Chapter 136

"How could I... be on the roof?" Chi Liuli called out, and saw Chiyunxi not far away.

She glared, then ran back to the room and slammed the door.

Fifth sister-in-law looked back, smiled apologetically, and went upstairs.

Chi Yunxi thought about it, and followed her upstairs.

The large solar water tank is on the roof. She checked it with the fifth sister-in-law. There is still hot water, and everything seems to be ok.

"That's good. Miss Yunxi just took a bath, did the water really turn cold?"

"Yes, but now it seems that there is no problem." Chi Yunxi smiled, bent over and approached the water valve of the hot water pipe.

There is still a faint fragrance left on the water valve.

This smell, she knew, was the scent of Chiliuli hand cream.

The smell is very weak, and Fifth Sister-in-law probably can't smell it, but with her keen sense of smell, she can be sure that this smell comes from Chi Liuli.

Who else would be interested in such pranks but her?

Chi Yunxi shrugged and said, "Forget it, let's go."

Fifth sister-in-law smiled and said nothing, and followed Chiyunxi downstairs.

Chi Liuli stayed in the room for a few hours, until late at night when she entered the room and found that everything was safe, she was secretly proud.

But this night it was three o'clock in the morning.

The heater in Chi Liuli's room suddenly turned into air-conditioning.

The air-conditioning was blowing, and Chi Liuli in the familiar room was trembling, hiding in the quilt and shivering. At first he thought he was dreaming, but he hadn't woken up yet. Later, it was so cold that he woke up and found that the room was really cold.

"Ah!" Chi Liuli sneezed as soon as he got up.

She turned on the light in the room and saw that the remote control was on the bedside table, so she took it over to have a look.

Oh my god, the air conditioner is at its lowest.

"I'm obviously the one who turned on the heater..." Chi Liuli said strangely, suddenly feeling gloomy.

Suddenly there was a knocking sound outside the window, as if someone was knocking on the window.

"Who?" Chi Liuli looked out vigilantly.

But the curtains blocked her and she couldn't see anything, so she turned off the light in fright.

It was brighter outside and she could see shadows.

It looks like there are people standing outside...

"Who is outside?" Chi Liuli asked in a low voice.

She quickly turned on the heater and stared at the floor-to-ceiling windows for a long time. Seeing that there was no movement, she dared not move.

But fortunately, the heater warmed up, so she didn't feel so shivering.

The figures outside suddenly turned into two, floating in front of the window.

"Who is it, who is it?" Chi Liuli called.

The shadow outside suddenly disappeared.

Chi Liuli was so frightened that she grabbed the quilt and covered her head, not daring to look out.

Just hiding under the quilt for a long time, Chi Liuli didn't dare to peek out until there were no strange sounds outside.

She was sleepy, but she was also afraid that ghosts would come in if she fell asleep. She panicked for a long time, and finally she couldn't bear the sleepiness, and fell asleep.

Chiyunxi next door had already come back to sleep.

Don't scare her, she doesn't know what it means to do something wrong during the day and be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door at night.

Early this morning, Chi Kaixin brought Huarong's endorsement contract.

During breakfast, Chi Kaixin handed the contract to Chi Yunxi in front of everyone.

"Yunxi, this is Huarong's endorsement. Regarding the filming, a dedicated staff member will contact you." Chi Kaixin said.

"Thank you, Dad." Chi Yunxi happily called out to Dad after receiving the contract.

After all, it's his own blood, Chi Kaixin doesn't really dislike Chi Yunxi.

On the contrary, I feel a little guilty in my heart.

Chi Liuli was not as good as that last night, she was in a bad state of mind, with two big dark circles under her eyes.

Originally, she was not very energetic, but when she heard that Hua Rong's endorsement contract was awarded to Chi Yunxi, she immediately became more energetic.

"Dad, did you give Yunxi the spokesperson for Huarong?" Chi Liuli asked in disbelief.

At the beginning, she wanted to be the spokesperson, but her father refused.

She said that she should study hard and not go to the entertainment circle.

(End of this chapter)

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