Chapter 1039

She was stunned for a moment, and she could tell that it was a rare bit of seriousness.

Although she had already gotten rid of her brother's control as an adult, she had always been more obedient to him when it came to serious matters.

Xie Miaomiao washed up at a faster pace, casually tied her hair into a ponytail, and in the end was force-fed breakfast by Su Chixi before sending her away.

At first she thought there was something wrong with her grandfather, but later she asked her to go to the company to meet him, and she thought it was something wrong with the company.

After entering Xie Shaochen's office, Xie Shaochen looked up at her and stopped what he was doing.

"Let's talk, no, you've already come back. As the vice president, I still need to help you sign something and do some errands." Xie Miaomiao thought that it was the company's business, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

Leaning against his desk, he flipped through a few files casually.

Xie Shaochen folded his hands and fingers on the table, seemed to think about it, and said a few irrelevant things, "In a good mood?"

"En?" Xie Miaomiao was a little confused, and her raised eyes were full of confusion.

"You still had a heavy face yesterday, as if you owe someone money and you're being forced to repay the debt. How did you feel better overnight?"

She quibbled, "I didn't sleep well in the hospital, and I finally got a good night's sleep, so I recovered."

Xie Shaochen didn't speak.

She suddenly remembered that the meaning of this hint could easily be interpreted as ambiguous...

"I, I mean..."

"Okay." Xie Shaochen looked at her face that wanted to explain, wanted to get rid of Su Chixi's nothing to do with it, and could only worry for her, "I asked at the hospital, Grandpa's health is not as good as before, and the dangerous period has passed , I still need to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. But recently, I don’t need someone to watch over me all the time. It’s the same if you live at home as a grandfather. As for you, if you want to go out to live by yourself, you want to go home, or live with some people Together, you are free."

"What do you mean, some people?"

Xie Shaochen smiled mockingly, "Otherwise, what better words should I use for that person who is sorry for you, but now uses despicable means to make you die again?"

"Brother, what happened in the past..." She hesitated.

In the past, Su Chixi was actually sorry for her.

It just depends on whether she is willing to accept it.

"You don't need to explain so much to me, and I don't want to know." Xie Shaochen leaned on the seat, crossed his legs, narrowed his eyes and said, "But I don't want Grandpa to have any problems because of him next time."

Seeing that he was talking about this matter, Xie Miaomiao explained, "Brother, one size counts for one size. You can't blame him for what happened to grandpa this time. It's because we don't know that grandpa is investigating in private, and we can't tell grandpa. You Injured and me tied up, not what he thought."

"This time it's my problem, but what happened last time, if it happens again, I'm not polite to him." Xie Shaochen's face darkened a bit, "You tell him yourself, how he wants to win you, in a more open and aboveboard way I am anxious to get the approval of the Xie family, and we have to see if we can accept it."

"Last time? You mean, the last time grandpa was hospitalized?" She asked in amazement, "that time grandpa was hospitalized..."

She and Su Chixi were still within the two months that they promised him, but instead of being aboveboard, they kept it from grandpa.

Unexpectedly, grandpa found out later, he found Mu Li while staying with him, and rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

"How do you think Grandpa knew you were together at that time?" Xie Shaochen said coldly, "He leaked it on purpose."

(End of this chapter)

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