Chapter 366

Chapter 366: King Dingbei is a little scared in an instant

The exquisite booklet uses the words "Sun Tzu's Art of War" on the outside to deceive people's eyes and ears, but inside it shows a man and a woman, a yin and a yang, various moves, and even detailed text notes below.

Shen Tingxue: "?"

She flipped back, literally opening the door to a new life.

Is there so much attention and play?

After a while, Shen Tingxue closed the booklet with red cheeks, muttering something.

"What's wrong, miss?"

Asked Hua strangely.

"Pure Heart Curse, Pure Heart Curse."


Xuncha Wenhua looked at his young lady with a puzzled expression.

Why do you need to chant the mantra at this time?

If the young lady doesn't want to beat people, and secondly, she doesn't want to curse people, why bother to be pure-hearted.

Shen Tingxue stuffed the booklet into her arms, closed her eyes and thought about the Mantra of Purifying Heart, thinking about it, the pictures in the booklet were all in her mind.

This and that, and that and that, are really eye-opening.

The heart-cleaning mantra that had been recited for a long time didn't work, so Nine Girls broke the jar and opened the booklet again to read it.

She is about to get married, so what do you do after reciting the mantra.

The concubine gave her this, she must have learned it.

No, how to follow suit!
Some are okay, some are too shameful, too difficult.

Can her small waist withstand the torture?
Wen Hua stuck out his head curiously to have a look, but was startled when he saw it.

If not, the booklet was given by the concubine.

She must think that other people want to use this thing to frame their young lady's frivolity!
Wen Hua winked at Xun Cha, and Xun Cha, who was at a loss, also took a look, and then looked at Wen Hua in blank dismay.

Why did the concubine give this to the lady?

Wenhua Xuncha was born as a hermit guard. He only knew to accept all kinds of cruel training since he was a child, so he didn't think about it, so he suddenly saw it as if he was struck by lightning.

Fortunately, after Shen Tingxue failed in the initial spell of purifying the heart, she had adapted to it.

He even changed his posture to see that when he arrived at the general's mansion, he hurriedly put away the booklet,

After returning to the mansion, he practiced martial arts with his brothers, and ran back with the excuse that he was tired.

After going back, Shen Tingxue asked Wen Hua to make tea, and brought melon seeds, lying on the soft couch, eating melon seeds and drinking tea, while taking out the booklet she was carrying in her arms, and read it with relish.

From the initial shyness to curiosity to obsession, it took only an hour before and after.

After reading the first volume, I looked at the middle volume, and there is a second volume on the table.

Concubine Min spent a lot of effort to find this thing.

This kind of pamphlet is not difficult to find, but the pictures are so ugly that it is hard to swallow.

What if I scare the little girl?
Others are too monotonous to be instructive.

She ordered people to search for a month, searched a large box, and finally picked out this set of boutiques.

The cover is also covered with Sun Tzu's Art of War, as long as it is hidden deep, it is not afraid of being seen by others.

It was late at night at this sight.

It was too cold to sit outside, so Miss Jiu simply went to bed, wrapped in a quilt, crossed her two thin legs, and began to study with relish.

Sitting outside eating melon seeds, Wenhua was looking for tea, only to hear his own lady exclaiming.

"Oh my god, it's okay. Are you too tired, will your legs break?"

"Hey, this doesn't work, it doesn't look very good."

"This is not bad, but the man's face is not as good as the previous one, it's a bit ugly, what's wrong with that."

Ask Hua to find tea: "?"

The prince really won in terms of appearance.

As soon as King Dingbei arrived in the yard, he heard his little girl screaming.

The sound was actually not too loud, but King Dingbei's martial arts were so good that it was not unheard of if his skills were scattered.

It's just that he didn't understand what the little girl meant.

What kind of leg is broken, arm is uncomfortable, and there is even a sentence...hip is too high?

What kind of nonsense script is this girl reading?
So, King Dingbei jumped out the window and went in without going through the door.

"What are you looking at?"

"Wow, this is amazing..."

Just now when Miss Jiu saw something wonderful, a face appeared in front of her unexpectedly, which almost scared her to death.

"Ah, Thirteen, why did you come in, why are you like this?"

Shen Tingxue was like a child who had been caught, she hurriedly closed the booklet in fright, desperately trying to hide it.

Rong Zhan raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more curious, "Show me, what are you looking at."

"Sun Tzu's Art of War, Sun Tzu's Art of War, I'm studying the Art of War!"

Shen Tingxue held up the cover of the booklet and shook it in front of King Dingbei, trying to prove that she was just a good baby who reads the grandson's art of war.

Rong Zhan glanced at it, his doubts gradually deepened, "Really?"

"Show me too."

"I don't want you to see it. This is my brochure. You are not allowed to see it."

Shen Tingxue hurriedly hid in fright.

Rong Zhan nodded helplessly, "Okay, then I won't watch."

"You turn around."


"Turn over!"

King Dingbei was angry and funny, so he could only turn around honestly.

Shen Tingxue squeezed the booklet in her hand, looked left and right, and felt that it was not appropriate to hide it anywhere.

So, she planned to hide in the warehouse.

Unexpectedly, because she was too guilty, she got up in a hurry and forgot that she was on the bed, and bumped into the bamboo pole supporting the curtain with a bang, and the booklet in her hand flew out.

It just so happened that it fell on King Dingbei's forehead.

Shen Tingxue was dumbfounded.

King Dingbei took the booklet from his head very calmly, glanced at it casually, and then couldn't be calm anymore.

With his slender fingers, Rong Zhan quickly flipped through the booklet in his hand, his handsome face sank slightly.

At the end, there was an indescribable look on his face.

He squeezed the booklet in his hand, looked up at the little girl whose cheeks were as red as boiled shrimp, and raised his voice, "Oh, Sun Tzu's Art of War?"

"Well, it's quite unique."

"Men and women compete with each other, the moves are all kinds of strange, each has its own outcome, and it consumes a lot of physical strength. An ordinary boy can't last a few rounds."

Shen Tingxue: "..."


The level of this person's yellow language is high again.

Rong Zhan took the little girl to sit down, spread out the booklet and read it from the beginning, "This grandson's art of war is quite good, let's read it together."

"Rong Zhan!"

The little girl was in a hurry, and angrily stepped on the back of his foot, stood up and stared at him, "Give me back the grandson's art of war!"

He had a lot of momentum and a loud voice, but when he mentioned the words Sun Tzu's Art of War, his momentum dropped instantly.

Rong Zhan chuckled, "This grandson's art of war is very unique, let me see, Xue'er can't let Xueer enjoy all the good things."

"You laugh at me!"

The little girl was about to cry, "It's not what I want to see, it was given to me by the concubine."

Rong Zhan was startled and frowned.

Seeing this, Shen Tingxue hurriedly explained, "You can't blame the concubine either!"

"The concubine gave it to me because she saw that I was getting married soon, and she was afraid that I would not understand anything."

Usually this kind of thing is taught by the mother or the female elders in the family, and no matter how bad it is, the mother-in-law and mother around will also mention it.

But Shen Tingxue lost her mother since she was a child, and there are no other female elders in the family, all of them are older brothers, no older sisters.

She didn't like her mother-in-law to follow her, except for Concubine Min who could teach her a few words, there was really no one else to intervene.

Rong Zhan also understood what Concubine Mu meant.

But he thinks it's okay, his little girl can be taught by himself, and no one else needs to teach her.

Seeing that the little girl was really angry, King Dingbei was a little timid for a moment, stretched out his hand to pull the little girl, touched her face, pinched her nose, pulled her little hand, bowed his head and kissed her to comfort him, and said, "Isn't there me? "

"Why do you need someone else to teach you? I'll just teach you when you get married."

Shen Tingxue was a little shy, she lowered her head and muttered something, then suddenly raised her head to look at him, "Are you very familiar?"

Rong Zhan was stunned.

Shen Tingxue's eyes suddenly widened, "You, you, have you been familiar with it for a long time?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Queen Dingbei suddenly understood what her little princess meant.

This is a big hat, he didn't want to wear it on his forehead, and hurriedly explained: "Men are self-taught."

"Really, why women can't learn without a teacher."

King Dingbei: "..."

"Because women don't often read the picture album in your hand, but men often see it."

It's not that he hasn't read this kind of brochures. He has friends who are already married, and he likes to pass them on to each other. There are all kinds of them.

Some people even presented it to him as a treasure before.

But at that time, he didn't have any charming thoughts, and he basically threw it away after seeing it dull.

There is probably a lot of backlog in the warehouse, and it was only when I saw the booklet in the little girl's hand that I remembered it.

"Ah, really, how many do you have? Is the man in the album good-looking? If it looks better than the one in my hand, can you lend me a look?"

Nine Girls pointed to the man in the picture book, "Although this man looks good, but some places are not so good, it's really hard to swallow. I want to see a man who looks particularly good-looking, similar to Thirteen. That's it."

Seeing the little girl's slender hands pointing at the naked Guo Nan in the painting, Dingbei Wang Jun's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to pull the man into his arms, and began to bully him fiercely.


The little girl was bullied so badly that she barked her teeth and claws at him, stretched her arms and legs.

It's a pity that she will always be the one to be crushed in terms of force value, and her thumping movements are not enough to add to the fun.

At this stage, the bullying is fierce, at most it stays on the biting, and the king of Dingbei dare not do any further actions.

But the picture album fell on the ground, and the night when it was opened was full of spring, which made people daydream.

King Dingbei hugged the little girl and kissed her hard, but the evil fire in his body still couldn't dissipate.

When the little girl was struggling, she seemed to have bumped into something extraordinary, her face paled in fright, she almost got up and took several steps back as if fleeing.

"Thirteen, you, you, you..."

The little girl who had just read the picture album seemed to know a little bit more, swayed for a while, covered her mouth, looked at Rong Zhan shyly, and snorted twice, "No, no, no, we have to wait until the day we get married."

Rong Zhan: "..."

She seduced him like this and got married that day!
He's going crazy right now.

If you continue to stay, you can't keep what will happen.

In front of the woman he loves the most, his self-control is not as strong as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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