Chapter 369

Chapter 369

"I'm going to sleep, why are you so dishonest that you send this kind of thing?"

"Let's go, see you on the day we get married."

Shen Tingxue hid back on the bed with the booklet in her arms, her cheeks flushed.

How could she be so perverted!

If it were someone else who was her husband, knowing that she saw this, he would scold her and divorce her.

Why did Rong Zhan indulge her like this?

Shen Tingxue couldn't sleep and rolled on the bed, got up from the bed again, opened the window and looked out.

A familiar handsome face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which really shocked her.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

The little girl's tone softened significantly.

Suddenly thinking about getting angry because of a few pamphlets, wouldn't that make a big deal out of a molehill, it's too shameful.

"I didn't leave, I missed you."

Rong Zhan held the little girl's hand through the window, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Can you let me in?"

Shen Tingxue lowered her head and said nothing.

King Dingbei took her by the hand and jumped out of the window, just like a prodigal son who seduces a woman from a good family.

As soon as he entered, he hugged him in his arms, kissed and bit him.

The little girl stamped her feet with blushing cheeks.

After a while, Rong Zhan sat down with the little girl in his arms, stretched out his hand and scratched her upturned nose, "Aren't you angry?"


Shen Tingxue nestled in his arms, moved her body awkwardly, and said in a low voice, "You deliberately took my things."

"You haven't read those books, I just changed them for you."

"It's not good to leave this kind of thing with you. I took it to the palace. If you want to see it later, you can go find it yourself."

"Yes, but..."

The little girl looked up, looked at him with bright eyes, and asked weakly, "Is this not too good?"

"If it were someone else, it would have been..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? What does it mean to be someone else?"

King Dingbei frowned, and bit the little girl's mouth as punishment.

"No one but me."

"It's normal to read this kind of brochure. Do you understand that this is called a couple's interest?"

King Dingbei's eyes were full of interest, and he stretched out his hand to rub the little girl's head, "Let's watch together after we get married."

Shen Tingxue looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

This man gave her an unreal feeling of generosity.

A picture slowly formed in her mind, the man waved to her with a bunch of pamphlets, "Xue'er, go home and read, let's read together."

It's so generous!

But there seems to be something wrong...

"Aren't you laughing at me?"

"I feel embarrassed."

Shen Tingxue lowered her head and tugged at the corner of King Dingbei's clothes, and took a brush to paint and draw.

Rong Zhan glanced at his robe that was about to be destroyed and felt helpless.

"I don't laugh at you, you are the most obedient, and I don't laugh at you at anything."

It sounds a little ironic.

"Thirteen, do you know Lan Yan?"

For the past two days, Shen Tingxue was only concerned with making troubles about the brochure, and forgot about Lan Yan.

Although her father and elder brother told her that it was impossible, she still wanted to find some hope in the cracks.

The little girl got up and took a picture from the table, which was a bit hard to describe.

But still can barely distinguish Lan Yan's original appearance.

"Dongchen's national flower?"

"Thirteen, you know it, it's amazing."

The little girl's eyes are bright, and she can make Wang Dingbei's heart happy every time, and she feels like going to heaven.

"I have been to Dongchen, and I have seen this kind of flower. It is said that the king regent likes Lanyan the most, so Lanyan has become the national flower."

Shen Tingxue nodded, "In my dream, I dreamed of a man wearing a black robe with this kind of flowers embroidered on it. My father said that man was Mo Junyan!"

Rong Zhan was startled, "Why did you dream of him, why not me?"

Nine Girls: "?"

At this time, what this person thought was actually this.

"I dreamed that my mother was not dead, she was in a coma, in an elegantly furnished room, and there were things she liked in the room..."

"By the way, Taoist priest Wuchen also said something to me."

Nine girls repeated what they said last time.

Rong Zhan fell into silence.

Shen Tingxue thought that he would also say that she was in a daze and thought too much.

But Rong Zhan didn't. He rubbed Shen Tingxue's head in silence for a long time and said, "Since Taoist Master Wuchen said that, he must have his reasons."

"Think about it carefully, is there anything wrong before and after the mother-in-law passed away?"

Shen Tingxue shook her head, her tone was a bit dull, "I just remember that mother's illness was very sudden, and mother told me that she would recover in a few days, but then mother closed her eyes..."

At that time, she was still a carefree little girl, and she was young, so she didn't remember many things.

She had no choice but to believe that when her mother died, she cried and made noises. She didn't recover from her mother's burial for a long time, and almost fell into autism.

If there is something wrong, it is the sudden illness of the mother.

My mother is a martial arts practitioner, she was injured before, but for some reason she contracted a serious illness later on.

"I'll ask someone to check later."

Rong Zhan hugged the little girl in his arms and comforted him: "But you can't be unhappy in the end, no matter whether your mother-in-law is here or not, she hopes that your daughter will live well."


Shen Tingxue nodded, "Only Shisan understands me."

"My father and brothers didn't believe what I said, but I always felt that something was wrong. I never dreamed about it before. This dream was very real. Afterwards, Daoist Wu Chen said that to me."

The little girl reached out and tugged at the corner of King Dingbei's clothes, muttering in a low voice, "Hey, I really hope mother is still alive."

"When we have a baby in the future, mother will be very happy to see her."

"I still want to have twins."

"By the way, I'll check if there are any movements in that booklet that can give birth to twins."

Nine girls did it as soon as they said it, turned around and went to look through the pamphlet.

Rong Zhan: "..."

He reached out and brought the little girl back, "I need to work hard every night to give birth to twins, I don't need that booklet."


Shen Tingxue turned her head to stare at him, and suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

Just now she was only focused on being shy, and didn't notice the abnormality at all.

Calm down now, and immediately smell something wrong.

She grabbed Rong Zhan's clothes and lowered her head to smell it.

Rong Zhan: "?"

"You smell like other women's powder!"

The little girl stared at him angrily, "Thirteen, where have you been? This incense powder is very expensive, and it won't disperse easily in the wind. Most girls can't afford it."

King Dingbei was startled.

Can you smell it?

He didn't let the women get close either.

However, Dingbei Wang is usually too pure-hearted and ascetic, what he dislikes the most is the pile of women, and he absolutely does not have these smells on him.

As for the girls in the flower building, they smear a lot of face powder, and the smell is relatively strong, and they can catch it if they are a little closer. Not surprisingly.

Those high-status girls in the flower building also use expensive face powder, and ordinary girls really can't afford it.

Shen Tingxue has her favorite face powder, the taste is quite different from these face powders, so she can tell something is wrong when she smells it.

"is it?"

Rong Zhan raised his sleeves and lowered his head to smell it, with a confused look on his face.

It seemed to have a real scent, but he couldn't tell whose it was.

Looking up, I saw the little girl with her hands on her hips, staring at him with sharp eyes without blinking.

King Dingbei was a little flustered, it would be troublesome if he couldn't explain clearly.

"Xuanfeng, Xuanche!"

After a while, King Dingbei yelled angrily, "What is the scent on you two, and where did you go for fun?"

If there is a smell on him, Xuanfeng Xuanche also has it, and the smell must be stronger than that on him.

"Grandpa, we..."

The two who were suddenly named were a little confused.

Shen Tingxue looked at Rong Zhan suspiciously, then got dressed and walked out.

Xuanfeng Xuanche saw the little concubine pushing out the door, looked at them with a serious face, and immediately knelt down to pay his respects in fright, "My subordinates will see the concubine."

Accidentally, I called the princess in advance, just to save my life.

Did the concubine know that they took the master to Hualou?

Then they will be beaten to death, or kicked to death.

"Get up, get up."

Shen Tingxue frowned.

The two stood up puzzled, and saw Nine Girls stepping forward and grabbing Xuanfeng's sleeve.

Xuanfeng: "..."

Princess, don't do this, the prince is still here!
You have one life to spare.

It's not good to cheat people like this.

Shen Tingxue lowered her head and smelled it, then immediately let go of her hands and said in disgust: "Xuanfeng, you went to Hualou, the smell is so strong?"

Xuanfeng: "?"

The princess is so awesome.

"Have you two gone to Hualou?"

Rong Zhan stood behind, looking at the two of them indifferently.

Xuanfeng immediately reacted, and hastily lowered his head, "Forgive me, my lord, this subordinate, this subordinate is temporarily infatuated, so..."

Xuan Che also said: "This subordinate will not dare again."

Rong Zhan frowned, his face was full of anger.

Shen Tingxue thought he was going to punish Xuanfeng Xuanche and hurriedly said: "Forget it, forget it."

"It's normal. They're all grown up and don't even have a daughter-in-law. They couldn't bear it anymore and went to Hualou."

"You too, it's time to give them a daughter-in-law."

Miss Jiu thought she had misunderstood her thirteenth family, so she hurriedly pulled people in, her tone was very good.

"I knew that our thirteen would not learn from the wild men outside."


King Dingbei responded softly, "It's all because of the two of them, who passed the smell to me."

"Yes, it's their fault."

Xuanfeng and Xuanche looked at me and I looked at you, and finally understood what was going on.

The little princess's nose is also very good, don't let Gaefeng have a good nose.

Xuanfeng Xuanche probably doesn't understand what kind of talent women have in this area.

It was already late at night after coaxing the little girl, Rong Zhan climbed over the wall and returned to the palace.

He was really embarrassed to go through the main entrance.

"Xuanfeng, go and find out why the general's wife suddenly became seriously ill."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."


Somewhere in a house.

Nan Xingchen's beard trembled wildly, throwing chopsticks and smashing bowls.

"Looking, hearing and asking are the fundamentals of seeing a doctor. I only let me feel the pulse, but I am not allowed to see the patient's face. You still don't let me go. What's your reasoning!"

"Your Excellency is called Sai Hua Tuo, you still need to see the patient's face?"

Mo Junyan looked impatiently at Nan Xingchen who was jumping up and down in front of him, "Cure it if you can, and die here if you can't."

Nan Xingchen: "..."

"I'm wondering, what is your origin, you speak so loudly, you can kill if you want to kill."

"But I'm doing it for your wife's sake. I've been in a coma for ten years. Is it useful to only let me feel the pulse and not let me look at my complexion?"

"Don't say it's me, even if my junior brother comes, it's useless if you don't let us see the patient, just kill him if you want, anyway, I can't cure this disease."

Nan Xingchen simply sat down on the ground and played around.

Mo Junyan looked at him with a frown, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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