Chapter 187 219. Seems to like her more and more [3]

"Director Huang arranged Gu Xuanhe in a room where local hooligans were imprisoned as instructed. Gu Xuanhe, the second-generation ancestor, unsurprisingly caused trouble and was beaten by those people. Gu Yu went to fight with Director Huang. Huang The director is already dissatisfied with him, and Gu Xuanhe can't make it out when we speak here."

"Many people have heard that several of our consortiums have announced that they will no longer be associated with Huixin Group, and that our partners have terminated their cooperation one after another. Gu Yu is very busy."

"Well, keep watching, don't give him a chance to fish Gu Xuanhe out."

Gu Xijue's slightly drooping black eyes reflected a sharp dark light, and a sneer appeared on his thin lips.

Mrs. Gu dared to move and even humiliated his background, so let them experience what it's like to go from heaven to hell.

He, the bastard they called, could bring them back to their original form with a single sentence.

Just after returning to the office, Zoya reported to him today's itinerary.

"From now on, I will spare two nights a week, and I won't socialize." Remembering what he promised Murong Nishang last night, Gu Xi Jue immediately took action.

"Okay, Mr. Gu!" Zoya was curious, but she didn't show it on her face.

Soon, she guessed that the president must be with his lover.

The girl who chatted with him on WeChat before must be like this!

He had just opened a document when his cell phone rang.

Looking at the number above, it is a number from the United States.

Seeing the very familiar number, Gu Xijue's cold expression suddenly softened.

"Hello!" The voice was also soft, and there was a pleasant smile on the corner of his lips.

"Hey, did I call the wrong number?"

Over there, there was a pleasant and clear female voice, wondering if the way I opened it was wrong, so I took the phone away, checked to see if I had misplaced the name, and called someone else.

"Don't tell me, I'll be upset if I really made a wrong call." Gu Xijue's face darkened, with a hint of jealousy.

"Hehe, the tone is correct, there is no mistake." The woman let out a clear laugh, Gu Xijue's voice was cold, she was sure that she did not make a mistake. "Come on, give me a kiss first."

The woman really kissed him across the phone, and then smiled happily.

Gu Xi Jue also laughed, his eyes sparkled, obviously very happy to receive this woman's call.

If Mrs. Gu saw his expression, she would probably be so jealous that she would cry.

"It's night over there, why did you call me?" Gu Xi Jue did some calculations, and it was about ten o'clock in the evening over there in the United States, so it was getting late.

"You really, I miss you. Do you need a reason after calling?" The woman said confidently.

"No need, you can hit if you want." Facing this woman, no matter how majestic Gu Xi Jue is, he has no temper. "how are things?"

"I'm fine, but sometimes I miss you very much, but unfortunately I can't go back to see you often." The woman was a little annoyed, it was not difficult to hear that she really missed Gu Xijue.

This is her favorite man, thousands of miles away, can you not want to?
"You don't miss Sichuan so much, of course you won't come back." Gu Xijue said with a trace of resentment hidden.

"Ahem...don't be like this." The woman coughed a few times, looking a little guilty.

Gu Xi Jue raised his wrist, looked at the time, there will be a meeting soon, it's not the best time for chatting.

Besides, she should be going to bed soon.

Thinking of this, Gu Xijue was really upset.

"You are all guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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