Chapter 636 Don't Think I Don't Dare To Do Anything To You Right Now

Su Chixi's breathing seemed to stagnate at this moment, but his expression remained motionless.

"If you are so polite to him because of this, there is no need." Xie Miaomiao stood by the dining table, looking at his indescribable handsome face, "He has nothing to do with you."

She said a word lightly and without burden, but she saw the storm she expected from his face.

Xie Miaomiao bowed slightly, put her elbows on the dining table, tilted her head and smiled at him, "Among the actions I was young and ignorant, you did a good job every time, so there is no need to doubt it."

Su Chixi's whole body was tense, and the smile beside her was like when she was brought back by him before, she would tease him by the side no matter what he did.

Now she disapprovingly told him that it was young and ignorant behavior.

With a cold face, he stretched out his hand and pulled her over, leaned against the dining table, and lowered his voice, "Don't think I won't dare to do anything to you now."

Xie Miaomiao's greatest joy is to tease him when it's inappropriate, and now it's no different.

Taking advantage of the fact that the child was outside the villa and would come in at any time, she guessed that he would not do anything, so she provoked him with unscrupulous words.

"Have we taken measures every time?" Su Chixi pressed both of her hands on the dining table, touching the tip of her nose, "Sometimes the location is wrong, and there is no cover at all, have you forgotten?"

Xie Miaomiao lowered her head slightly, "I can't remember that, but even so, he has nothing to do with you, he is really not your son."

She thought for a while, "Apologize if you want to apologize. Maybe Liusu has rested, and she has already gone to find Mo Lingjin. I don't know why you keep a child like me at your house, but, I don't want to play with you anymore, so let me take my son back, huh?"

Su Chixi looked at her face for a while, and found that he still didn't understand her.

Probably never understood.

"Four years ago, you really designed me just because you needed to get married, and then you just refused to see me because the wedding didn't go smoothly? Miaomiao, to be honest, I'll let you go."

Xie Miaomiao obviously felt the oppression of his breath, and her voice was still soft and lazy, "I really want to get married because I need to get married, so I asked you to try it together."

The man's face was as cold as ice.

"However, it's not all because of the wedding accident." Xie Miaomiao said slowly, turning her head to avoid his scorching breath, "I just don't think you are the person I need, even if I get married, I don't want to wrong myself to marry someone I have such a big entanglement in my heart. I'm not saying you shouldn't go, it's just that I picked the wrong person. If I had known this woman existed, I would never have provoked you no matter what. "


"Well, I also admit that I did love you a little bit at the beginning, and there is nothing I can't admit or be ashamed to say, so I don't want to tolerate the existence of a third person in the relationship between two people. You can pretend that I don't love you You're to the point where you'd rather not mind than give up on you."

Su Chixi was close to her face, and her thin lips were lightly pressed against her face, "Then... if she didn't exist."

"Su Chixi." Xie Miaomiao pulled away the big palms that were holding her hands, "I didn't want to see you at the beginning, because I was afraid that I would hear something from you that would make me sad, and I was afraid that I would accidentally do something because of that feeling. Something that makes me regret. Now I dare to come back, because I am not afraid anymore, because I don't love you anymore!"

[Tomorrow is the return of the heroine ~ good night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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