Chapter 791 I Have To Give Her What She Wants
"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Blood flowed.

Xue Xiwen is like crazy!
The maids and nurses finally recovered their senses and hurriedly pulled Su Jiu away, but Xue Xiwen's pretty little face was already ferocious and terrifying!
"My face... my face!"

Xue Xiwen screamed, broke away from them and ran to the bronze mirror.

In the mirror, the skin and flesh of the person turned outward, it was too horrible to look at!

Her hands trembled, and she hardly dared to touch the face.


She screamed again and stared fiercely at Su Jiu, "I'll fight you!"

She raised the vase and rushed in front of Su Jiu, before she had time to smash it down on her head, a powerful palm suddenly pushed her away!
Xue Xiwen was caught off guard and hit the corner of the table heavily. The pain made her back numb and her eyes blurred!

Xie Rongjing hugged Su Jiu into his arms.

He lowered his head, the girl's mouth was covered with blood, but the corners of her mouth were raised, and she smiled wildly, as if she couldn't feel the pain.

Xie Rongjing was startled, he held her in his arms, and said coldly: "Get this crazy woman out!"

The guards of Xie's mansion rushed in, grabbed Xue Xiwen without any explanation, and dragged her to the outside of the mansion.

Xue Xiwen struggled and cried very hard, "Su Jiu, wait for me! I want you to pay me back for my looks, I want you to die badly, I want you to perish—!"

The piercing voice gradually faded away.

Xue Xiwen's maid, Mammy, was stunned for a long time before she recovered and hurried to catch up.

Xie Rongjing hugged Su Jiu.

The girl's slender body kept trembling slightly, making his heart ache for her fragility.

He held back his anger and called the doctor.

The old doctor with excellent medical skills checked for a while, and finally shook his head, "Miss Su's mouth was scalded by charcoal fire, and she can't make a sound for the time being. Usually eat, it's best to choose liquid food to eat, and spicy food is not allowed during the wound recovery. Scald hands It’s nothing serious, it’ll be fine after a while.”

He prescribed the medicine carefully.

Xie Rongjing asked the maid to send him out.

There were only two people left in the dormitory, and the earth dragon was burning very warmly.

Xie Rongjing looked at Su Jiu.

The girl's hands were tied with thick bandages, and she sat silently on the arhat couch by the window.

The small face is pale, and the deer eyes are quietly staring at the flower window, showing no emotion.

"Su Jiu..." He said with difficulty, "I'm sorry."

He thought that keeping her by his side would protect her well.

But she didn't know that the person who hurt her the most was herself.

He apologized, but the girl didn't respond.

He took a deep breath and took a sip of herbal tea.

Looking up, I saw the girl lying on the side of the window, exhaling lightly at the crystal clear glass.

She raised her injured hand and traced the words "Xiao Tingchen" on the window mist with her fingertips.

The mist condensed into dew, which rolled down and wet the name.

She stared at it obsessively, her lips seemed to rise slightly.

Xie Rongjing lowered his eyes.

I don't know what it feels like in my heart, but the pain is like maggots on the tarsus, gradually spreading to all limbs and bones.

This kind of pain cannot be understood by outsiders, and it is as uncomfortable as a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

He finally couldn't bear the weird silence in the room anymore, got up and left the dormitory.

The fine snow gradually got bigger.

Zhou Feng saw that he was depressed first, and suggested: "Go to Hualou, the three of us haven't played together for a long time, so tonight I will relieve your worries and boredom, and the blame will be on me."

The three of them went to Tianxiangyin, and Zhou Fengxian specially called a girl who looked a little like Su Jiu over.

But Xie Rongjing didn't even look at it, and just drank alone.

Pot after pot, you won't get drunk.

Zhou Feng first gave the girl a look.

The girl knelt down and put the golden wine cup respectfully in front of Xie Rongjing, her voice was extraordinarily charming and charming: "My family respects Lord Hou's wine..."

Xie Rongjing looked at her.

He drank too much, his phoenix eyes were red and moist, his pupils filled with coolness and drunkenness, the beauty under the lights was shockingly beautiful.

The girl was so amazed that she couldn't help but be fascinated.

Xie Rongjing sneered, took the golden wine cup, and poured all the wine on the girl's face!

The girl let out a soft cry, feeling ashamed, and hurriedly covered her sleeves and ran away.

Zhou Fengxian was a little annoyed, "Xie Er, we are kind enough to help you, what do you mean?"

"No one can replace her." With a cold face, the man raised his head and took a big gulp of cold wine.

Zhou Fengxian frowned, "In Su Xiaojiu's heart, there is also no one who can replace Xiao Tingchen. Xie Er, we have helped you pretend to have a physical relationship with her, but she is still not tempted by you. Give up, you can't impress her at all !"

Xie Rongjing was stunned.

He stared at Zhou Fengxian in disbelief, "What are you talking about?! Pretending to have a skin relationship with her?!"

Zhou Fengxian was discouraged, "Nothing happened between you and her that night, it was me and Mo Shisan who thought about helping you to match up, who knows that even so, Su Xiaojiu was never tempted..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Rongjing had already stood up, staggered and walked out of the private seat.

He had to tell Su Xiaojiu the news.

Wouldn't she be happy if she knew he hadn't touched her?

Maybe she will forgive him.

The man was wishful thinking, and stepped on the horse without hesitation.

He galloped back to Lord Hou's mansion, the sky was already dark, the lights in the mansion were flickering, and it was extraordinarily warm in the snowy night.

He hurried through the hallway, unlocked the iron lock on the outside of the door, pushed the door open and entered.

"Su Xiaojiu—"

The man's excited voice stopped abruptly.

He stared at the dormitory in a daze.

The house is full of rice paper.

Each one has the same name written all over it.

Xiao Tingchen,
Xiao Tingchen,
Xiao Tingchen...

The hairpin flower in lowercase is strict and beautiful, densely covered with this name, all with this name...

On the Luohan couch by the window, the candles fell quietly.

The girl was wearing a rouge red skirt, luxuriant blue silk spreading around her waist, her pale face was sharp and charming, her deer eyes were drooping, and her injured little hand was tightly clutching a brush, writing the man's name earnestly. .

The blood stained the bandage red, and her cuffs smeared a bloody dark color, but she didn't realize it.

One stroke at a time, carefully outline the three characters "Xiao Tingchen", just like outlining her beliefs.

The cold wind carried the wind and snow, and the rice paper was flying all over the house.

Xie Rongjing quietly looked at the ink characters.

How many times did she write her name?
A hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times?

He laughed suddenly.

Sure enough, in this woman's heart, she always loves Xiao Tingchen.

The man stood silently, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Su Jiu slowly raised his eyelashes.

Xie Rongjing pulled the corners of his mouth, his smile was uglier than crying, "Go to Liangzhou to find him."


Dark night.

Xie Rongjing ordered the servants and maidservants in the mansion to pack up ten carriages.

It is filled with gold and silver, all of which are prepared for Su wine.

He even ordered people to fish out Gu Yu, Jing Zhe, Bai Lu, and Shuang Jiang from the prison overnight.

Zhou Fengxian and Mo Shisan rushed back, and he grabbed Xie Rongjing in disbelief, "Xie Er, are you crazy?! Where is Liangzhou? Go to that kind of place?!"

"What she wants, I have to give her."

Xie Rongjing raised his hand to cover his eyes, his voice was extremely low and hoarse, "It's been like this since childhood."

(End of this chapter)

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