Jingmen Fengyue

Chapter 247

Chapter 247
Qin Hao choked. In front of Qin Zheng, he really didn't have a sense of superiority to give him an advantage. He suppressed his anger and smiled peacefully, "Why doesn't the second brother show a good face every time he sees his brother?"

"I'm aggressive?" Qin Zheng approached, reached out and folded a Bauhinia flower and handed it to Xie Fanghua, playfully said, "Isn't it always the elder brother who bullies my Tingyin? Why? A woman who wants to rob my brother ? Are you not afraid to spread the joke?"

Qin Hao was at a loss for words, and for a moment, unwilling to be laughed at by Qin Zheng, he watched Xie Fanghua take the bauhinia flower and said with a smile, "Like admiring does not mean snatching. Second brother misunderstood!"

"I hope I misunderstood! Otherwise, don't blame me for reminding my elder brother many times. If you provoke my little cat, she will go crazy. You will be too hungry!" Qin Zheng snorted coldly and stopped looking at Qin Hao turned to Xie Fanghua and asked softly, "Do you like Bauhinia?"

Xie Fanghua held the bauhinia flower and said nothing.

"If you like it, give it all away! Master's woman wants whatever she likes, why did she have any scruples? Why did she come here specially to see it? You just need to talk to Master, and I can satisfy you." Qin Zheng said aggressively. And intentionally said, "Anyway, I will inherit the Prince Ying's mansion in the future. Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree in this mansion will be mine. Dongyuan, Xiyuan, Nanyuan, Beiyuan, where are you going?" They can’t run away either, they have to be surnamed Qin Mingzheng.”

Qin Hao's face turned livid.This is trampling him under his feet, there is no place to stay!Qin Zheng is really nice!

Li Rubi and the others felt the deep and cold breath spreading between Qin Zheng and Qin Hao, and they couldn't help feeling chills down their spines.

And Xie Fanghua stood quietly between Qin Zheng and Qin Hao, close to Qin Zheng, as if she didn't feel the low and cold air at all.His brows are calm and his posture is elegant.

"Huh? Why didn't you speak?" Qin Zheng asked softly with his head lowered.

Xie Fanghua suddenly threw the redbud in his hand on the ground, raised his head, looked at Qin Zheng, showed a pure and beautiful smile, and said softly, "Who likes redbuds? I like the plum blossoms in Luomeiju. If not for a few The young lady likes to come here to see the redbuds, and I don’t even set foot in Nanyuan.”

Qin Zheng was amazed by her sudden pure smile, Qingjun's face was in a daze, and the sun seemed to penetrate through the gaps in the redbud leaves and shoot straight into his eyes. A dazzling light welled up in the bottomless eyes.Let his eyes shine brightly from the bottom of his eyes.What was buzzing in his mind was the words he had just heard, which made him feel that waves were surging from the apex of his heart.This was the first time, he suddenly felt an uncontrollable emotion running through his heart, as if he was about to break free and flow out of his body.

Xie Fanghua looked at Qin Zheng and was infected by his emotions. The originally pretended smile didn't feel real.

It was such a genuine and pure smile that made Qin Zheng unable to restrain his emotions any longer. His chest and abdomen heaved for a moment, his eyes suddenly tightened, and his blue and black eyes attracted Xie Fanghua's eyes like a deep pool.

He is Qin Zheng, and he will never be too tolerant and treat himself badly.Since you can't restrain yourself, you will no longer restrain yourself.

So, he hugged Xie Fanghua's slender body, and pulled her into his arms in an instant.Leaning over and lowering her head, before Xie Fanghua could react, her slightly cool lips covered her delicate lips in an instant.

Xie Fanghua was caught off guard, her whole body as if struck by lightning.

A pair of pupils suddenly widened, and all thoughts, whether black or white, whether it was the sky or the earth, whether it was clouds or the wind, whether it was the scent of redbud flowers or the fragrance of the daughters of the young ladies around, all of a sudden came to life. I can't make out.

There is only one color in the world, which is Qin Zheng's extremely handsome face and his cool and refreshing youthful breath.

The entire Nanyuan and even the entire Prince Ying's Mansion were completely silent in an instant.

Qin Hao never expected that Qin Zheng would openly kiss his maidservant in front of so many people, and Meng Lang had come to this point.

Li Rubi's face turned pale, and her eyes lost all luster in an instant.Knowing it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.

Wang Ziming, Zheng Yewei, Cheng Yuping, Song Qinran, and Cuilian all froze in place, not knowing how to react for a while.

Xie Fanghua's brain was buzzing, the sporadic starlight in front of her eyes made her eyes hurt, the touch from her lips was so strong, the fresh breath surrounded her, and passed into her through every air hole Every part of the body is disturbing and suddenly weak. I know that I should push back, but my hands and feet are stiff and my whole body is stiff, as if being pressed by a big rock.

Fortunately, Qin Zheng didn't go too far, with a light kiss, his lips turned around in Xie Fanghua's mouth after prying open Xie Fanghua's lips, and then slowly let go of her with a slight reluctance.

Xie Fanghua was suddenly released from the restraints, and she couldn't control her body, and fell limply to the ground.

Qin Zheng was startled, and immediately stretched out his arms to embrace her again. Seeing her ignorant appearance, he suddenly smiled joyfully, his face was like a spring breeze, and his tone was light and joyful, "Tingyin, you look so embarrassing, it seems We should practice more in the future."

Xie Fanghua woke up, her body stiffened suddenly, her face blushed, she opened his hand in shame and anger, took a step back, stared at him, and cursed, "You..."

Qin Zheng covered her mouth with his hand, stopped her unspoken words, looked at her with a smile, and said softly, "Shh, this is not the Luomei residence for the two of us, you should save some face for the Lord, even if I couldn't help kissing you in front of people for a while, and I couldn't help it. You are my woman, don't let people see it as a joke. "

Xie Fanghua looked at him, with a burst of anger in her heart, covered by his hand, unable to move up or down, she was so angry that the veins on her forehead twitched, she opened his hand forcefully, turned around and walked into the Bauhinia Forest, following Qin Zheng. Shi Lu ran back to Luomeiju.

Qin Zheng withdrew his hand and watched Xie Fanghua leave leisurely. The taste of her mouth remained on his lips. It was three parts medicinal and seven parts sweet. Pressing on the lips, the rest of the fingers were slightly curled up, and he smiled softly.

The sun breaks through the layers of clouds, blooming the most beautiful brilliance in the world.

Qin Hao has never seen Qin Zheng smile like this before!
Li Rubi and the other five ladies had never seen Qin Zheng smile like this before!
Cuilian, who was serving beside Princess Ying, had never seen Qin Zheng smile like this before!

In other words, Qin Zheng himself had never laughed like this before!
Laughter floats gently in the bauhinia flower, the breeze blows, the bauhinia flower floats up, his laughter seems to penetrate the petals, making the flowers flutter and dance.

"Second brother! In front of so many people, you are too dissolute!" Qin Hao regained his senses, coughed, and finally couldn't help but say, "You ladies are all daughters who have not left the court, you are like this!" Wouldn't it dirty people's eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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