front of him, otherwise, the destruction of the group would be a matter of one word for him.

"Yes, it's a small organization called Xinglong Club. However, when we investigated, we found something strange. That is, the shooting of the wife was not paid by the funder for them to do the task, but by themselves. One action. A little Luo we caught confessed that he didn’t know the relationship between your wife and you. They got the information from the superiors and then shot at the wife. Their target is not you, but the wife.”

The goal is Nishang!
This point, Gu Xijue was quite surprised!

Mrs. Gu stays at home most of the time, either just shopping, or going to beauty salons for maintenance.

How could a woman with such a simple life invite her death?
There was no financial backer for this attack.

It can't be that Nishang has any connection with that Xinglong Society, right?

It was hard for him to believe that such a bright and sunny woman would have hatred against the underworld.

"Madam has something to do with this Xinglong Society?"

Regardless of whether it was relevant or not, since that small organization wanted Nishang's life, he eliminated the organization and the threat disappeared naturally.

"I can only ask my wife about this. We can't find out at the moment." Su Cheng said truthfully.

"You can't even find out about such a small matter?" Gu Xijue slowly raised his head, with a slight displeasure shining from his black eyes, he looked at Su Cheng.

Sioux City explained. "In addition to what I just said, there is another strange thing. The Xinglong Club is shrinking its power. The attack on the wife was done by the branch in Los Angeles, and the other branches didn't know about it. However, the branch in Los Angeles The nearby branch of Xinglong Society has been vacated. There is no way to find it for now!"

It is indeed a bit strange to attack Nishang for no reason, nothing to do, but shrinking his power as if escaping from something.

Gu Xijue frowned in thought, for a moment he couldn't see what this Xinglong Society was going to do.

"Continue to keep an eye on this small organization, talk to their leadership, and let me know if there is any situation."


"go home!"

Gu Xi Jue stood up, raised his hand to take his coat, left the office and went home to accompany his wife.

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(End of this chapter)

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