peasant girl allure

Chapter 166 The Golden Python

Chapter 166 The Golden Python
As night fell quietly, three people with baskets on their backs wandered towards the peak of Yaowang Mountain through the night.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't want to carry the basket at first, but when Xiaoer said "carry it, it's for me to pack things", he obediently carried it.

Xiao'er looked at the onion-sized Ye Mingzhu in her hand, and then looked at the Ye Ming Pearls of the same size in the hands of the two people around her.Do you understand what a local tyrant is?

When the local tyrants walk at night, they don't need torches, lanterns, or flashlights, just use night pearls!
The Yaowang Mountain in the winter night is also quite quiet, and some poisons have to hibernate, and the three of them walked smoothly.

Xiao'er has a goal, so she seems to walk forward at will, but in fact she walks according to the guidance of the day, which also avoids many dangers.

"Eh? It's too easy to go up the mountain this time." Shangguan Xuanhao didn't encounter any danger when he walked halfway up the mountain, and felt strange in his heart. ?”

Usually too quiet and too smooth indicates that there is greater danger waiting ahead.

Shangguan Xuanyi also felt that it was unusual, and paid more attention to the movements around him.

Xiao'er couldn't help but roll her eyes, do these two have persecution paranoia?

Too smooth to worry about!This is her credit, okay!

"Don't worry, I have a very good character. Where I am, it is usually safe."

"What does this safety have to do with character?" Shangguan Xuanhao found that sometimes he really couldn't keep up with this girl's thinking.

"Good character, God favors me! How can I be willing to be in danger!" Xiao'er took it for granted.

Halo, I thought it had something to do with it.

"It's only half the journey, and you haven't encountered any poison at the top of the mountain, so you say you have a good character!" Shangguan Xuanhao sneered.

"Don't believe it? Let's wait and see! Except for the top of the mountain, I believe we will not encounter any danger along the way."

"Okay, if I really can't meet you halfway, I'll promise you three requests for free." Shangguan Xuanhao didn't believe that his character was so bad!

But after he finished speaking, he regretted it.

Three requirements seem too much, no!Not as it seems, there are definitely too many!

It's a bit risky, if I had known earlier, I would have given something out of my body.

What if the boat capsizes in the gutter and is tossed by this girl!
He absolutely believed that this girl would not spare her life to provoke someone!
When Xiao'er heard this, the light in her eyes was comparable to that of Ye Mingzhu. It turned out that Shangguan Xuanhao was the best character!
"It's a deal, and if you regret it, go to the gate of the city and learn how to bark like a dog!"

"Don't worry! I have no chance to repent!" God bless!Ancestors bless!

Shangguan Xuanyi let the two of them mess around, while he paid more attention to the disturbances around him.

The three of them kept climbing up, and the journey was still going smoothly, Shangguan Xuanhao wailed in his heart: It can't be that his character is so bad!This poisonous snake hibernates, you can come with poisonous spiders, poisonous mice, poisonous ants, and poisonous flies!God!You're almost at the top of the mountain and you don't come here for anything, aren't you just trying to harm me sincerely?

Do you know what it means to be the most poisonous woman's heart?

Do you know what the sage meant when he said that only women and villains are difficult to raise?

Do you know what it means to mess with women?

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help whistling and kicking up the bushes as he walked, trying to wake up the sleeping poison.

"Fourth prince, cheating is not a good behavior!" Xiao'er teased with a smile.

"If you want to die, just jump down!" Shangguan Xuanyi said without any sympathy for him.

Did this cold-blooded and ruthless brother really come out of the same bowels as him?He really doubted it.

He traced back eighteen generations of his ancestors, and found that they were all kind, simple, innocent, lively, and lovely people!
How could there be such a wonderful thing as Shangguan Xuanyi!Shangguan Xuanhao thought angrily.

No matter how many little actions Shangguan Xuanhao made, the top of the mountain was safe and within reach soon.

On the way, I even successfully dug up two century-old ginseng and picked a century-old purple ganoderma.

Shangguan Xuanhao is depressed, is his character really that bad?Obviously, the last time I came by myself, I almost lost half my life!There is no chance of dying this time!

Could it be that doing sacrifices to the heavens and ancestors every year is a waste of work, without protecting oneself!

A smooth path appeared in front of them, leading directly to the top of the mountain.

"Hush!" Xiao'er supported the branch on the mountain with one hand, and put her index finger in front of her lips with the other hand, motioning the two of them not to make a sound.

Shangguan Xuanhao also became careful. He has been running in the deep mountains and wild forests all year round, so he still has this dangerous intuition.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned. Normally speaking, the high place is extremely cold, but he found that the closer to the top of the mountain, the warmer it became. With the light of the night pearl, he could even see the green grass.The weather at this time is that the grass is dry, and if things are abnormal, there must be demons.

Xiao'er already knew that there was a giant golden python guarding the space stone on the top of the mountain.

The golden python sounds amazing just by its name, right?
That's why she came up with them. In this life plus the previous life, she is most afraid of snakes!

When seeing a snake, the natural reaction is always to startle before realizing it is a snake.The body's instinctive reaction is faster than the brain, so the counterattack will always be half a beat slower.

Being slow and responsive is also the result of his cousin training her with all kinds of snake torture in his previous life.

With common snakes, she felt fine.

Generally speaking, if you don’t provoke it, it won’t take the initiative to bite. It doesn’t matter if she reacts a little slower. This time she made it clear that she was going to steal someone’s treasure. I’m afraid that the giant python’s reaction is too busy. She was half a beat behind and swallowed her, a dwarf, in one gulp.

But even if she comes alone, she will come!The original space stone, as mentioned in the daytime, can be placed in the workshop to create a storage space.

Shangguan Xuanyi also noticed that Xiaoer was a little nervous.Isn't this girl fearless?
Break into Yaowang Mountain at night!How many people dare to do this!
Although he really wanted her to be taught a lesson, he was reluctant, so he reached out and took her little hand.

"Not afraid."

Xiao'er raised her head and saw his cold and handsome face, feeling strangely calmed down in her heart.

Generally, you need to climb to the top of the mountain, but this mountain has a winding mountain road leading directly to the top of the mountain. This road is smooth and the size is the same, as if something has rolled out over the years.

"I heard from the people here that there are the most medicinal materials on the top of the mountain, but there is a giant snake living there, which is very fierce, so I didn't dare to go up. The snake crawled out of this road." Shangguan Xuanhao whispered what he knew.

The three put the Ye Mingzhu away in a black cloth bag.There is no sound at all under your feet, and you walk towards the top of the mountain without bringing out a little wind.

Finally reached the top of the mountain.

It is full of exotic flowers and plants and various precious medicinal materials.Just in the night, at first glance, there was a huge lump of golden stool lying there motionless.

Xiao'er's heartbeat was still a step faster than her brain, and she was taken aback before her mind realized that it was a snake!
Shangguan Xuanyi tightly clenched his little hands.

Golden snake?The snake's scales were golden yellow, shining cold golden light under the moonlight.

I don't know if I thought it was a golden statue!However, after seeing it clearly, she realized that it was the most beautiful snake she had ever seen.

(End of this chapter)

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