Chapter 183
"Go and tell him that we have business to see him!"

"It doesn't matter if you're business or not, the master has ordered that we don't see any guests today!"

The old butler had a bad attitude and closed the door heavily with a "bang".

Su Jiu and others ate the door shut, and when they looked at each other, the door of the mansion was quietly opened again.

A pretty girl appeared behind the door and asked cautiously, "Are you here for the matter of Mr. Sidusu?"

As he said that, he looked back carefully, and said in a low voice: "Father came back last night and was very angry. He said that you should not provoke Xu Teng's cousin. He also said that a gentleman should learn the doctrine of the mean and be impartial. It is the best policy. If If you ask him to testify, he will never agree."

Su Jiu knew this girl, she was Zhong Youhui's only daughter, her name was Zhong Li, she often went to help out in the academy, because of her gentle and kind nature, she was very respected and liked.

"My father is stubborn. I know what he did was wrong, but no matter how much I persuade him, I don't listen. I apologize to you on his behalf."

Zhong Li apologetically blessed everyone.

Xie Rongjing's face was livid, and he scolded: "Zhong Youhui is a scum among scholars! He refuses to testify, obviously because he doesn't want to offend the Xu family, so as not to cause trouble for his upper body!"

Everyone frowned, obviously unhappy.

When walking towards Cailian Fengluxiang, Su Jiu and Xiao Tingchen unknowingly fell to the end.

The young man was wearing a sky-blue thin jacket with a stand-up collar and a small circle of fluff on the collar, which made his face as white as jade, and a cinnabar mole on his left cheek was bright red, very seductive.

He commented lightly, "The doctrine of the golden mean that Zhong Youhui adheres to is to pretend to be a gentleman, but in fact it is for his own benefit."

Su Jiu said softly, "In this way, it will be impossible for us to go to the government to report on Xu Teng."

Xiao Tingchen remained silent.


bell mansion.

In the main hall, Zhong Youjiao is having a drink with Xu Zhizhou.

Xu Zhizhou said with a smile: "Teng'er was just young and a bit naughty, so he accidentally killed the scholar. What kind of crime is it? People like Xie Rongjing like to make a fuss out of a molehill."

Zhong Youhui was still wearing his commendation robe and belt, and a piece of clear jade was hanging around his waist, which looked like a gentleman.

He filled Xu Zhizhou with wine, "Master Zhizhou is right. I know Xie Rongjing and those people very well. It must be their provocation that made Mr. Xu take the initiative to resist."

"President Zhong is so enlightened, I'm really happy." Xu Zhizhou smiled, took a wooden box from the servant behind him, and pushed it to Zhong Youhui's hand, "The government will marry the crime to you." On a death row prisoner, it is said that he escaped from the prison and became murderous, so he killed the scholar. At that time, I will still look at Dean Zhong...hehe."

Zhong Youhui opened the wooden box, and the yellow gold bars were quite dazzling.

He stroked his beard and smiled, "Master Zhizhou, you are welcome! I saw with my own eyes that Si Dushu was killed by the death row prisoner, and it has nothing to do with your son."

The two of them drank hot wine.

Zhong Li glanced at them from outside the hall, and went back to the boudoir worriedly.

Unexpectedly, before she sat down, a man popped out from the corner and put an arm around her waist!

Zhong Li was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and struggled to resist, "Let me go! Cousin Xu Teng, let me go!"

"Tsk, I haven't seen you for a few days, my cousin is getting more and more fresh! Come, let my cousin kiss..."

Xu Teng, who smelled like wine, untied Zhong Li's belt with his good hand.

Zhong Li was so annoyed that she tried to push him away.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

Xu Teng was furious, slapped her twice, and pushed her to the ground desperately!

(End of this chapter)

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